The 2nd Unit of Vocabulary for Advanced Placement Human Geography
Age Distribution
Proportion of various age groups in a population.
Agricultural Density
Number of farmers per unit area of arable land.
Agricultural Revolution
Transition to farming from hunter-gatherer societies.
Policy or attitude discouraging population growth.
Arithmetic Density
Total population divided by total land area.
Carrying Capacity
Maximum population an environment can sustain.
Official count of a population, usually every decade.
Crude Birth Rate
Number of live births per 1,000 people annually.
Crude Death Rate
Number of deaths per 1,000 people annually.
Demographic Momentum
Population growth continuing after fertility decline.
Demographic Transition Model
Model explaining population change over time.
Study of population statistics and trends.
Dependency Ratio
Ratio of dependents to working-age population.
Doubling Time
Time taken for a population to double.
Habitable land area occupied by humans.
Rapid spread of infectious disease in a population.
Epidemiologic Transition Model
Model showing changes in disease patterns over time.
Study of disease distribution and determinants.
Industrial Revolution
Period of major industrialization in the 18th-19th centuries.
Infant Mortality Rate
Number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
Life Expectancy
Average number of years a person is expected to live.
Medical Revolution
Advancements in medicine improving health and longevity.
Rate of death in a population.
Birth rate of a population.
Natural Increase Rate
Rate of population growth excluding migration.
Exceeding carrying capacity of an environment.
Widespread outbreak of a disease across regions.
Physiological Density
Population per unit area of arable land.
Population Pyramid
Graph showing age and sex distribution of a population.
Potential Support Ratio
Ratio of working-age to elderly population.
Total Fertility Rate
Average number of children born to a woman.
Zero Population Growth
Population remains stable with no growth.
Adolescent Fertility Rate
Births per 1,000 women aged 15-19.
Process of economic growth and improvement.
Asylum Seeker
Person seeking refuge in another country.
Brain Drain
Emigration of highly trained or educated individuals.
Chain Migration
Migration pattern where migrants follow others.
Short-term, repetitive movements within a population.
Population shift from urban to rural areas.
Leaving one's country to settle in another.
Forced Migration
Involuntary movement due to conflict or disaster.
Guest Worker
Temporary labor migrant in another country.
Entering a country to live permanently.
Internal Migration
Movement within a country.
Internally Displaced Person
Person forced to flee within their own country.
International Migration
Movement across national borders.
Interregional Migration
Movement between different regions within a country.
Intervening Obstacle
Barrier hindering migration.
Intervening Opportunity
Chance that encourages migration to a particular location.
Intraregional Migration
Movement within the same region.
Movement of people from one place to another.
Ability to move freely within a population.
Net Migration
Difference between immigration and emigration.
Pull Factor
Attraction that draws people to a location.
Push Factor
Condition driving people away from a location.
Limits on number of immigrants allowed.
People forced to flee their home country.
Money sent back home by migrants.
Returning refugees to their home country.
Step Migration
Migration in stages to reach a final destination.
Undocumented Immigrants
Individuals residing without legal authorization.
Voluntary Migration
Choice to relocate for better opportunities.
Policy or attitude encouraging population growth.
Sex Ratio
Ratio of males to females in a population.