Results for "Social Contract"


Introduction to Ethics Ethics – The study of moral principles governing human behavior. Moral Universe – The idea that morality is fundamental to human life, not justphysical needs. Instrumental Questions – Questions concerning practical actions to achieve mundane goals. Non-Instrumental Questions – Questions about principles that go beyond mere survival or convenience. Branches of Philosophy Metaphysics – The study of the nature of reality. Epistemology – The study of knowledge and belief. Ethics (Moral Philosophy) – The study of what is right and wrong. Aesthetics – The study of beauty and artistic values. Logic – The study of reasoning and argumentation. Types of Ethical Theories Ideal Theory – Ethical theories that act as guiding principles, though rarely fully applicable in reality. Monistic Theories – Ethical theories that rely on a single principle to determine moral actions. Pluralistic Theories – Ethical approaches that integrate multiple ethical principles. Consequentialism vs. Non-Consequentialism Consequentialist Ethics – Judges actions based on their outcomes. Non-Consequentialist Ethics – Judges actions based on principles, regardless of outcomes. Theory Type Examples Non-Consequentialist Kant’s Deontology, Rights Theories, Religious Ethics Consequentialist Utilitarianism, Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics Kantian Ethics (Deontology) Immanuel Kant – 18th-century philosopher who founded deontological ethics. Categorical Imperative – A universal moral law that dictates ethical behavior. Formula of Universal Law – Act only according to principles that could become universal. Formula of Humanity – Treat others as ends in themselves, not as means. Formula of Autonomy – Act as though you are legislating universal moral law. Autonomy – The ability to self-govern moral decisions. Dignity – The inherent worth of rational beings. Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham – Founder of classical utilitarianism, focused on maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. John Stuart Mill – Developed higher and lower pleasures in utilitarianism. Principle of Utility (Greatest Happiness Principle) – The moral action is the one that produces the greatest overall happiness. Higher vs. Lower Pleasures – Higher pleasures (intellectual, artistic) are superior to lower (bodily) pleasures. Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics (Eudaimonism) Eudaimonia – Human flourishing, the highest good. Arete – Excellence or virtue in fulfilling one’s purpose. Doctrine of the Mean – Virtue lies between extremes of excess and deficiency. Phronesis – Practical wisdom for making ethical decisions. Hexis – A stable character trait formed through habituation. Telos – The purpose or goal of something. Religious Ethics Jewish Ethics Decalogue (Ten Commandments) – The foundational moral code in Judaism. Halakhah – Jewish law guiding moral and religious behavior. Rabbi Hillel’s Golden Rule – “What you dislike, don’t do to others.” Christian Ethics Imago Dei – The belief that humans are made in the image of God. The Beatitudes – Teachings from Jesus emphasizing humility, mercy, and justice. Agape – Selfless, unconditional love. Nietzsche’s Critique – Claimed Christian ethics promote “slave morality.” Islamic Ethics Five Pillars of Islam: Shahadah – Declaration of faith. Salah – Daily prayer. Zakat – Almsgiving. Sawm – Fasting during Ramadan. Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca. Jihad – The struggle to maintain faith and righteousness. Islamic Contributions – Advances in science, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy. Rights and Natural Law Natural Rights – Fundamental entitlements derived from human nature. Social Contract – The idea that individuals consent to governmental authority in exchange for protection of rights. Hohfeldian Analysis – A framework for understanding different kinds of rights. Forms of Rights: Claims – Demands imposed on others. Powers – The ability to enforce or alter legal arrangements. Liberties – Freedom from external restrictions. Immunities – Protection from harm or coercion. Justifications for Rights Deontological Justification (Kant) – Rights come from moral duties. Utilitarian Justification (Mill, Bentham) – Rights exist to maximize happiness. Theological Justification – Rights are God-given. Natural Law Justification – Rights arise from nature and reason. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Pre-Conventional Level – Morality based on avoiding punishment or seeking reward. Conventional Level – Morality based on social approval and maintaining order. Post-Conventional Level – Morality based on universal ethical principles. Social and Political Ethics Discrimination and the Idea of Race – Ethical issues surrounding racial discrimination. Business Ethics – Ethical principles in commerce and trade. Euthanasia – Moral debates about assisted dying. Sexual Ethics – Ethics concerning sexual relationships and behaviors. Crime and Punishment – The morality of justice systems and punishment. War, Terrorism, and Cosmopolitanism – Ethics concerning conflict and global responsibility
