Quiz 4 - Nutrition & Diet Therapy

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A body weight that exceeds 100% of the normal standard for a given height is called

A) overweight.

B) obesity.

C) morbid obesity.

D) severe obesity.

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A body weight that exceeds 100% of the normal standard for a given height is called

A) overweight.

B) obesity.

C) morbid obesity.

D) severe obesity.

morbid obesity.

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Which of the following does NOT define a "healthful body weight?"

A) a weight appropriate for your age and physical development

B) a weight compatible with normal blood pressure, lipid levels, and glucose tolerance

C) a weight that is acceptable to you

D) a weight that you can achieve and maintain with continual dieting

a weight that you can achieve and maintain with continual dieting

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Body mass index (BMI) is BEST described as

A) the percentage of an individual's body weight as compared to a reference population standard.

B) an individual's lean tissue mass, squared.

C) a ratio of an individual's fat tissue to lean tissue mass, squared.

D) a ratio of an individual's body weight to height, squared.

a ratio of an individual's body weight to height, squared.

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Research studies have shown that the risk for developing type 2 diabetes and hypertension begins to increase at a BMI greater than

A) 24 kg/m2.

B) 30 kg/m2.

C) 35 kg/m2.

D) 40 kg/m2.

30 kg/m2.

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Serena is 5'8" tall and weighs 180 pounds. Serena's BMI indicates that she is

A) underweight.

B) at a healthy weight.

C) overweight.

D) obese.


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A limitation in using the body mass index is that it

A) is difficult to determine.

B) does not take body composition into account.

C) is not a good indicator of health risks.

D) is not accurate when used on women.

does not take body composition into account.

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An apple-shaped fat pattern increases a person's risk for which kind of disease?

A) respiratory

B) gastrointestinal

C) liver

D) cardiovascular


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In men, a waist-to-hip ratio higher than what is associated with an increased risk for chronic disease?

A) 0.80

B) 0.90

C) 1.0

D) 1.1


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In a state of energy balance

A) energy consumed is greater than energy expended.

B) energy expended is greater than energy consumed.

C) energy consumed is less than energy expended in physical activity.

D) energy consumed is equal to energy expended.

energy consumed is equal to energy expended.

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Lance would like to lose two pounds a week. If his present energy intake is 4,200 kcal a day and his energy expenditure does not change, how many kilocalories should he consume each day to achieve his goal?

A) 2,000

B) 2,500

C) 3,200

D) 3,700

3,200 (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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The label on a ready-to-eat cereal box indicates that a 1-cup serving contains 32 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fat. How many kilocalories are there in a cup of this cereal?

A) 322

B) 266

C) 182

D) 162

162 (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

[(32 x 4) + (4 x 4) + (2 x 9) = 162]

[Carbohydrates (x4)] [Proteins (x4)] [Fats (x9)]

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Which of the following is NOT considered a basal function?

A) respiration (inhaling and exhaling air)

B) circulation of your blood and lymph

C) walking up stairs

D) maintaining your body temperature

walking up stairs

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Approximately what percentage of our total energy output is attributable to the thermic effect of food?

A) up to 10 percent

B) up to 20 percent

C) up to 30 percent

D) up to 40 percent

up to 10 percent

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The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate is an individual's

A) gender.

B) fat body mass.

C) lean body mass.

D) age.

lean body mass.

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Which of the following individuals would MOST likely have the lowest basal metabolic rate?

A) an 18-year-old conditioned male athlete

B) a 28-year-old anorexic woman

C) a 38-year-old pregnant woman

D) a 48-year-old obese male

a 28-year-old anorexic woman

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Benjamin is an 18-year-old college student who is 5'10" tall and weighs 170 pounds. How many kilocalories does he expend each day for basal metabolism?

A) 1,375 kcal

B) 1,855 kcal

C) 3,024 kcal

D) 3,360 kcal

1,855 kcal (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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The three components of total energy expenditure are

A) basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and adaptive thermogenesis.

B) basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and the thermic effect of food.

C) basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and sleep activity.

D) physical activity, the thermic effect of food, and adaptive thermogenesis.

basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and the thermic effect of food.

