History 8, WWII

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Bataan Death March

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Bataan Death March

60 mile walk to prison camp, Americans and Filipinos. c: 10k+ dead

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Battle of Midway

naval battle in June 1942, major turning point. c: weakened japa navy, start of Allied Forces advance

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Battle of Guadalcanal

aug. 1942- feb. 1943- 6 months, victory against japs. c: Allied Forces beat japs on land

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island hopping

battle tactic, take one lightly defended island, use it as a jumping point to next island, so on. c: strategy allied forces used to regain lands lost to japs previously

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suicide pilot. c: Japas increase this attack in response to allied forces advancing

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Iwo Jima + Okinawa

Allied forces bases closer to Jap mainland. c: had these before invading Jap mainland

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ordered by pres. Truman, had an atomic bomb dropped on. c: backup city to bomb

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city in Japa c: bomb dropped here on aug. 9 ‘45, 40k die

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War Production Board (WPB)

helped factories make war supplies 24/7 in USA. c: allies won in WWII bc of USA’s production

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allow everyone to have a certain amount of something. c: OPA quickly did this to food stuff

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“Rosie the Riveter”

symbol for females who worked in defense jobs instead of “normal” female jobs. c: war challenged the norm of female behavior, this was the result

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A. Philip Randolph

pres. of brotherhoood of Sleeping Car Porters. c: w/NAACP, had 150k blacks marching in Washington to protest discrimination in def. fields

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Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)

disallowed all discrimination in def fields. c: made by Roosevelt

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Tuskegee Airmen

African American regiment in WWII, 332 fighter group. c: earned distinction from their service in war effort

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work hands, program made in 1942. c: 1945, 100k+ mexican workers immigrated to southwest

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“zoot suits”

worn by Mexican American youth gang members. c: worn to celebrate mexican heritage

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Eng: National Socialist German Workers’ Party. German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.

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“Night of Crystal/Broken Glass” Nov. 9-10 1938. c: Violence against Jews through Nazi-controlled land including murders/destruction of synagogues

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buttering someone up. c: Chamberlain’s policy for dealing w/Hitler; gave Hitler what he needed to stop, didn’t work (part of Czechoslovakia)

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Neville Chamberlain

prime minister of Britain. c: tried to appease Hitler by giving him part of someone else’s country

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groups of SS officers instructed to kill Jews and communists, especially in Soviet Union. c: aka “mobile killing units”

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Neutrality Act

1937, allowed belligerents to purchase war supplies if they paid in cash and used their own ships to collect the wares. c: Roosevelt’s response to European war

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final solution

decision to commit genocide. c: “solution” to the “Jewish question.”

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Wannsee Conference

1942, official gathering. c: when Nazi officials planned the obliteration of European Jewry

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passed so pres. can sell/exchange/lend/lease war mats to any country whose defense was crucial to US security. c: passed bc Churchill couldn’t afford mats anymore

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General Hideki Tojo

one of highest Japa leaders. c: Oct ‘41, Japa gov’t fell from power, he seized it as leader of militants

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USS Arizona

battleship sunk @ pearl harbor. c: 1k of the ships sailors drowned/burnt to death

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killing centers

aka “extermination/death camps”, almost exclusively “death factories.” c: German SS and police killed almost 2.7 mill Jews

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Operation Reinhard

codename for German plan to annihilate about 2 mill Jew in Poland and Russia, prior to “Final Solution” 1. resettle (kill) polish jews 2. use skilled/manual labor of some polish jews then kill 3. take the jew’s stuff 4. take hidden/immobile assets ex.: land from jews. all using Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka killing centers

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