Independent: OSCE
Dependent: Clinical competency
Extrinsic: Location, stations, curtains
Intrinsic: Duty hours will affect their study hours
- identify the variables:
Study: Effect of the academic program in PLM in enhancing the clinical competency of the interns
Methodology: The subject interns will undergo an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to measure their clinical competency before and after the program. The location of the study is in Gusaling Villegas. The stations will be divided by curtains. The rater will be trained an hour before the day of the examination.
Independent: OSCE
Confounding Variable: Rater/Trainer
- identify the independent and confounding variable:
Study: Effect of the academic program in PLM in enhancing the clinical competency of the interns
Methodology: The subject interns will undergo an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to measure their clinical competency before and after the program. The location of the study is in Gusaling Villegas. The stations will be divided by curtains. The rater will be trained an hour before the day of the examination.