Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Stability & Change
The debate about which aspects of development remain stable over time and which
Nature vs. Nurture
The debate over whether genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) shapes human
Continuous Development
Development that occurs gradually and cumulatively over time.
Discontinuous Development
Development that occurs in distinct stages with qualitative changes.
3.2 - Physical Development Across the Lifespan
Substances that can cause harm to a developing fetus (e.g., drugs, alcohol, viruses).
Maternal Illness
Diseases or infections in a mother that can impact fetal development (e.g., rubella, HIV).
Genetic Mutation
Changes in DNA sequences that can lead to developmental differences or disorders.
Hormonal Factors
Hormones influencing growth, development, and behavior.
Environmental Factors
External influences on development, such as nutrition and social conditions.
Physical Development
Changes in body structure and function across the lifespan.
Visual Cliff & Depth Perception
A study that tests infants' ability to perceive depth.
Fine Motor Coordination
Small, precise movements (e.g., writing, using utensils).
Gross Motor Coordination
Large movements using major muscles (e.g., walking, running).
Rooting Reflex
A newborn's reflex to turn toward a touch on the cheek and open their mouth.
Growth Spurt
A rapid increase in height and weight during puberty.
The stage of development when a person becomes capable of reproduction.
Primary Sex Characteristics
Reproductive organs and structures present at birth.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Non-reproductive traits that develop during puberty (e.g., body hair, voice changes).
The first menstrual period in females.
The first ejaculation in males.
The natural cessation of menstruation and reproductive ability in females.
3.3 - Gender & Sexual Orientation
Gender Typing
The process of learning cultural gender roles.
Gender Norms
Societal expectations about behaviors based on gender.
A person's sexual orientation, behavior, and identity.
Gender Identity
A person's internal sense of their own gender.
3.4 - Cognitive Development Across the Lifespan
Jean Piaget
A psychologist known for his theory of cognitive development.
Sensorimotor Stage
Piaget’s first stage (0-2 years), where infants learn through sensory experiences.
Object Permanence
The understanding that objects exist even when not visible.
Preoperational Stage
Piaget’s second stage (2-7 years), characterized by symbolic thinking and egocentrism.
Understanding that quantity remains the same despite changes in shape or appearance.
The ability to mentally reverse a sequence of events or operations.
The belief that inanimate objects have feelings and intentions.
The inability to see the world from another's perspective.
Theory of Mind
The ability to understand that others have thoughts, feelings, and perspectives different
from one’s own.
Concrete Operational Stage
Piaget’s third stage (7-11 years), where logical thinking about concrete objects develops.
Formal Operational Stage
Piaget’s final stage (12+ years), involving abstract and hypothetical thinking.
Lev Vygotsky
A psychologist known for his theory on social development and learning.
Providing support to a learner which is gradually removed as competence increases.
Zone of Proximal Development
The difference between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help.
Crystallized Intelligence
Accumulated knowledge and skills that improve with age.
Fluid Intelligence
The ability to solve new problems and think abstractly, which declines with age.
A decline in cognitive function severe enough to interfere with daily life.
Ecological Systems Theory
The immediate environment surrounding an individual (e.g., family, school).
The interactions between different parts of a person's microsystem (e.g., parent-teacher
Environmental settings that indirectly affect a person (e.g., parent’s workplace).
The broader cultural and social influences on an individual.
The impact of time and historical context on development.
Parenting & Attachment
Authoritarian Parenting
A strict, high-demand parenting style with little warmth or flexibility.
Authoritative Parenting
A balanced parenting style that is both demanding and responsive.
Permissive Parenting
A lenient parenting style with few rules and little discipline.
Secure Attachment
A strong, healthy emotional bond between a child and caregiver.
Insecure Avoidant Attachment
A child avoids the caregiver and shows little emotion when separated.
Insecure Anxious Attachment
A child is overly dependent on the caregiver and shows distress when separated.
Insecure Disorganized Attachment
A child shows inconsistent behavior toward the caregiver, often linked to trauma.
Separation Anxiety
Distress experienced by infants when separated from their primary caregiver.
Developmental Psychology Concepts
Social Clock
The culturally preferred timing of life events (e.g., marriage, parenthood).
Emerging Adulthood
A transitional period (18-25 years) between adolescence and full adulthood.
Psychosocial Development
Erik Erikson’s theory of how individuals develop social and emotional identity.
Erik Erikson
A psychologist known for his eight-stage theory of psychosocial development.
Trust vs. Mistrust
Infancy stage: Learning whether the world is trustworthy or not.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Toddler stage: Developing independence and confidence.
Industry vs. Inferiority
Childhood stage: Developing a sense of competence and achievement.
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Adolescence: Exploring personal identity and values.
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Young adulthood: Developing close, committed relationships.
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Middle adulthood: Contributing to society and helping the next generation.
Integrity vs. Despair
Late adulthood: Reflecting on life with a sense of fulfillment or regret.
Other Important Terms
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Traumatic events in childhood that can impact long-term development.
Commitment to a personal identity following exploration.
Lack of direction or commitment in personal identity development.
Commitment to an identity without exploration, often based on parental expectations.
Actively exploring identity but not yet committed to a final choice.
A rapid form of attachment seen in animals where they follow the first moving object they
An emotional bond between individuals, especially between a child and caregiver.
An individual’s natural disposition and emotional reactivity
Updated 9d ago