Abbasid Empire & Islam
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Dar Al-Islam
House of Islam/Islamic World
c. 570-632
Born in Mecca, Orphaned
Located in the middle of the Mediterranean-Indian Ocean trade route
610 - experiences first relevation from God
622- Muhammad fled to Medina, Hijra
Year 1 of Muslim Calender
community of believers of Islam
Beliefs of Islam
Believe that Islam is the third in a progression of monotheistic religions; Judaism to Chistianity, Christianity to Islam
A person who follows the teachings of Muhammad
Quran (Koran)
The holy book of Islam
Gives the story of creation & founding of Islam
Sayings of Muhammad
Islamic Law
The Five Pillars of Islam
Statement of Faith
- There is no God but Allah & Mohammad is his Prophet
Prayer: Five times a day, facing Mecca
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Charity/Alms to the Poor
The Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca once during a lifetime
Religious & Secular Leader
Head of army, government, and faith
Islamic Empire is a Theocracy
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
Caliphs Preceding Muhammad
A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief
A group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong
Difference between Sunni & Shia
Main differences are in how Sunni or Shia practice their faith
The Split Shia/Shiâite
Believe Ali is the rightful heir to Muhammad as his son-in-law
Authority comes from the Quran & then Imans (Priests)
Imans are infalliable (always right)
The Split Sunni
Larger of the two groups
Rule over empire should NOT be hereditary
Political/Religious Authority comes frim the Quran and then the Umma
Mystical Beliefs In Islam
Goal: Become closer to Allah in paradise
Main missionaries of Islam
abstinence from worldly pleasures
Early of Spread of Islam
Spread by military conquest
633 - The Arabian Peninsula was Islamic
700âs - North Africa to Iberian Peninsula and France
Battle of Tours, 732
Umayyad Caliphate
Arab Indentity more important than being Muslim
Did not convert conquered people due to the tax placed on non-Muslim people
Dome of the Rock
Sight of Muhammadâs Night Journey
Abbasid Caliphate
Golden Age of Islam
Capital @ Baghdad, Iraq
Abbasid Achievements
Trade between Mediterranean & China
Credit = not carry coins
Universities in Baghdad & Cairo
Epic Literature: The Arabian Nights
Algebra, Geometry, & Trigonometry
Fall of the Abbasid Caliphate
Empire had grown large & difficult to administer
Cumulative effect of the Crusades
Mongolian hordes sack Baghdad, 1258
Islam & Other Faiths
Generally tolerant of people of other faiths
Jews & Christians - allowed to practice their faith
âPeople of the Bookâ
tax for Non-Muslims
meaning âprotected personâ by paying Non-Muslim tax
Legally a 2nd Class Citizen
Women in Islam
Low status & few rights
Quran: although still below men, women were equal in the eyes of Allah
Not equal in Islamic Courts
Women could keep dowry in a divorce
Veils in public became law in some places