AP Macro Unit 3
Spending Multiplier Formula
Tax Multiplier
Aggregate Demand
Real GDP vs Price Level, downward sloping
Aggregate Demand Shifters
Consumer Spending, Gross Investment, Government Purchases, Next Exports
Real GDP vs Price Level, upward sloping
SRAS shifters
Inverse of Wages, Productivity, Inflation Expectations, Business Taxes, Business Regulations
Vertical line at full employment level of output.
LRAS Shifters
Quantity of resources, Quality of resources, Productivity, Technology
Short-run equilibrium
intersection of AD and SRAS
Equilibrium to the right of LRAS
Inflationary Gap (Low unemployment)
Equilibrium to the left of LRAS
Recessionary Gap (High Employment)
Stagflation cause
Huge demand shock
Expansionary Policy
Government intervention to heal recessionary gap via Gov spending or tax cuts to stimulate consumption
Contractionary Policy
Government intervention to heal inflationary gap via less gov spending or increasing taxs to stimulate consumption
SRPC Shifters
Right: Expectation of higher inflation, neg supply shocks (Natural Disaster)
Left: Expectation of higher inflation, pos supply shocks (Tech improvement)