Results for "Trail of Tears"


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116 days ago
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539 days ago
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742 days ago
(Draft) Chapter 12 Study Guide Name:_________________ In the election of 1824, who was running for presidency and know what parties they are involved in? → John Quincy Adams - Democratic Republican. Henry Clay - Democratic Republican. Andrew Jackson - Democratic. William Crawford - Democratic. How did the House of Representatives play a part in the election of 1824? → They decided the 1824 presidential election. Jackson and majority rule → Jacksonian democracy → The idea of widening political power to more people. How did Jackson help expand voting rights? →You didn’t have to be rich to vote Jackon’s nickname → Old Hickory or King Andrew Spoils System → The practice of giving government jobs to political backers. What issues did Jackson face as president → Know where gold was found and what happened to the Native Americans living there. →Gold was found in the Native Americans had to leave and all of the tribes had to go to a small area of the United States in what's now Oklahoma and parts of Kansas and Nebraska. Sequoya → A brilliant Cherokee who invented a writing system for the Cherokee language. Indian Removal Act → 1830 law that called for the government to negotiate treaties requiring Native Americans to relocate west. Indian Territory → An area to which Native Americans were moved covering what is now Oklahoma and parts of Kansas and Nebraska. Trail of Tears → Forced removel of the Cherokee from their homeland to Indian Territory. Osceola → Leader during the Second Seminole War. How did Jackson feel about Native Americans → John C. Calhoun → Jackson’s vice-president. “Tariff of Abominations” → Tariff that significantly raised tariffs on raw materials and manufactured goods. Southern people did NOT like it and believed that this country was being built on the economic interests of the Northeast. States rights → The rights of the states to make decisions without interference from the federal government. Doctrine of Nullification → A state would have the power to nullify, or reject, a federal law that it considered unconstitutional. Why did South Carolina threaten to secede? →They believed that the economic interests of this country were being led by the Northeast and disliked the tariffs. Who helped solve the crisis of succession? What was his nickname? → Who was Nicholas Biddle and what was his role? → Charter → How did the state banks contribute to the Panic of 1837? → Martin Van Buren- blamed for the Panic of 1837 → Whigs- Why were they created? Who was at this party? → WIlliam Henry Harrison- What was his campaign focused on? → John Tyler- How did he become president? → Effects of high tariffs (made imported goods more expensive) → Inflation → Depression → Panic of 1837 → Jackson's popularity and how it played in politics → Van Buren- Bank- His feelings on why he would not help the bank when it was failing →
flashcards Flashcard (8)
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820 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (53)
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838 days ago
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966 days ago


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