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ETHICS MIDTERM KANT'S MORALITY AND FREEDOM According to Kantian Philosophy, FREEDOM is a concept which involved in the moral domain. Kantian Freedom is closely linked to the notion of autonomy meaning "law itself; thus freedom falls obedience to a law that I created myself" "To act freely is to act autonomously. To act autonomously is to actc according to a law I give myself. When I act according to the laws of the natute, demands of social convention, when I pursue pleasure and comfort, I am not acting freely. To act freely is not tocsimply choose a means to a given end.To act freely is to choosecthe end itself, for its own sake." KANTIAN NOTION OF FREEDOM Contrasts of Kant's Notion of Moral Law 1. DUTY vs INCLINATION (morality) only the motive of duty, acting according to the law I give myself confers moral worth to an action. Any other motive, while possibly commendable, cannot give and an action moral worth Scenario 1: Duty vs Inclination A nurse, Maria, is working in a hospital She Is assigned to care for a difficult patient, Mr. Johnson, who is known for being rude and demanding. Maria feels a strong inclination to ignore Mr. Johnson's requests and provide minimal care due to his behavior. However, according to her duty as a nurse, Maria knows she must provide the same level of care to all patients regardless of their behavior. Scenario 2: Duty and inclination in accordance to Emmanuel Kant's Morality Sara, a Muslim American nurse, is working in a hospital where there is a shortage of staff. One day, she finds out that her colleague, Lisa, a Hindu Indian nurse, made a medication error that harmed a patient. Sara knows that according to her duty as a nurse, she should report the error to the authorities. However, Sara also feels a strong inclination to protect Lisa, as they are good friends, and she fears that reporting the error may harm Lisa's career. Scenario 3: Nurse Johnson is assigned to administer medication to patients in a hospital. One day, while on duty, she notices that one of her patients is in severe pain and requires immediate attention. However, Nurse Johnson is feeling exhausted and overwhelmed due to working long hours without a break. Despite knowing her duty to provide timely care to the patient, Nurse Johnson decides to take a break and relax for a while, prioritizing her inclination to rest over her duty to attend to the patient's needs. 2. AUTONOMY vs HETERONOMY (freedom) I am only free when my will is determined autonomously, governed by the law I give myself Being Scenario 1: Autonomy vs. Heteronomy Sarah, a high school student, is given the freedom to choose her extracurricular activities. She decides to join the debate club because she enjoys public speaking and critical thinking. Her parents support her decision but let her make the choice independently. Sarah feels empowered and motivated by her ability to make her own decisions In contrast, Sarah's friend Emily is pressured by her parents to join the school choir despite not having much interest in singing. Her parents believe that being part of the choir will improve Emily's confidence and social skills. Emily feels obligated to obey her parents' wishes, even though she would prefer to explore other activities. Scenario 2 David, a college student, is faced with a difficult decides on about whether to cheat on an upcoming exam. Despite feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to perform well, David chooses not to cheat because he believes it is morally wrong. On the other hand, David's classmate, Tom, decides to cheat on the exam after being persuaded by his friends who argue that everyone else is doing it and that the consequences are minimal. 3. Categorical vs Hypothetical Imperatives (reason) Kant acknowledges two ways in which reason can command the will, two imperatives. Hypothetical Imperatives uses instrumental reason: " If i want X, I must do Y" Hypothetical Imperatives is always conditional. Categorical Imperatives is non-conditional. Situation 1 [categorical] A student wants to pass their exam. If the student wants to pass the exam, they must study diligently Scenario 2 [hypothetical] A person wants to lose weight. If the person wants to lose weight, they must exercise regularly and eat healthily. Scenario 3 [categorical] A nurse encounters a patient in the hospital who requires immediate medical attention. However, the nurse is unsure if she should assist the patient because it is her break time, and she wants to relax. Scenario 4 [ categorical] A nurse is assigned to administer medication to a patient However, the nurse mistakenly believes that she can skip certain safety protocols to save time. ROLE OF FREEDOM IN MORALITY Morality refers to the cultivation of virtue Virtue: the development of character traits so that choosing the good becomes the matter of habit But in order to be truly Virtues, a person must be set free to cultivate such virtue, or not. FREEDOM: THE FOUNDATION OF MORAL ACT Freedom is humans' greates quality, a reflection of our creator. The power rooted in: Reason and Will To Act or Not To