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The amount of energy expended by the body in digesting, absorbing, transporting, metabolizing, and storing nutrients is called

A) the basal metabolic rate.

B) the nutrient expenditure quotient.

C) the thermic effect of food.

D) adaptive thermogenesis.

the thermic effect of food.

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Robin's dinner contains 750 kilocalories. What is the minimum number of kilocalories that Robin will expend in order to process this meal?

A) 7 kcal

B) 25 kcal

C) 38 kcal

D) 113 kcal

38 kcal (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

[750 kcal x .05 = 37.5 ~ 38 minimum]

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Which nutrient requires the LEAST amount of energy to digest, transport,and store?

A) carbohydrate

B) alcohol

C) fat

D) protein


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Which of the following is most likely to promote healthy increases in muscle mass?

A) increasing fruit and vegetable consumption

B) adopting a paleo diet

C) taking amino acid and protein supplements

D) resistance training

resistance training

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Miguel weighs 250 pounds and is trying to lose weight. He decides to start an exercise program and starts walking (2 mph) for 30 minutes, five days a week. This activity burns 0.044 kcal/kg body weight/minute. How many additional kilocalories will Miguel burn each week with this exercise regime?

A) 290

B) 560

C) 750

D) 980

750 (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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The thrifty gene theory suggests that

A) our bodies are designed to maintain weight within a narrow range.

B) some people possess a gene that causes them to expend less energy than other people.

C) adult body weight is determined by the weight of our parents.

D) our weight is influenced by the inheritance of random genetic mutations.

some people possess a gene that causes them to expend less energy than other people.

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Leptin is a hormone that tends to reduce food intake. It is produced by what kind of cells?

A) liver cells

B) pancreatic cells

C) muscle cells

D) adipose cells

adipose cells

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Ghrelin is a(n)

A) gastric hormone that stimulates appetite.

B) intestinal hormone that raises insulin concentrations.

C) hormone produced by adipose cells that decreases appetite.

D) liver enzyme that promotes the excretion of fat.

gastric hormone that stimulates appetite.

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According to the protein leverage hypothesis, which of the following meals best contributes to optimal physiologic functioning?

A) a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of black coffee

B) a salad with peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and a diet cola

C) a bowl of pasta with tomato sauce and a glass of red wine

D) a tuna sandwich and a glass of milk

a tuna sandwich and a glass of milk

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Which of the following is the physiological control center for hunger regulation?

A) the stomach

B) the hypothalamus

C) the small intestine

D) the mouth

the hypothalamus

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Which of the following does NOT contribute to satiety?

A) expansion of the stomach

B) nutrient absorption from the small intestine

C) decrease in blood sugar

D) the release of PYY into the bloodstream

decrease in blood sugar

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On average, an individual's BMR decreases approximately 3 to 5 percent per decade after what age?

A) 20

B) 30

C) 50

D) 70


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Which of the following is NOT an example of a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet?

A) Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution

B) Sugar Busters

C) the DASH diet

D) the paleo diet

the DASH diet

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Which of the following is NOT one of the primary components of a sound weight change plan?

A) gradual change in energy intake

B) incorporation of regular and appropriate physical activity

C) application of behavior-modification techniques

D) reduction in the number of restaurant meals eaten per week

reduction in the number of restaurant meals eaten per week

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What type of weight loss will an individual experience by restricting Calories but not increasing his or her level of physical activity?

A) The individual will lose adipose tissue.

B) The individual will lose lean body tissue.

C) The individual will lose mostly water weight.

D) The individual will not lose any body weight.

The individual will lose lean body tissue.

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What is the National Weight Control Registry?

A) a list of medical doctors specially trained to treat individuals with obesity

B) a government agency that monitors fad diets for quackery

C) recommendations from hundreds of registered dietitians suggesting ways to achieve a healthful body weight

D) an ongoing project detailing the habits of people who have achieved and maintained weight loss

an ongoing project detailing the habits of people who have achieved and maintained weight loss

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Justin is an offensive lineman on his college football team. He is 6'3" and weighs 335 pounds, with a BMI of 42. Which of the following statements about Justin is MOST LIKELY true?

A) He is obese and should make efforts to lose weight.

B) Muscle weight is probably responsible for his high BMI.

