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Depressive disorders
Characterized by the presence of sad, empty, irritable, mood along with changes, physically or mentally, in a persons ability to function.
Possible causes:
Major depressive disorders
A severely depressed mood or inability to experience pleasure
Feeling worthless
disturbances in sleep
appetite changes
withdrawing from usual behavior/ activities
cognitive fog
Most common mood disorder
Treatment: medication ( anitdepressants), therapy (psychotherapy), brain stimulation.
Behavioral: depression is learned helpessness
Evolutionary: Maladaptive
Humanistic: you don’t have a support system
Psychodynamic: Your unconcious thoughts
Sociocultural: you have bad social relations
Cognitive: It is just bad thoughts and attitudes
Persistent Depressive disorder (or Dysthymia)
Not as major as major depressive disorder, but its lasts a lot longer. Same symptoms
Bipolar Disorder
Extreme mood disturbances of mood, thoughts, and behavior.
Periods of mania and periods of depression (alternating for no set amount of time).
Causes: Genetics, enviromental factors, physiological factors.
Behavioral: Learned behavior from people they surround themselves with or self-helplessness
Evolutionary: Maladaptive
Humanistic: Your heirarchy of needs isn’t met which leads to emotional instability
Psychodynamic: Your unconcious thoughts
Sociocultural: you have bad social relations
Cognitive: It is just bad thoughts and attitudesLea
a mood disorder characterized by a wildly optimistic state.
Feeling sad and losing interest in previously enjoyed activites→ Can alter moods, behavior, thoughts, and relationships
Biopolar cycling
Pattern of frequent, distinct episodes in bipolar disorder.
Bipolar I disorder
Symptoms: Involves severe mania and often depression
Causes: Genetics, brain abnormalities, and enviromental factors
Bipolar II disorder
Symptoms: less severe form of mania/ hypomania
Possible causes: Genetics, brain abnormalities, and enviromental factors
Anxiety Disorders
Significant worrying or fear that does not go away and may worsen. (very consistent → can be intrusive and negative).
Causes: Brain chemistry, Life experiences, family history, genetic factors, medical conditions, and personalities that are neurotic and introverted.
Specific phobia
Intense fear of specifc object or situation that is often overwhelming or irrational, and out of porportion to the actual threat.
Symptoms: An irrational and extreme feat of being in a situation where escape is impossible (life-limiting).
Avoiding public situations where they could feel helpless, panikced, or trapped.
Panic Disorder
Intense and persistent panic attaacks that occur unexpectedly.
rapid heartbeat, increased respiration, and fear
Panic attack: phsycial and emotional response to fear and anxiety.
Culture bound anxiety disorder
Causes: Age, Gender, Genetics, Trauma, Life transitions
Ataque de Nervios (puerto rico syndrome)
exlusive to latino culutres and is higher in women.
it means attack of the nerves → may seem like a panic attack but it is not
IDebilitating dear
Uncontrolable screaming or crying
Heat rising from chest to head
Verbal attacks and phsycial aggression
Chest tightness and or heart palpitations.
Anxiety and fear are considered normal and healthy responses to the occurrence of the syndrome.
Social anxiety disorder
Tajin Kyofusho: also known as the disorder of fear → a form of social (phobia) anxiety disorder
People who have this will be inensly fearful that about their appearance/ actions/behavior/ or themselves may be offensive or displeasing to others
They don’t want to stand out
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Worrying about life, daulty evensts, relationships, and hypotheticals.
Excessive worry and aniety related to activites and events (hard to control).
Maladaptive Thinking
Patterns of thinking that re distoorted innacturate, rigid and irrational.
Harmful to your mental health