Act To Do This or That To Perform Out of Responsibility Good and Evil are forged out from freedom. And that as a person reaches a higher level of freedom, he becomes more capable of higher levels of morality. However, the sinful person becomes a slave. The concept of Freedom is a central premise in Religious Morality, and Secular Culture greatly exalts freedom. FREEDOM AND FREE WILL Freedom is rooted in "reason and will", "to act or not to act", "to do this or that", and to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility is a premise in religious morality (i.e. Catholics). Since our secular culture greatly exalts freedom. Freewill "the power of acting without of the constraint necessity or fate" -Oxford Dictionary "the notional capacity or ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded. Free will is closely linked to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, culpability, sin, and other judgements which apply only to actions that are freely chosen." -Philosophical notion FREEDOM FREEWILL Refers to the ability to act according to one’s own will, without coercion or constraint. Often associated with external circumstances, such as legal rights or societal norms Can be limited by external factors, such as laws, regulations, or societal expectations. Implies, the absence of external restrictions on one’s actions Refers to the philosophical concept that individuals have the ability to choose their actions freely. Often associated with internal mental states, such as intentions, desires, and beliefs. Implies the ability to make choice that are not determined by external factors alone. Raises questions about determinism, the idea that all events, including human actions, are ultimately determined by causes to external to the will Reason and Will Difference Similarity Reason -the ability to think, understand, and form judgement based on logic -is often associated with intellect and rationality -more objective and impartial -faculty of the mind - Both involve conscious process and can be influenced by various factors - Both play a role in decision-making and guiding behavior Will -ability to make conscious choices -desire and motivation -more of an intentional process -influenced by emotions and desires Faculty of the soul/spirit -Both are considered important aspects of human nature in many philosophical and psychological theories FREEWILL AGAINST ALL ODDS "if man has freewill, then are we truly free?" Freewill in Philosophy VS Freewill in the Scientific Notion Freedom, Freewill and Chaos Freewill in the Scientific Notion Chaos Theory (Physics and Quantum Mechanics) interdisciplinary area of scientific study and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, and were once thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities. Chaos Theory (Psychology) is a theory that explains events that seem unforeseeable and erratic on their surface but are controlled by deterministic explanations. The chaos theory definition is applied to nonlinear systems that are significantly impacted by the circumstances of their starting position. The theory explains that extremely small changes in the initial circumstances of a situation can result in extreme differences later on. Chaos Theory (Leyman's) describes the qualities of the point at which stability moves to instability or order moves to disorder. CHAOS THEORY: Butterfly Effect "one small occurrence can influence a much larger complex system" evokes the idea that a small butterfly flapping its wings could, hypothetically, cause a typhoon. Or it could not - the mind-boggling part of the butterfly effect is that it's virtually impossible to predict whether a small system will lead to chaotic behavior ETHICAL THEORIES I. Consequentalism Il. Moral Subjectivism III. Ethnocentricism IV. Social Contract Theory V. Feminist Ethics VI. Situation Ethics Vil.Divine Command Theory VIII. Natural Law Theory IX. Rawl's Theory of Justice X. Ethical Nursing Theories REASON AND IMPARTIALITY Reason and Impartiality are not absolute to a particular group of people, while Morality is absolute. REASON the capacity for consciously making sense of things, establishing and verifying facts, applying logic, changing or justifying practices, intitutions, and beliefs bassed on new or existing information (Kompridis, 2000) CONSEQUENTIALISM: Only the consequenecs, or outcomes, of actions matter morally. Acts are deemed to be morally right (or wrong) solely on the basis of their consequeces. e.g.: Lying (considered wrong) Consequentialism: "If lying is may help save a person's life, then lying is deemed to be the right thing to do." theoretical flaw: difficult; no one can predict the future; objectionable Principles of Consequentialism 1. Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on the results of that act; 2. The better consequences an act produces, the better or more right that act. MORAL SUBJECTIVISM Right and Wrong is determined by what YOU, the subject just happens to think or "FEEL" is right or wrong Theories under Moral Subjectivism A. Simple Subjectivism B. Individualist Subjectivism C. Moral Relativism D. Ideal Observer E. Ethical Egoism F. Utilitarianism G. Teleotonlogy H. Deontology I. Virtue Ethics A. Simple Subjectivism view that ethical statements reflect sentiments, personal preferences and feelings rather than objective facts B. Individual Subjectivism Individualist, a view put forward by Protagoras, saying that "there are as many distinct scales of good and evil as there are individuals in the world." Egoism, maintains that every human being ought to pursue what is in his or her self-interest inclusively. C. Moral Relativism or Ethical Relativism, view that "for a thing to be right, it must be approved by society", leading to the conclusion of different things are right for people in the different societies and different time periods D. Ideal Observer view that 'what is right is determined by the attidtudes that a hypothetical ideal observer"(a being who is perfectly rational, imaginative, and informed) E. Ethical Egoism Right and wrong is determined by what is in your self-interest. Or is it immoral to act contrary to your self-interest based on Psychological Egoism, that WE by nature, act selfishly. Egocentricism and Sociocentrism E1. Egocentricism -the common tendency to consider one's personal opinion. - "an egocentric thinker thinks or does not recognized or even entertain any other opinion; thinks that their opinion alone matters, and all other opinions fare less compared to his own" E2. Sociocentrism - when an entire community (not just an individual) or social group imposes its own worldview and thinks of it as an unquestionable. e.g Religious groups (Islam, Christians, and Jewish) Political Factions Postcolonial Mentality F. Utilitarianism a theory that holds that the best way to make moral decision is to look at the potential consequences of each available choices, then pick the option that either does most to increase happiness or does to increase suffering. G. Teleontology refers to the philosophical study of the nature and essence of teleology, which is the study of purpose or goal-directedness in nature. can be understood as the study of the purpose or ultimate goals behind things, particularly in the context of healthcare and nursing. It involves examining why certain healthcare practices are carried out and what they aim to achieve for the well-being of patients. H. Deleontology or Deontological Ethics is an approach that focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves, as opposed to the rightness or wrongness of the consequence of those actions I. Virtue Ethics is an excellent trait of character. Is a disposition, well entrenched in its possessor. emphasizes an individual's character as the key element of ethical element of ethical thinking. States that only good people can make good moral decision. Therefore, the best way to be moral is to constantly seek to improve oneself. Virtue ethics encourages nurses to embody virtues like empathy and kindness, which guide their actions and decisions Examples Compassionate Care: A nurse provides emotional support and comfort to a grieving family, demonstrating empathy and compassion. Honest Communication: A nurse is truthful and transparent in communication with patients and families, reflecting honesty as a virtue. Advocacy: A nurse advocates for a patient's needs, showing fairness and a commitment to justice. I1. Eudaimonism holds that the proper goal of human life is eudamonia (which can be variously translated as "happiness") and that this goal can be achieved by a lifetime of practicing arête (the virtues), in one's everyday activities, subject to the exercise of phronesis (practical wisdom) or dilemmas which might aruse. I2. Ethics of Care developed by Annette Baier (1987), is focused upon feminine mentality,wherein it is to exemplified by women such as: taking care of others, patience, ability to nurture, and self sacrifice, etc. I3. The Theory of Natural believe that every person is endowed with certain inalienable rights, such as right to life, right to property, right to liberty. Kant's Good Will and Sense of Duty to act out of sense of moral "obligation" or "duty" ETHNOCENTRISM -is the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. It involves judging other cultures based on the standards and values of one's own culture, often leading to a biased perspective where one's own culture is seen as the "norm" or the standard by which all other cultures are measured. Ethnocentrism can result in prejudice, discrimination, and misunderstanding towards other cultures. Implications for Nursing Practice Cultural Imposition: Nurses may unintentionally impose their own cultural beliefs on patients, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. For example, a nurse might assume that a patient's reluctance to accept a particular treatment is due to ignorance rather than cultural beliefs Barriers to Communication: Ethnocentrism can create barriers in communication between nurses and patients. When nurses view their cultural norms as superior, they may struggle to understand the perspectives of patients from different backgrounds, leading to ineffective communication and reduced trust. Impact on Patient Compliance: Patients who perceive