C) His bones may be well mineralized, which is responsible for his high BMI.

D) Based on his height, Justin's BMI is in the normal range.

Muscle weight is probably responsible for his high BMI.

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Which of the following would be good advice for someone who is trying to gain weight?

A) Aim to eat an additional 500 to 1,000 kcal a day.

B) Do not exercise.

C) Avoid snacking.

D) Don't worry about it, because underweight is even more healthful than normal weight.

Aim to eat an additional 500 to 1,000 kcal a day.

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Being underweight increases a person's risk of developing

A) infection and illness.

B) high blood pressure.

C) cancer.

D) type 1 diabetes.

infection and illness.

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In theory, what would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess of 500 kcal every day for four weeks (e.g., about 28 days)?

A) 0.5 lbs

B) 2 lbs

C) 3 lbs

D) 4 lbs

4 lbs (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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Which of these is the MOST important dietary aspect to modify for weight loss?

A) Calories

B) protein

C) carbohydrates

D) fat


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The group of cells in the hypothalamus that is stimulated by food intake is known as the ________ center.

A) eating

B) satiety

C) basal

D) energy


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Which of the following statements about genetics and body weight is TRUE?

A) Researchers have identified the so-called thrifty gene as the FTO gene.

B) The gene now known to cause obesity is the FTO gene.

C) People who carry the FTO gene may experience higher levels of hunger than people who do not.

D) Approximately 15% to 25% of people are thought to carry the FTO gene.

People who carry the FTO gene may experience higher levels of hunger than people who do not.

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A person who is ill with a fever will experience a(n)

A) increased basal metabolic rate.

B) decreased basal metabolic rate.

C) increased thermic effect of food.

D) decreased thermic effect of food.

increased basal metabolic rate.

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In the fall semester, Matthew contracted pneumonia and had to drop his classes and return home to recuperate. He was already underweight, and he lost more weight during his illness. Up to how many extra Calories a day should he consume to regain to a healthy weight?

A) 250 kcal/day

B) 1,000 kcal/day

C) 2,000 kcal/day

D) 2,500 kcal/day

1,000 kcal/day (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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Individuals with a body mass index less than 18.5 kg/m2 are classified as

A) obese.

B) overweight.

C) normal weight.

D) underweight.


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People with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 are considered

A) normal weight.

B) overweight.

C) obese.

D) morbidly obese.


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A person with which of the following BMI values has the highest increased risk for premature mortality?

A) 40 kg/m2

B) 30 kg/m2

C) 25 kg/m2

D) 18.5 kg/m2

40 kg/m2

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When Jocelyn fidgets throughout a lecture class, she is expending Calories via a mechanism known as

A) basal metabolism.

B) exercise-induced wasting.

C) non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

D) subconscious energy expenditure.

non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

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Which of the following is an effective dietary strategy for reducing chronic disease risks?

A) Cut out fats and replace with carbohydrates.

B) Increase intake of unsaturated fats and decrease intake of added sugars.

C) Set fat/protein/carbohydrate intake ratios at 33%-33%-33%.

D) Follow a high-protein diet, with no more than 35% of Calories from carbohydrates.

Increase intake of unsaturated fats and decrease intake of added sugars.

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When you consume more protein than you need, the surplus will

A) be converted to liver and muscle glycogen.

B) replenish the body's amino acid pool.

C) contribute to increased muscle mass.

D) be converted to and stored as fat.

be converted to and stored as fat.

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If you were to consume 100 kcal more than you expend each day for the next ten years, you would most likely gain

A) no more than a pound.

B) a few pounds.

C) 30-60 pounds.

D) over 100 pounds.

a few pounds. (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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Which of the following would NOT be practical advice to overcome the "I don't have enough time!" barrier to physical activity?

A) Force yourself to exercise at least 45 minutes at a time every day.

B) When you are talking on the phone, pace instead of sitting still.

C) Meet your friends for a lunchtime walk, jog, or workout.

D) Skip the elevator and take the stairs.

Force yourself to exercise at least 45 minutes at a time every day.

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Which of the following is considered the MOST accurate method for estimating a person's body fat composition?

A) skinfold test

B) bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)

C) underwater weighing

D) dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

underwater weighing

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How many minutes per day, on average, do successful "losers" in the National Weight Control Registry spend engaged in physical activity?

