Florence Cathedral
The cathedral of St. Maria del Fiore by Filippo Brunelleschi
Tempietto in S. Pietro, Montorio:
Donato bramante
San Biagio , Montepulciano
An example of a Renaissance Greek cross central plan by Antonio da Sangallo
Pallazo de te
a masterpiece of the Late Renaissance by Giulio Romano
St Peter’s Basilica
a combination of Renaissance and Baroque styles by Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Moderno, Bernini
St. Gervais, Paris
earliest example of Renaissance Architecture with a classical church facade by Salomon De Brosse
Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence
by Leon Battista Alberti known for its innovative use of rustication
Pisa Cathedral, Baptistery, and Campanile
William Van Alen
art deco
kenzo tange
metabolism movement
Pierre Luigi Nervi:
bold designs
Jorn Utzon
fusion of forms
Frei Otto
Tensile Architecture
Walter Gropius
Founder of bahaus
Buckminster Fuller
Machine for living
Frank lloyd wright
the Father of Architecture, known for organic architecture.
Eric Mendelson
known for his Einstein Tower in Potsdam
Oscar Niemeyer
Functionality and the use of pre-stressed concrete dominate his designs.
Eero Saarinen
innovative designs for buildings and monuments, a furniture designer
marcel lajos breuer
simplicity and clarity