that their cultural beliefs are not respected may be less likely to comply with medical advice or treatment plans. This non-compliance can result in poorer health outcomes and increased healthcare disparities among ethnocultural groups IV. SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY posits that moral obligations arise from agreements among individuals in society. It suggests that ethical rules are those that rational individuals would agree to for mutual benefit. Application in Nursing in nursing, social contract theory can inform professional codes of conduct and ethical standards that nurses agree to uphold. Examples Professional Codes: Nurses adhere to professional codes that outline ethical responsibilities, such as respecting patient rights and maintaining professional boundaries. Teamwork: Nurses work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals based on agreed-upon roles and responsibilities. Patient Rights: Nurses respect and advocate for patient rights such as the right to refuse treatment, as part of their professional obligations. V. FEMINIST ETHICS a complex set of interrelated perspectives that emphasize interpersonal concerns such as caring, interdependence, and the ethical requirements of particular relationships. Such concerns are traditionally identified with women, but Feminist Ethics should not be thought of as a theory only for women. Feminist ethics can guide care that prioritizes empathy, nurturing, and the well-being of patients and their families. Examples Holistic Care: Nurses provide care that considers the emotional and social needs of patients, not just their physical health. Supportive Relationships: Nurses foster supportive relationships with patients and their families, emphasizing care and empathy Advocacy for Vulnerable Groups: Nurses advocate for the rights and needs of vulnerable patient groups, reflecting a commitment to social justice. VI. SITUATION ETHICS argues that ethical decisions should be made based on the unique circumstances of each situation, rather than adhering to fixed rules. Sițuation ethics can guide decisions that require flexibility and adaptation to individual patient needs. Examples: Emergency Situations: In emergency situations, nurses mayneed to act quickly without following standard protocols, prioritizing immediate patient needs. Cultural Sensitivity: Nurses adapt care practices to respect the cultural beliefs and values of diverse patients. End-of-Life Care: Nurses make decisions about end-of-life care based on the specific needs and wishes of the patient and their family. VII. DIVINE COMMAND THEORY (DCT) is a metaethical theory that posits that moral values and obligations are grounded in the commands of God. According to this theory, actions are morally right if they align with God's commands and morally wrong if they contradict them. This perspective asserts that morality is not based on human reasoning or societal norms but is derived from divine authority. Is higher than human act Key Features of DCT 1.God's Sovereignty: DCT emphasizes that God's will is the ultimate foundation for all moral principles. What God commands is inherently good, while what He forbids is inherently bad. 2. Objective Moral Standards: The theory asserts that moral truths exist independently of human opinions or cultural contexts. These truths are rooted in divine commands. 3. Moral Simplicity: Actions can be categorized as right or wrong based on their alignment with God's commands, making moral decision-making straightforward according to this framework. 4. Religious Texts as Guidance: Ethical guidance is derived from sacred texts, such as the Bible or the Qur'an, which provide the commandments and principles that followers are expected to uphold. 5. Absolute Moral Laws: Since God's commands are seen as unchanging, the moral laws derived from them are also considered fixed and universal. 6. Limitations on Autonomy: Adherents to DCT may find their personal freedoms constrained by divine dictates, emphasizing obedience to religious laws over individual preferences. Applications of DCT in Nursing: Guiding Ethical Decisions Nurses who subscribe to DCT may use their understanding of divine commands to guide their ethical decisions in clinical settings
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Identifying with one's own nations and support of its interests Idea that Nation (people) should be the state (country) Nation People who share a common culture, language, territory, and government 1848 Revolutions Wanted liberal change, heavily influenced by ideas of Enlightenment -Democratic -Nationalistic Italy was divided into multiple kingdoms and city states Northern Italy to rebel and unite under King Victor Emmanuel of Piedmont Sardinia Constitutional monarchy Giuseppe Garibaldi leads Red Shirt rebels in the south Too radical and southern Italians join with northern Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia 1871 Italy Fully United Italy becomes united under Constitutional Monarchy Prussia and Austria emerge as two major German powers Otto Von Bismarck Chancellor of Prussia Unite German people under Prussian