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Psychodynamic Approach
Early psychological theory emphasizing unconscious processes.
Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist, founder of psychodynamic theory.
Unconscious Mind
Mental processes outside of conscious awareness.
Tripartite Mind
Freud's model: id, ego, superego structure.
Primitive part of personality, seeks immediate gratification.
Mediator between id and reality, rational decision-maker.
Moral conscience, internalized societal standards.
Psychosexual Development
Stages of personality development through childhood experiences.
Defence Mechanisms
Unconscious strategies to protect from anxiety.
Blocking distressing thoughts from consciousness.
Refusing to accept reality or facts.
Redirecting emotions from original source to safer target.
Conscious Mind
Thoughts and feelings we are currently aware of.
Preconscious Mind
Thoughts accessible to consciousness, often during dreams.
Psychic Determinism
All behavior has a cause rooted in the unconscious.
Psychological condition treated by Freud, linked to trauma.
Therapeutic method addressing unconscious conflicts.
Victorian Society
Culturally conservative context influencing Freud's theories.
Errors revealing unconscious thoughts, like slips of the tongue.
Biological Approach
Focus on biological factors influencing behavior.
Traumatic Experiences
Past events impacting current psychological functioning.
Adult Personality
Formed by early childhood experiences and unconscious influences.
Dream Analysis
Technique to access unconscious through dreams.
Latent Content
Hidden meaning of dreams, often repressed ideas.
Manifest Content
Surface level of dreams as perceived by dreamer.
Free Association
Technique encouraging spontaneous verbal expression of thoughts.
Client projects feelings onto therapist from past figures.
Projective Test
Personality test revealing hidden emotions via ambiguous stimuli.
Rorschach Ink Blot Test
Test using ink blots to assess personality responses.
Therapeutic approach focusing on unconscious mind and conflicts.
Oedipus Complex
Child's feelings of desire for opposite-sex parent.
Electra Complex
Girl's psychosexual competition with mother for father's affection.
Freudian Slip
Unintentional error revealing unconscious thoughts or feelings.
Dream Symbols
Objects in dreams representing deeper, often sexual meanings.
Repressed Ideas
Thoughts pushed out of conscious awareness due to anxiety.
Part of psyche mediating between conscious and unconscious.
Unconscious Mind
Part of mind containing repressed thoughts and feelings.
Therapist Interpretation
Analyzing dreams to provide insight into unconscious.
Rhythmical Activities
Symbolic of sexual intercourse in dream analysis.
Authority Figures
Representations of parental figures in dreams and therapy.
Penetration Symbols
Objects representing sexual penetration in dream content.
Hollow Objects
Symbolize female genitalia in dream analysis.
Curvy Objects
Represent breasts in the context of dream symbolism.
Freudian Slip
Unconscious thought revealed through verbal mistake.
Unconscious Mind
Holds repressed thoughts and biological drives.
Unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Tripartite Model
Freud's three-part structure of personality.
Primitive part operating on the pleasure principle.
Pleasure Principle
Demands immediate gratification of desires.
Mediator that operates on the reality principle.
Reality Principle
Balances demands of id and superego realistically.
Internalized moral standards and conscience.
Morality Principle
Concerned with right and wrong actions.
Defense Mechanisms
Strategies to reduce conflict and anxiety.
Intra-psychic Conflict
Conflict within the psyche causing anxiety.
Abnormal Behavior
Results from conflict between id, ego, and superego.
Immediate Gratification
Desire for instant fulfillment of needs.
Anxiety Disorders
Result from a too-powerful superego.
Character A
Represents the Id in personality examples.
Character B
Represents the Ego in personality examples.
Character C
Represents the Superego in personality examples.
Repressed Thoughts
Anxiety-provoking thoughts held in the unconscious.
Projective Tests
Assess unconscious thoughts through ambiguous stimuli.
Biological Drives
Innate instincts influencing behavior and personality.
Punishment from the superego for wrongdoing.
Self-Indulgent Behavior
Pursuit of pleasure without regard for consequences.
Defence Mechanisms
Unconscious strategies to protect from emotional pain.
Forcing distressing memories from conscious awareness.
Refusing to accept painful realities or truths.
Redirecting emotions to a substitute target.
Part of personality mediating between id and superego.
Primitive part of personality driven by instincts.
Moral conscience and societal rules in personality.
Therapy aimed at uncovering unconscious motives.
Stuck at a psychosexual stage affecting adulthood.
Psychosexual Development
Stages influencing personality based on childhood experiences.
Oedipus Complex
Boy's feelings of rivalry with father for mother's affection.
Castration Anxiety
Fear in boys of losing their masculinity.
Adopting values and behaviors of a parental figure.
Electra Complex
Girl's competition with mother for father's affection.
Penis Envy
Girl's feelings of inferiority due to lack of penis.
Latent Stage
Period of social development without sexual focus.
Genital Stage
Mature sexual intimacy and relationships in adulthood.
Oral Stage
Pleasure derived from oral activities in infancy.
Anal Stage
Focus on control and pleasure from bowel movements.
Phallic Stage
Awareness of gender differences and sexual identity.
Childhood Experiences
Early life events shaping adult personality.
Severe emotional distress impacting psychological development.
Psychological Disorder
Condition affecting mental health and functioning.
Little Hans
A five-year-old boy studied by Freud.
An irrational fear causing avoidance behavior.
Oedipal Conflict
Struggle between love for mother and rivalry with father.
Castration Anxiety
Fear of losing one's genitals as punishment.
Projecting internal conflicts onto external objects.
Psychodynamic Approach
Focus on unconscious processes influencing behavior.
Therapeutic method using case studies and observations.
Defence Mechanisms
Psychological strategies to cope with anxiety.
Primitive part of the mind seeking immediate gratification.
Rational part balancing id and reality.
Moral conscience regulating behavior and desires.