Results for "Military"



Military vocabulary
Updated 3d ago
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Military reform
Updated 4d ago
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Be able to define the importance of the following terms: Causes of WWI Militarism Competition drives tension between countries Motivated to beat each other at having better navy/military Germany had a strong military, were ready to fight if conflict broke Alliances Countries had to defend each other (strength in numbers) Fragile alliance system Minor conflict escalate Imperialism Reason of increased rivalry/competition Fight over land Nationalism Competition to prove supremacy Led to ethnic conflicts Countries were confident in their abilities to win a war Kaiser Wilhelm II Ruled by divine right More ambitious/expansionist than Wilhelm I Wanted “a place in the sun” for Germany Wanted to be a part of the Great Powers of Europe “a place in the sun” 1890- dismisses Bismark Archduke Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria Assassinated by Gavrillo Princip (sent by Serbia) *Spark of WWI* Wanted to unite Slavic people in Balkans WWI Technological Innovations Mechanized Warfare - led to trench warfare Machine guns: shot many bullets at a time, helped with defense, not offense, took too many men to operate Artillery: took a lot of time to work, not useful, U-Boats: helped Germany have an advantage over Britain Poison gas: lethal if inhaled, helped Germans slow down their enemies before attacking Tanks: could go in and out of trenches, British used them as a surprise attack against the Germans Planes: made after realizing using the airspace was advantageous Western Front Trench Warfare No fast victories/failed plan (stalemate created) Gases used by Germans to suppress enemies’ ability to fight well At first, gases were a little harmful, later, Mustard Gas would be used, which caused deadly “injuries” Gas attacks hid soldiers, allowed them to get into the enemy trench Rifles/machine guns were too heavy/large for offense Dogs warned soldiers of gas, were good companions, and delivered messages You would be shot if you stuck your head out of the trench No Man’s Land Ground between the trenches of two opposing sides Where fighting occurs, most dangerous area Wilson’s 14 Points President Wilson outlined these points to create lasting peace after WWI Open diplomacy (no secret treaties/alliances) Free navigation of seas Free trade Universal reduction of arms Adjustment of colonial claims -13. Redrawing countries’ boundaries to reflect the ethnicity of the people living there (self-determination) 14. League of Nations ↓↓↓ League of Nations International peacekeeping body Aimed to prevent future wars “Big Four” Leaders of 4 countries came together in Paris to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles Britain- Lloyd George* Italy- Vittorio Emanuel Orlando France- Georges Clemenceau* U.S.- Woodrow Wilson* *The Big Three Paris Peace Conference Treaty of Versailles: Ended WWI - Germany had to accept harsh terms forced by the “Big Four” Rhineland was occupied/demilitarized Reparations: Germany had to pay the total cost of war War-Guilt Clause: Germany had to accept blame for the war (loss of territory/all colonies) Alsace-Lorraine → France Eastern Germany → Poland Danzig → League of Nations Second part ↓↓↓ Be able to understand the concepts of the following themes: Describe the four major causes of World War I. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Describe some of the conditions of trench life for soldiers. Harsh conditions led to longer battles Had to stand in trenches and look out for gases that Germans would throw Gas masks would be hot+uncomfy/soldiers had to breathe shallowly so that masks would not fog up Had to carry heavy machine guns/rifles across no man’s land Had to check gas masks for tears Rifles needed to be well cleaned Feet had to be dried otherwise, they could get trench foot as they were standing in muddy and waste-filled water Would eat dinner at noon Soldiers only got to sleep at night for an hour at a time If they slept on the job, they could be sentenced to death Played cards and wrote letters to families to pass the time Explain the impact of World War I on civilians. Civilians were essential to war effort (Home-front) Civilians had to ration food, barely had any supplies Had to eat any animals they found Propaganda was used to- Make them buy war bonds Encourage women to tell their sons/husbands to enlist Ration food for the soldiers Make it easier for civilians to hate the enemy Increase agricultural production Women worked in factories/nursed soldiers Were affected by the chemicals Took up male-dominated work fields Identify the effects of the Treaty of Versailles de
