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What is an Event?
An Event is an action that causes something to occur
Why do Events play a major role in coding a game?
As events make the game interactive, and make some changes in the game, they play a major importance in coding a game
What are “Event” Blocks?
Event Blocks are blocks which are light yellow in colour, and are used to trigger other blocks connected to them. Most of these blocks have a bulge on top of them, like a hat. As nothing can be attached on top of these event blocks, they are also called hat blocks
Why are “Event” Blocks essential for every project?
Event Blocks are essential for every project, as without them, a project would not be able to begin
Define the “When Green Flag clicked” Block
This block is used to start running a Scratch Project. The blocks connected to this block will run only when the Green Flag is Clicked. Therefore, this block is commonly known as the Start Block
Define the “When this sprite clicked” Block
This block is used to make the sprite perform some action, when it (the sprite) is clicked
Define the “When Space Key Pressed” Block
This block has a drop-down, menu, from which we can set the key to be pressed. When the key is pressed, the blocks connected to this block run, and the sprite performs the actions
Define the “When Backdrop Switches to” Block
This block also has a drop-down menu, which has all the backdrops used in the project, from which, we select one backdrop. When the backdrop switches to the selected backdrop, the blocks attatched below this block run, and the sprite performs the actions
Why don't Event Blocks provide interaction among the sprites?
Event Blocks don’t provide interaction among the sprites, and they depend of the user's actions (such as mouse click, key press, etc.), which is why, they cannot provide scope of interaction among the sprites.
What do we use to make the sprites interact with each other?
Broadcasting is used to make the sprites interact with each other
What is “Broadcasting” ?
Broadcasting is used to let one part of the code commuunicate with another part. This enables coordinated actions across multiple sprites using Broadcast
Define the “When I receive Broadcast” Block
This block will work when it recieves a specific broadcast (message). Once it recieves the broadcast, the blocks attached below this block run
Define the “Broadcast Message” Block
The “Broadcast” block will send a message to the other sprites, and then immediately run the next block attached below it
Define the “Broadcast and Wait” Block
The “ Broadcast and Wait” blocks works similiar to the “broadcast” blocks, but it will wait for all the sprites recieving the message to complete their codes, and then run the next block attached below it
From where was the term “Broadcasting” derived?
The name “broadcasting” is derived from an agricultural method, known as the broadcast method. In this method, the farmer walks around the field, randomly scattering the seeds
Where do we use “sprite cloning”?
In cases where we need multiple identical sprites, (such as bullets and enemies) which becomes very difficult to code individually, we use sprite cloning.
What is cloning in Scratch?
In Scratch, cloning allows a sprite to create a copy of itself while the project is running
Who is Dolly the sheep?
Dolly the sheep is an experiment carried out by a group of scientists in Scotland, to create a clone of a sheep
What does the cloning feature consist of?
The cloning feature consists of many copoes of a sprite, known as clones, which have the same code as the original, but run independently
Why is cloning useful?
Cloning is useful in Scratch, as it saves the user the hassle of writing the same code for each of the sprites
Where are the blocks used for making and coding clones present in Scratch?
The blocks used for making and coding clones are available in the Control section of the Block Pallette
Define the “Create Clone of Myself” Block
This block creates a clone of the specified sprite, which can be selected from the drop-down menu
Define the “When I start as a clone” Block
This hat block is used to run a code for a clone after its creation
Define the “Delete this Clone” Block
This block will delete the clone which is running, it also stops all of the clone’s codes
Why is having knowledge about blocks responsible for logic important?
Having knowledge about blocks responsible for logic is important, as it helps us program it is the way or logic we want to
What are “Logical Operators” ?
Logical Operators are used to combine multiple conditions into one
When to use the Or Block?
The Or block is used when the same action can be connected using either (or both) conditions
What does the Or Block do?
The Or Logical Operator, is used to combine two conditions, such that the action occurs, if atleast one of the conditions is fulfilled
When to use the And Logical Operator?
This Logical Operator is used to connect two conditions into one single action
What does the And Logical Operator Block do?
The And Logical Operator is used to combine two conditions into one, such that an action occurs only if both the conditions are fulfilled