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Which country did we fight the Spanish American war to free from Spanish control
America became the leading what after defeating the Spanish in the Spanish American war
Workd power
Where did USA train a military insurgence to overthrow Fidel Castro
What was the disaster/ embarrassment to Kennedy's administration
Bay of Pigs
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba.
What country wrote the Zimmerman Telegram and to who
Germany wrote the letter and sent it to Mexico
What did the Cuban Missile Crisis result in?
The us and soviets communicate better
What country did Ronald Reagan trade guns to for cash and hostages in Iran
What sea is south of Cuba and above South America
Corribean sea
Korematsu vs. US
Supreme Court Case ruled that the internment of these Japanese Americans was constitutional
Where was D-Day?
Normandy, France
Which countries were axis powers in ww2
Germany, Italy, Japan
Which countries were Allies in ww2
United States, Britain, France
Where are Sacco and Vanzetti from
Where was the Suez Canal crisis
What 2 countries fought each other for the control of the Suez Canal
Isreal and Egypt
What did Jimmy Carter get a noble piece prize for
He got isreal and Egypt to sigh the camp David peace accord
What is the Camp David Accords?
Peace treaty between isreal and Egypt
What is Island hopping
Hopping from one island to another taking control of it
Where was island hopping used?
Pacific, Japan
What is OPEC?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
What did OPEC do?
Regulated the supply and price of oil
Due to opec what were modern cars power by
What was the division line of Vietnam
17th parallel
Who were in control of the north half of vietnam
Communists/ soviets
Who were in control of the south half of vietnam
Us/ democracy
What is the domino theory
the idea that if a nation falls under communist control, nearby nations will also fall under communist control
What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
Request by Lyndon B. Johnson to be able to take all necessary measures to prevent Communism from spreading in Southeast Asia without the declaration of war
What did the war powers act do
congress must aprove any act of war
What did Japan bomb
Pearl Harbor
What ocean was used for unrestricted submarine warfare
Atlantic Ocean
What is the iron curtain
The division between Germany's communist East and democratic West.
What side of Germany does nato own
What happened to Korea when the Korean War ended
It ended up divided
What Cold War country helped North Korea
The Soviet Union
What Cold War country helped South Korea
What is containment
stopping the spread of communism
What is the sunbelt?
a region of the United States generally considered to stretch across the Southeast and Southwest.
What is the Rust Belt?
Parts of the northeastern and midwestern US that are characterized by declining industry, aging factories, and a decreasing population.
What is manifest destiny
The belief that the United States had the RIGHT and the DUTY to expand west.
What is the battle of wounded knee
The natives vs white settlers
What is the homestead act
Offered 160 acres of land to head of household
What is the Dawes act
An attempt to assimilate native americans
What is bimetalism
gold and silver to back currency
What was the Populist Party?
A third party to improve to lives of the common man
Who made the cross of gold speech
William Jennings Bryan
What is the significance of the cross of gold speech
It was basically saying the the gold standard is killing us and we need to switch to silver
Which industry is Carnegie
Which industry is Rockefeller
What was the Interstate Commerce Act?
A law to try to stop monopolies
What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
outlawed monopolies
What were the knights of labor
A union who was the most inclusive: incorporating women, multiple races, and not exclusively railroad workers
What was the haymarket riot
Protest against police brutality
What was American Federation of Labor
A union by Samuel Gompers that only allowed skilled white men
What means dealing with other countries
Foreign policy
What means dealings inside US
Domestic Policy
What does rural mean
What does urban mean
Economic issues deals with what
Political issues deals with what
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but equal
Brown v board
Outlawed segregation in schools; overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson
Gideon v. Wainwright
A person who cannot afford an attorney may have one appointed by the government
Miranda vs. Arizona
The accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by the police
Roe v. Wade
(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy
Schenk v. U.S.
Speech that creates a "clear and present danger"---especially during war times—can be limited. Free speech is not "absolute".
Nixon v. US
Executive privilege is not an excuse to withhold evidence/ Followed by impeachment
Bush v. Gore
Use of 14th Amendment's equal protection clause to stop the Florida recount in the election of 2000.
Court packing
Where FDR tried to add more members to the Supreme Court to pass his programs.
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Famous case in which two immigrants were accused of murder/ there was no hard evidence, yet they were put to death anyway/ showed how much Americans distrusted foreigners
Scopes Trial
1925 trial of a Tennessee schoolteacher for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882 law that prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers
What was a cheap substance for immigrants
What are kickbacks
illegal payments for services/ bribes
The giving of government jobs to people who had helped a candidate get elected
Pendleton civil service act
Written exam to become a govt official
Journalists who exposed corruption in a society
What is Yellow journalism
journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.
Who passed the Meat Inspection Act?
Teddy Roosevelt
What group wanted to ban alcohol
Women Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
19th ammendment
Women's suffrage
Who were the trust busters
Taft Roosevelt and Wilson
What did the federal trade commission do
It monitored business practices that might lead to monopoly
What did the federal reserve system do
Regulated banking
What was one result of immigration to the northeastern US during the early twentieth century
Cities became more density populated
domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region
Rough Riders
volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Battle of San Juan hill
Jingoism diplomacy
Says that US will intervene in Latin America when we feel it is in our economic interest
What was the open door notes
US used it to gain equal trade for all nations with access to China
What diplomacy was Roosevelt
Big Stick
What diplomacy was Taft
What diplomacy was Wilson
Sedition acts
Made it illegal to say anything negative of war
Why did US not join the League of Nations
So we don't get involved in future wars
What was a growing fear a communism known as
The red scare
What is a quota?
Maximum limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the United States from each country during a 1-year period.
Washington Naval Conference
1921--Britain, France, Italy, Japan & US agree to limit size of navy
Kellog-Briand Peace Pact
An unrealistic agreement made in 1928 to outlaw was and establish world peace.
Teapot Dome Scandal
corruption by a Harding cabinet member, who took bribes to allow oil drilling on public lands
18th amendment
Prohibition of alcohol