Updated 4d ago
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Military Public Health
Updated 5d ago
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Military alphabet
Updated 5d ago
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AP U.S. History - Unit 7, Topic 2: American Imperialism (1898-1945) Definition of Imperialism Expansion of a country’s political, economic, and military influence over another. U.S. begins imperial expansion with the purchase of Alaska (1867) for $7.2 million (known as "Seward’s Folly"). Discovery of gold in 1898 increases interest in expansion. Westward expansion mindset extends beyond the continent after the closing of the frontier. Arguments for Imperialism Economic Interests Desire for raw materials (e.g., gold in Alaska). Need for new markets to sell American goods (manufactured & agricultural). Social Darwinism Belief that stronger nations naturally dominate weaker ones. Expansion seen as a way for the U.S. to become a world power. Racial & Religious Justifications Josiah Strong's book Our Country (1885): Argues Anglo-Saxon race is superior and must “civilize” others. Expansion is a Christian duty to spread Western civilization. Military & Strategic Reasons Alfred Thayer Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890): Nations with strong navies dominate world affairs. U.S. builds a steel navy and seeks territories for naval bases. Leads to the race for Pacific and Caribbean islands (e.g., Hawaii, Guam, Philippines). Arguments Against Imperialism Self-Determination Nations should have the right to govern themselves. Same argument used by Americans to justify independence from Britain. Tradition of Isolationism George Washington’s Farewell Address warned against foreign entanglements. Expansion could lead to unwanted wars and conflicts. Racial Concerns Debate over whether the Constitution follows the flag: If the U.S. takes over a territory, do its people become American citizens? Many anti-imperialists opposed granting rights to non-white populations. Key Takeaways Imperialists supported expansion for economic, military, and ideological reasons. Anti-imperialists opposed it on the grounds of self-determination, isolationism, and racial concerns. The debate shaped U.S. foreign policy and led to further territorial acquisitions, setting the stage for U.S. involvement in global affairs. End of Notes. The Spanish-American War & American Imperialism Background: The American Empire Late 19th-century industrialists and politicians sought U.S. expansion. Cuba, a Spanish colony, was a key target for expansion. 1895: Cuban nationalists rebelled against Spain, but Spain crushed the revolt. Yellow Journalism & the Path to War Yellow Journalism: Sensationalized news stories exaggerated Spanish atrocities in Cuba. Key figures: Joseph Pulitzer & William Randolph Hearst Encouraged U.S. intervention on humanitarian grounds. 1898: The U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 200+ Americans. Yellow journalists blamed Spain, fueling war fever. Later investigations found the explosion was accidental. President McKinley issued an ultimatum to Spain; Spain agreed but the U.S. declared war anyway. The Spanish-American War (1898) Short war: America won and emerged as an imperial power. Effects of the war: Cuba gained independence, but the Platt Amendment gave the U.S. the right to intervene militarily. Philippines annexed after U.S. forces, led by Theodore Roosevelt, defeated Spain. Filipinos, expecting independence, rebelled under Emilio Aguinaldo → Led to the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). Hawaii annexed (1898) for strategic reasons (midpoint to the Philippines). The Open Door Policy (1899) China was divided into European spheres of influence. U.S. Secretary of State John Hay sent the Open Door Note to European powers, requesting equal trade access in China. Outcome: European powers did not reject the request, so the U.S. claimed success in securing trade rights. Significance The Spanish-American War marked the U.S.’s entry into imperialism. The U.S. expanded its influence globally through military power and economic policies. Let me know if you want any modifications! The Progressive Era (1890s-1920s) Main Idea: The Progressive Era was a time of social, political, and economic reform in response to issues caused by industrialization, urbanization, and corruption. Progressives believed government intervention was necessary to fix these problems. Who Were the Progressives? A diverse group: Protestants, feminists, labor leaders, African Americans, journalists Focused on issues like: Big business power (monopolies) Economic instability (Panic of 1893) Labor conflicts (strikes) Political corruption (machines like Tammany Hall) Jim Crow segregation Women’s suffrage Alcohol prohibition Muckrakers (Investigative Journalists) Exposed corruption and poor conditions in society Upton Sinclair - The Jungle (unsanitary meatpacking industry) Ida Tarbell - Exposed Standard Oil’s unfair business practices Jacob Riis - How the Other Half Lives (urban poverty and tenement conditions) Political Reforms (Expanding Democracy) Secret Ballot – Ended political bosses controlling votes. Direct Election of Senators (17th Amendment, 1913) – Senators now elected by the people instead of state legislatures. 