A) 30

B) 45

C) 60

D) 80


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Which of the following BEST describes exercise?

A) any movement produced by muscles that increases energy expenditure

B) maximal force or tension level that can be produced by a muscle group

C) leisure physical activity that is purposeful, planned, and structured

D) ability to move a joint fluidly through the complete range of motion

leisure physical activity that is purposeful, planned, and structured

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Which of the following is NOT a physiological benefit of regular physical activity?

A) enhances the action of insulin

B) enhances gastric motility

C) improves sleep patterns

D) decreases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

decreases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

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Physical activity NOT related to a person's occupation is known as

A) nonoccupational physical activity.

B) leisure-time physical activity.

C) compulsory physical activity.

D) physical fitness.

leisure-time physical activity.

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How is physical activity related to physical fitness?

A) Physical activity must be aerobic to increase physical fitness.

B) Physical activity promotes physical fitness.

C) Physical activity that is not purposeful, planned, and structured does not promote physical fitness.

D) Low-intensity physical activities such as gardening and housekeeping do not contribute to physical fitness.

Physical activity promotes physical fitness.

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Marco wants to improve his cardiorespiratory fitness. Which type of activity would be the MOST effective to achieve this goal?

A) weight lifting every other day

B) yoga four times a week

C) resistance training three times a week

D) swimming three times a week

swimming three times a week

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What is meant by the overload principle?

A) subjecting the body to inappropriately high stress

B) stretching a muscle group beyond the joint's healthy range of motion

C) improving fitness by placing extra physical demand on the body

D) complete depletion of the body's stored glycogen

improving fitness by placing extra physical demand on the body

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Which of the following is recommended to ensure adequate hydration after completing an exercise session?

A) Drink about 1 cup of fluid per pound of body weight lost.

B) Drink a caffeinated beverage to restore electrolytes.

C) Consume fluids with a mix of water and sodium.

D) Consume 75-100% of fluid lost during exercise.

Consume fluids with a mix of water and sodium.

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Which of the following is NOT a component of physical fitness?

A) caloric restriction

B) body composition

C) flexibility

D) muscular endurance

caloric restriction

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The FITT principle is

A) the theory that people who are flexible, intense, tall, and thin are more likely to be fit.

B) the principle followed to achieve an appropriate overload for physical training.

C) a method to determine your fitness level based on your target heart rate.

D) a method used to assess fitness based on flexibility, interest, training, and technique.

the principle followed to achieve an appropriate overload for physical training.

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Which of the following is traditionally used to evaluate the level of intensity of aerobic activity?

A) heart rate

B) blood glucose level

C) blood pressure

D) distance traveled per unit of time (e.g., steps per hour)

heart rate

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Rosa is 20 years old and beginning an exercise program. Her goal is to exercise at moderate intensity. What target heart rate range (beats per minute) should she try to maintain during exercise?

A) 80 to 90 bpm

B) 100 to 140 bpm

C) 160 to 180 bpm

D) 185 to 200 bpm

100 to 140 bpm

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Any leisure-time physical activity that is purposeful, planned, and structured is considered

A) aerobic.

B) anaerobic.

C) hypertrophy.

D) exercise.


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In which of the following types of exercise would creatine phosphate (CP) be an important source of energy?

A) running a 10-kilometer road race

B) biking up a mountain

C) playing in a football game

D) sprinting in a 100-meter race

printing in a 100-meter race

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What are the MOST common sources of glucose needed for energy during exercise?

A) glucose from blood and glycogen stored in muscles

B) breakdown of amino acids from pool and glucose from blood

C) pyruvic acid from carbohydrates and fatty acids stored in adipose tissue

D) vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from nutritional supplements

glucose from blood and glycogen stored in muscles

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The primary end product of glycolysis is

A) adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

B) creatine phosphate (CP).

C) lactic acid.

D) pyruvic acid.

pyruvic acid.

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The amount of ATP produced in glycolysis can maintain exercise for no more than how many minutes?

A) 03

B) 15

C) 30

D) 45


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When oxygen is scarce, cellular pyruvic acid is converted to

A) glucose.


C) lactic acid.

