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Caesar receives two warnings as he walks to the Capitol. Identify who warns Caesar, and summarize what each person says.
•Artemidorus: read the letter to learn about the conspirators
•Soothsayer: beware the ides of March
What does Caesar's refusal to pardon Metellus' brother show you about Caesar?
•he sticks to what he originally has for an idea
Write Caesar's dying words.
"Et tu, Brute. Then fall Caesar."
Brutus thinks the conspirators did Caesar a favor by killing Caesar because
he would've become too powerful and ruin Rome.
Brutus and Cassius disagree about explaining their actions to Antony. Summarize their positions on telling Antony why they killed Caesar.
•Brutus: Caesar was too powerful; Caesar would take over Rome and hurt the common people
•Cassius: Cassius does not trust Antony, but Brutus does
On page 101, Antony makes three requests of Brutus and Cassius. List his requests.
•for them to take Caesar's body to the marketplace
•for them to speak at Caesar's funeral
•for them to give the reasons for killing Caesar
On page 103, Antony warns that Caesar's murder will cause terrible events to happen. List three of his warnings.
•unleash the dogs of war
•Caesar's soul would rise
•Italy would be at civil war
How does Antony plan to discover the people's reaction to Caesar's death?
•by saying a speach at Caesar's funeral
•test their feelings during his speech
What reason does Brutus give the crowd for killing Caesar?
•he loved Caesar, but loved Rome more
After listening to Brutus' speech, the crowd wants to
make Brutus the new leader.
Antony names three of Caesar's actions that prove Caesar wasn't ambitious. List these actions.
•Caesar's will for the people of Rome
•Caesar wouldn't take the crown
•cried for the poor
•brought home captives and riches for Rome's treasury
After listening to Antony, the crowd calls the conspirators
murderers, traitors, and villains.
In his will, Caesar leaves each citizen
75 drachma
In his will, Caesar leaves all of Rome
his walkways, orchards, and private land.
Antony's servant brings news that Octavius is where? Where are Brutus and Cassius?
•in Rome at Caesar's house
•they fled the city
The mob attacks Cinna simply because of his name. What does this tell you about the mob?
They are followers and get upset at random things.