18th Amendment (Prohibition, 1919) – Banned alcohol (led by groups like the Anti-Saloon League). 19th Amendment (Women’s Suffrage, 1920) – Gave women the right to vote. Initiative, Referendum, Recall – Gave citizens more power to propose, approve, and remove laws/politicians. Government Efficiency & Scientific Management Frederick Taylor’s "Scientific Management" (Taylorism) – Applied efficiency techniques to government & industry. Black Progressives & Civil Rights Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) – Legalized segregation (“separate but equal”). Niagara Movement (W.E.B. DuBois) – Advocated for immediate black rights. NAACP (1909) – Fought for racial justice through legal action. World War I (Unit 7, Topic 5) Causes of U.S. Involvement in WWI War Begins (1914): After Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, two alliances formed: Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia (formerly Triple Entente) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (formerly Triple Alliance) U.S. Neutrality: Initially stayed out of the war but faced mounting pressure due to events: Sinking of the Lusitania (1915): A German U-boat sank a British passenger ship, killing 128 Americans. Public outrage followed, but neutrality was maintained. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: Germany resumed sinking ships, including American vessels. Zimmermann Telegram (1917): Germany proposed a military alliance with Mexico, promising to help regain lost territory if the U.S. joined the war. The U.S. intercepted the message, pushing Wilson to act. U.S. Declares War (1917) April 2, 1917: Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war to “make the world safe for democracy.” American Expeditionary Forces (AEF): Led by General John J. Pershing, U.S. troops bolstered Allied forces and played a crucial role in turning the tide of the war. End of the War & Treaty of Versailles (1918-1919) November 11, 1918: Armistice signed, ending fighting. Treaty of Versailles (1919): Wilson proposed the Fourteen Points, advocating for self-determination, freedom of the seas, and the League of Nations. Britain and France sought to punish Germany, leading to harsh reparations and restrictions. League of Nations created, but the U.S. did not join due to congressional fears of being dragged into future wars. World War I: The Homefront (Unit 7, Topic 6) Total War & Mobilization The U.S. fully mobilized its economy, industry, and society for war. War Industries Board: Managed labor & factories to produce war supplies. Food Administration: Regulated food production for soldiers and civilians. Rural-to-urban migration increased as people sought industrial jobs. Civil Liberties & Government Control Espionage Act (1917) & Sedition Act (1918): Criminalized anti-war speech & draft resistance. Schenck v. United States (1919): Supreme Court ruled speech creating a "clear and present danger" (e.g., resisting the draft) could be restricted. Government censored reports on the Spanish Flu to maintain war morale. The First Red Scare (1919-1920) Fear of communist infiltration after the Russian Revolution. Palmer Raids: Over 6,000 suspected radicals, labor leaders, and immigrants arrested; 500+ deported. Immigration Restrictions Emergency Quota Act (1921) & National Origins Act (1924): Limited immigration, especially from Southern/Eastern Europe & Asia. Rooted in nativism (opposition to immigrants, especially Catholics & Jews). The Great Migration Large numbers of Black Americans moved from the South to Northern cities (e.g., Chicago, New York) for job opportunities & to escape Jim Crow laws. Faced discrimination & race riots in the North (e.g., 1919 race riots, Tulsa Race Massacre (1921)—300 Black people killed, 10,000 homeless)
Updated 11d ago
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Military Studies Test
Updated 11d ago
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Updated 12d ago
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