D) fatty acids.

lactic acid.

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Which of the following is a characteristic of aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates?

A) It can support activities lasting from 4 to 12 hours.

B) It leads to considerable muscle fatigue.

C) It is faster than anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates.

D) It yields more ATP than anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates.

It yields more ATP than anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates.

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Which of the following is NOT TRUE about cool-down exercise after an exercise session?

A) helps to prevent injury

B) helps to reduce muscle soreness

C) involves stretching

D) causes fatigue

causes fatigue

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Fatty-acids provide MOST of the energy for

A) high-intensity, short-term activity.

B) long-term activity such as hiking.

C) participation in a marathon.

D) sprinting in a 1500-meter race.

long-term activity such as hiking.

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Which of the following BEST describes how ATP provides energy to the body's cells?

A) Energy is released when a phosphate group is cleaved from the ATP molecule.

B) Energy is released when a phosphate group binds to ADP.

C) Energy is released when ATP is transported out of the cell membrane.

D) Energy is released when the bond is broken between adenosine and its tri-phosphate chain.

Energy is released when a phosphate group is cleaved from the ATP molecule.

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The increase in muscle strength and size that occurs with strength training is known as

A) atrophy.

B) hypertrophy.

C) flexibility.

D) resistance.


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Which of the following does NOT explain why people who engage in vigorous physical activity have an increased ability to burn fat?

A) increase in number and activity of fat metabolism enzymes

B) improved ability of muscles to store fat

C) improved ability to extract fat from the blood during exercise

D) increased metabolism of carbohydrates during prolonged, intense training

increased metabolism of carbohydrates during prolonged, intense training

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Where in the body do we find the greatest storage of potential energy to fuel long-term activities?

A) muscle glycogen

B) blood glucose

C) muscle protein

D) body fat

body fat

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At rest, the body's fuel source is primarily

A) muscle glycogen.

B) blood glucose.

C) fat.

D) protein.


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George plays basketball for his high school team, and he is concerned that he is not consuming enough energy to support his activity. Which of the following would be the MOST likely indicator that he needs to increase his energy intake?

A) impaired performance on the court

B) weight loss

C) low blood glucose levels

D) suffering a fracture

weight loss

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Elisa is a gymnast who trains on average for two hours each day. She supports her daily activity by consuming 2,500 kilocalories per day. What is the minimum number of kilocalories she should consume from carbohydrates?

A) 1,000 kcal

B) 1,125 kcal

C) 1,500 kcal

D) 1,625 kcal

1,125 kcal (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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When does the body experience the highest rates of glycogen storage?

A) 8 hours prior to exercise

B) during high-intensity exercise

C) 4 to 6 hours after exercise

D) 24 hours after exercise

4 to 6 hours after exercise

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Petra is a long-distance track athlete who would like to optimize her glycogen stores. If she weighs 132 pounds, what is the minimum amount of carbohydrate she should consume daily to achieve this goal?

A) 132 grams

B) 290 grams

C) 360 grams

D) 600 grams

360 grams (~understand how to solve this because he’s going to change the numbers)

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In which of the following events would carbohydrate loading NOT be beneficial?

A) weight lifting

B) distance swimming

C) cross-country skiing

D) marathons

weight lifting

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Which of the following statements about carbohydrate loading is FALSE?

A) Carbohydrate loading is appropriate in preparing for endurance activities such as marathons.

B) Carbohydrate loading may cause diarrhea.

C) Carbohydrate loading maximizes glycogen stores.

D) Carbohydrate loading is helpful for moderately intense physical activity to maintain fitness.

Carbohydrate loading is helpful for moderately intense physical activity to maintain fitness.

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Carbohydrate loading involves altering

A) fluid intake and dosages of nutritional supplements.

B) exercise intensity and glycemic load.

C) micronutrient intake and intake of simple carbohydrates.

D) exercise duration and carbohydrate intake.

exercise duration and carbohydrate intake.

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Jorge is a weight lifter who is training intensively to increase his muscle mass. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Jorge's protein needs?

A) Jorge should consume a minimum of 2.2 grams of protein/kilogram of body weight.

B) Jorge should boost his protein intake by consuming protein shakes and protein bars.

