Population Bottleneck
When a large population declines in number, the amount of genetic diversity carried by the surviving individuals is greatly reduced.
Species that only live under a narrow range of biotic or abiotic conditions.
Species that can live under a wide range of biotic or abiotic conditions.
Species Richness
The number of different species in a given area.
Species Evenness
The relative proportion of individuals within the different species in a given area.
Provisioning Service
In the contest of ecosystem services, benefits of an ecosystem such as food water or fuel.
Cultural Service
In the context of ecosystem services, benefits of an ecosystem such as recreation and tourism
Regulating Service
In the context of ecosystem services, benefits of an ecosystem such as climate regulation or disease control.
Supporting services
The basic ecosystem processes, such as nutrient cycles and soil formation, that are needed to maintain other services
Species-area curve
A description of how the number of species on an island increases with the area of the island.
Invasive species
species that enter new ecosystems and multiply, harming native species and their habitats