leadership Realpolitik Politics based on reality not morals 1871 German Empire created Ottoman empire Ruled by Turks Extremely diverse Culturally Ethnically Religiously Ottoman empire Muhammad Ali fights war with Ottomans Tie results in Egypt being independent Selim III tries to modernize and reform based on enlightenment Janissaries resist Balkans independence Russia supports fellow Slavs, Serbia effectively Independent 1815 Western Europe helps the Greeks (nationalism/racism) Greece Independant 1829 Ottoman empire loses territory in Europe and Africa to independence movements Ottoman empire known as “the sick man of Europe” Topic 5.3 Industrial Revolution Begins Thematic Focus - Economics Systems (ECN) As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services. Learning Objective  1 Explain how economic systems transformed during the period of 1750-1900. Historical Developments Summarize industrialization and its impact. (see 5.3 reading guide) Industrialization, the increased mechanization of production, and the Social! changes that accompanied this shift, had their roots in several influences. Such as Increased agricultural production and greater individual accumulation of capital. I reshaped Society, increasing world population, shitting people from farm to city, and expanding the production and consumption of goods Thematic Focus - Humans and the Environment (ENV) The environment shapes human societies, and as populations grow and change, these populations in turn shape their environments. Learning Objective 2 Explain how environmental factors contributed to industrialization from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments Britain’s Industrial Advantages • Mineral and colonel resources - used resources for fuel and manufacturing  • Good environment - rives made transportation cheap • Strong fleet- let resources from colonies to be brought to Britain shortly  • Growth- farmers growing more food meant fewer people had to grow their own • End enclosure movement- The government stopped providing farmland which made people move to urban places  Describe the features of the Cottage Industry • It's a pull-out system • Merchants proved cotton to women who spun it into finished cotton at home • Cotton industries gave women independence •  The cotton industry was slow so people demanded faster processes, due to people wanting faster process it led to faster machinery  Explain the development of the factory system and how it relates to specialization of labor.  The factory system used special machinery was also a new way of making products, it increased efficiency and reduced the need for manual labor. It was similar to specialisation of labor the increase efficiency and productivity in production Topic 5.5 Technology of the Industrial Age Thematic Focus - Technology and Innovation (TEC) Human adaptation and innovation have resulted in increased efficiency, comfort, and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions with both intended and unintended consequences Learning Objective 3 Explain how technology shaped economic production over time. Historical Developments A. Explain the impact of the technologies of the first Industrial Revolution. Factory system technology improved systems and grew technologies to be more efficient  Steam engine Powered trains→ Bigger train industry, used for traveling jobs, replacing sails trade and fast communication around the world   Coal Used to heat up stream from the steam engine but causes pollution  B. Explain the impact of the technologies of the Second Industrial Revolution.   Steel Bessmer process mass produces steel from pig iron making railroads Chemicals Led to the development of new materials and product Electricity Has powered machinery, led to an increase in population/efficiency in factories  Oil Was used for cars/mechanic cars, to power cars focused on maximizing product efficiently  C. Explain how technologies impacted trade and migration.  The change increased the rise of maritime trading empires, People were able to shift from farm to city increasing world Production and expanding the production and consumption of goods Topic 5.6 Industrialization: Government’s Role from 1750 to 1900 Thematic Focus - Governance (GOV) A variety of internal and external factors contribute to state formation, expansion, and decline. Governments maintain order through a variety of administrative institutions, policies, and procedures, and governments obtain, retain, and exercise power in different ways and for different purposes. Learning Objective 4 Explain the causes and effects of economic strategies of different states and empires. Historical Developments As the influence of the Industrial Revolution grew, a small number of states and governments promoted their own state-sponsored visions of industrialization.  Answer the following questions to explain the state-sponsored  industrialization of Japan. a. What was the historical situation of Japan in the 1800s?  