C) It is impossible for Jorge to get adequate amounts of protein without eating meat, fish, and poultry.

D) Jorge can meet his protein needs by following his personalized MyPlate food pattern.

Jorge can meet his protein needs by following his personalized MyPlate food pattern.

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Which of the following statements about athletes and body weight is TRUE?

A) Athletes attempting to lose weight should adopt a low-carbohydrate diet.

B) Athletes attempting to maintain a lean body weight are at increased risk for osteoporosis.

C) If weight loss is warranted in an athlete, energy intake should be reduced no more than 500-650 kcal/day.

D) If weight loss is warranted in an athlete, it should be attempted during the competitive season when high energy expenditure will facilitate the process.

Athletes attempting to maintain a lean body weight are at increased risk for osteoporosis.

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In physical activity lasting less than one hour, the MOST appropriate fluid replacement is

A) plain water.

B) orange juice.

C) Kool-Aid.

D) sports drinks.

plain water.

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What is the cause of sports anemia?

A) low blood hemoglobin levels

B) poor dietary intake of iron

C) increased plasma volume due to training

D) increased destruction of red blood cells

increased plasma volume due to training

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Why are the B vitamins especially important to an athlete?

A) Carbohydrates are a poor source of the B vitamins.

B) During exercise large amounts of the B vitamins are lost in the urine.

C) The B vitamins are directly involved in energy metabolism.

D) Active athletes cannot eat a sufficient amount of Calories to meet the RDAs for the B vitamins.

The B vitamins are directly involved in energy metabolism.

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The breakdown of glucose to ATP and pyruvic acid is called

A) glycosylation.

B) glycogenolysis.

C) gluconeogenesis.

D) glycolysis.


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Which of the following is MOST likely to occur when a runner stops suddenly after a race?

A) heat syncope

B) heat stroke

C) heat exhaustion

D) heat cramps

heat syncope

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The intensity of a physical activity is defined as

A) the amount of effort expended.

B) how long a training session lasts.

C) how often a training session occurs.

D) the availability of ATP for energy.

the amount of effort expended.

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Eating frequent small meals throughout the day is called

A) carbohydrate loading.

B) grazing.

C) glycolyzing.

D) ketoning.


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Substances used to improve overall exercise and athletic performance are known as

A) glycogenic aids.

B) ergonomic aids.

C) ergogenic aids.

D) energetic aids.

ergogenic aids.

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The primary way the body loses heat is through

A) urine.

B) feces.

C) evaporative cooling.

D) respiration.

evaporative cooling.

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After about three seconds of exercise, which substance is broken down to help regenerate ATP?

A) glucose

B) pyruvic acid

C) creatine phosphate (CP)

D) lactic acid

creatine phosphate (CP)

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Some athletes use caffeine to enhance their athletic performance because it has been shown to

A) increase muscle flexibility and strength.

B) increase the use of fat as a fuel source.

C) regenerate ATP for energy.

D) increase the uptake of glucose by muscle cells.

increase the use of fat as a fuel source.

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Many ergogenic aids claim to be anabolic, meaning that they

A) contain testosterone.

B) are steroids.

C) build cardiorespiratory capacity and maximize energy use.

D) build muscle and increase strength.

<del>build muscle and increase strength.</del>

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National guidelines recommending 60 minutes of physical activity each day are based on the amount of exercise needed to

A) maintain a healthy body mass index.

B) lose 1/2 pound a week until a healthy BMI is reached.

C) decrease the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

D) maintain blood pressure within normal levels.

maintain a healthy body mass index.

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Ronald is a healthy, 40-year-old tax accountant who is physically fit. He would like to ensure that he continues to maintain his cardiorespiratory fitness. Utilizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, which of the following heart rates (beats per minute) should Ronald maintain to achieve a vigorous-intensity workout?

A) 50 bpm

B) 90 bpm

C) 143 bpm

D) 153 bpm

153 bpm

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Updated ... ago
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flashcards Flashcard44 terms
studied byStudied by 11 people
Updated ... ago
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flashcards Flashcard124 terms
studied byStudied by 6 people
Updated ... ago
5.0 Stars(1)
flashcards Flashcard24 terms
studied byStudied by 8 people
Updated ... ago
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