Duty of care
standard of care
demonstrable harm
proximate cause
criminal: guilt
civil: liable (no one can be guility of a business lawsuit only liable)
actual members: public members (nurses, lawyers, appointed by governor of legislatures, barrier) AND licensed members (appointed by governor or legislatures) they make rulings, write regulations, disciplinary action, etc
clerical staff: analysts (state employees that read the laws and reg document for the practice of MFT and look into that when they get a complaint and decided disciplinary action based on the law) and laws and regulation documents
disciplinary and public: egregious enough to be made public so that the public can protect themselves, usually on the BBS website or CAMFT (ex. sex with patient, breaches, insurance fraud, failure to keep records)
non disciplinary and confidential: smaller action, (ex. failure to put license on public document or on office display.)
stipulated agreement
Communicated directly to therapist by patient (or by reliable other for the purpose of advancing the patients therapy)
serious threat of physical harm is imminent
reasonable identifiable victim(s)
communicated to therapist by patient or immediate family member or reliable other
FOR the purpose of advancing therapy
P(previous attempt)
E(ethanol abuse, every drug abuse)
R(rational thinking loss, aka psychotic delusions)
S(social support lacking)
O(organized plan)
N(no significant other) Minor: Negligent parenting
A(access to means) gun owner, police officer, etc.
S(sickness) Minor: School problems
72 hour hold
Danger to (1) self, (2) other, (3) gravely disabled
Needs 1 signature by the person who is the county designate, NOT the therapist
hospitalization used is for time to evaluate
14 day certification
A “continuing danger to (1) self, or (2) other
Requires 2 signatures (hospital worker and MD)
Greenson demurred at TRIAL level Asked for dismissal based upon: No duty to warn in cases of suicide, AND Statute of limitations to file had run out (Two years)
When the Bellah TRIAL court dismissed the case for primarily statute of limitation issues, interested parties presented the outcome as if the court meant NOT TO EXTEND Tarasoff to suicide.
What is the duty? MANDATED or PERMITTED to breach.
Mandated to take steps, consult and document, its on a case by case basis
Applies to adult with a medically confirmed terminal illness
Decision made solely by terminally ill person
Prognosis of less than 6 months to live
Capacity to make medical decisions
Attending physician refers patient to consulting physician for confirmation (second opinion)
Communicated to therapist by patient
Patient’s family member/reliable other
Mistakes are made
Test results are in error
Serious threat of physical harm
Imminent danger
“Grave bodily injury”
Transmission is medically unclear
Unsafe sex
Sharing needles
Past exposure versus future danger
Identifiable victim
With a “moment’s reflection”
Is unsafe behavior occurring?
Anonymous contacts?
Is there someone to warn?
Thus, cannot diagnose a medical disorder
Primary defense for NOT “Tarasoffing”
Clients culture
Counter transference: if you cant work with someone because of personal trauma that can be an issue
Area of competence: what are my limitations? In training everything is going to be new. We don't refer, we ask our supervisor
Rule out General medical conditions or substance use (don't see them unless they have been cleared of medical symptomality
Question Reporter "Is there anything else you would like me to know to help me treat you better?"