The emperor was at the highest point of the social hierarchy, but the shogun and daimyo had the power  b. Describe the threat Japan faced from Western powers. The US came with modernized equipment their ships looked intimidating and forced Japan to open trading ports c. What was Japan’s response to the Western threats? Japan created trading ports with the US  and became more modernized  d. Define MEIJI RESTORATION and identify key changes it made.  The emperor wanted to modernize but the Shoguns and daimyo didn’t want to so the emperor won they made Japan modernized by becoming more Westernized and pro-business Topic 5.7 Economic Developments and Innovations in the Industrial Age  Thematic Focus - Economics Systems (ECN) As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services. Learning Objective 9. Explain the development of economic systems, ideologies, and institutions and how they contributed to change in the period from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments A. Western European countries began abandoning mercantilism and adopting free trade policies. Define the following terms to demonstrate an understanding of the developing economic systems. ADAM SMITH • Wrote “Wealth of Nations”  • Established the idea of private owner ship of industry and business LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM • Laissez -Faire “Leave Alone” “Hands Off!” ◦ Little to no government involvement in business ◦ Reduce tariffs on trade(don’t penalize imports and exports with tax=free trade) • FREE MARKETS Mercantilism • Government run companies believing ... • fixed amount of wealth • Wealth = amount of silver + Gold you have • Export more than import • Colonies serves as resources STOCK MARKETS capitalism • No limit to earn wealth • supply and  demand should be bought + sold • minimal govt intervention LIMITED-LIABILITY CORPORATIONS Corporation • Business run by lots of people • Stockholders buy parts of companies • corporations made profit  • if Corporations go out of business stockholders only lost the amount they put in the business C. The development of industrial capitalism led to changes in social life. Explain the changes as they relate to -  consumerism Working class and middle class had time to shop and have money from working in the factories standard of living • The working class who worked at the factories lived in the slums which were crowded, unsanitary condition, dirty  leisure time Companies encouraged leisure activities like baseball because it taught hard work, discipline, teamwork, and rule following  Topic 5.8 Reactions to the Industrial Economy from 1750 to 1900 Thematic Focus - Social Interactions and Organization (SIO) The process by which societies group their members and the norms that govern the interactions between these groups and between individuals influence political, economic, and cultural institutions and organization.. Learning Objective 10. Explain the causes and effects of calls for changes in industrial societies from 1750 to 1900. In response to the social and economic changes brought about by industrial capitalism, some governments, organizations, and individuals promoted various types of political, social, educational, and urban reforms A.  Explain how workers organized themselves to improve working conditions, limit hours, and gain higher wages.  Workers rise up and rebeled against the capitalist business owners and they revolted against the upper class B. Discontent with established power structures encouraged the development of various ideologies, including socialism and communism.  Identify the people and key points of each ideology. KARL MARX & FRIEDRICH ENGELS • German journalist • Appalled at the horrible working conditions in the factories • He blamed capitalism • Big business owner dont care about workers- just for profit $$$  SOCIALISM • New governmet ownership of industry  • Resources distributed all • High taxes support government (helthcare,education,safty net) • Goal of classless society  COMMUNISM • Advanced stage of Socialism • Classless society is achieved • Everyone is equal economically, politically, socially therefore… • No government is needed • No $ is needed  •  No need for national borders = world peace C. In response to the expansion of industrializing states, some governments in Asia and Africa, including the Ottoman Empire and Qing China, sought to reform and modernize their economies and militaries. Reform efforts were often resisted by some members of government or established elite groups. Topic 5.9 Society and the Industrial Age Thematic Focus - Social Interactions and Organization (SIO) The process by which societies group their members and the norms that govern the interactions between these groups and between individuals influence political, economic, and cultural institutions and organization. Learning Objective 11. Explain how industrialization caused change in existing social hierarchies and standards of living. Historical Developments A. Because of changing economic systems, new social classes developed during the Industrial Era. Identify and define the 2 new classes.   1. bourgeoisie 2. proletarians B. The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the lives of all people. Describe the impacts on the following groups:  Demographic Group Impact Working class • Strict schedules • Low pay • dangerous tasks Family • families had to move to rural to urban • Families lived in slums which were unsanitary  Children • children had to work in factories • Children worked long hours and lower pay • children faced dangerous tasks to do Women • Women had more independence  • Women had shifted from working at home to factories • Early feminism . C. The rapid industrialization and  urbanization led to a variety of environmental challenges. Identify at least 3 environmental problems created by urbanization and the Industrial Revolution.  Air pollution was happening because of factories using coal to for machinery and causing smoke to pollute the air, water pollution was caused by factories dumping toxins into rivers and deforestation because of the population growing in cities natural lands have to be clearing for housing, factories, roads,  Topic 5.10 Continuity and Change in the Industrial Age The final topic in this unit focuses on the skill of argumentation and so provides an opportunity for your students to draw upon the key concepts and historical developments they have studied in this unit. Using evidence relevant to this unit’s key concepts, students should practice the suggested skill for this topic. Learning Objective Explain the extent to which industrialization brought change from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments • The development of industrial capitalism led to increased standards of living for some, and to continued improvement in manufacturing methods that increased the availability, affordability, and variety of consumer goods. ◦ Railroads, steamships, and the telegraph made exploration, development, and communication possible in interior regions globally, which led to increased trade and migration. • The 18th century marked the beginning of an intense period of revolution and rebellion against existing governments, leading to the establishment of new nation-states around the world. ◦ Enlightenment philosophies applied new ways of understanding and empiricist approaches to both the natural world and human relationships; they also reexamined the role that religion played in public life and emphasized the importance of reason. Philosophers developed new political ideas about the individual, natural rights, and the social contract. ◦ The rise and diffusion of Enlightenment thought that questioned established traditions in all areas of life often preceded revolutions and rebellions against existing governments
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45 days ago
Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
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56 days ago
Scientific Revolution- Thought about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs  Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT  • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it FRENCH REVOLUTION The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
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3 kinds of freedom Physical, psychological,moral freedom 2 elements of freedom Voluntariness Responsibility Freedom-is an ability to make choices and perform actions Physical freesom -physical restraint Moral freedom-upholds human dignity Psychological freedom -freedom of choice Voluntariness -act out of one free will Responsibility -The person being accountable for his or her actions Seeming-connection where individual present himself or herself in a certain way Dialogue -it's an interaction between persons Empathy -enables us to express another person's emotions Sympathy -a feeling of sincere Empathy is feeling 'in' sympathies feeling 'with' Availability -The willingness of a person Ethics of care -is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension Social contract theory -is the idea that society is based on a set of standard Thomas Hobbes social contract -is an agreement where individual sacrifice and amount of freedom John Locke -consent of the governed Jean Jacques Rousseaus-general will John Rowls -original position David Gathier - self interest The different forms of societies Hunting and gathering society -recognize as the earliest and simplest form of society Pastoral society -type of society is characterized by the domestication of animals for food Horticultural society -it's a primarily engages In the small scale cultivation of plants Agrarian or agricultural society -a type of society is a further evolution of the pastoral and horticultural society it involves the large scale Feudal society -is based on ownership of land Industrial society -it's based on the use of specialized machinery Post industrial society -it's marked by the establishment of society's based on knowledge Virtual society -where people organize themselves through communication technology. Phenomenological notion of death Death is certain -Will born and we will eventually die Death is indefinite -we don't know when will die Death is one's property -only one person experiencing death Death is non-relational-we die alone Death is not to be outstrip ped-we cannot avoid death.
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