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Archbold Garrod
1908, _____________________ first proposed relationship between genes and the production of enzymes
-studied patients with metabolic defects, or "inborn errors of metabolism"
-patient's body accumulates abnormal levels of homogentisic acid (alkapton)
-recessive pattern of inheritance
—hypothesis: "Disease is due to missing enzyme"
beadle and tatum
-worked on Neurospora crassa (common bread mold)
-wild type
-mutant strains
-each single mutation resulted in the requirement for a single type of vitamin
-hypothesis: "One gene, one enzyme"
can grow on minimal medium [carbon source (sugar), inorganic salts, and biotin]
mutant strains
unable to grow unless supplemented with specific substances (vitamins or amino acids)
beadle and tatum's study showed multiple mutants required _____________ to grow
one gene-one polypeptide
because many proteins are composed of several polypeptides, each of which has its own gene (hemoglobin), Beadle and Tatum's hypothesis is now restated as the ____________________________ hypothesis
gene expression
the process by which DNA directs protein synthesis
_________________ is the synthesis of R N A using information in D N A
-from nucleic acid (DNA) to nucleic acid (RNA)
-produces messenger RNA (mRNA)
-mRNA specifies the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
__________________ is the synthesis of a polypeptide, using information in the mRNA
-from nucleic acid (RNA) to amino acids (polypeptide)
-ribosomes are the sites of translation
RNA processing
eukaryotes also have an intervening step called ___________________ where pre-mRNA is processed into active mRNA
some genes do not encode _________________
-an RNA is the final functional product
-structural RNAs
-regulatory RNAs
mRNA produced by _________________ is immediately translated without additional processing
RNA processing
eukaryotic RNA transcripts are modified through ____________________ to yield the finished mRNA
in _________________, translation of mRNA can begin before transcription has finished
an organized unit of base sequences that enables a segment of DNA to be transcribed into RNA and ultimately results in the formation of a functional product
transfer RNA (tRNA)
translates mRNA into amino acids
ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
part of ribosomes
RNA polymerase
-pries the DNA strands apart and joins together the complementary RNA nucleotides
-assembles RNA transcripts in the 5'→ 3' direction
-unlike DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases can start a chain without a primer
where RNA polymerase attaches
-signals the beginning of transcription
signals the end of transcription
regulatory sequence
site for the binding of regulatory proteins. the role of regulatory proteins is to influence the rate of transcription
5' to 3'; 3' to 5'
in all cases, synthesis of RNA transcript is read ____________ and DNA template strand reads ___________
initiation, elongation, and termination
the three stages of transcription are...
stage 1 of transcription
-recognition step
—in bacteria, sigma factor causes RNA polymerase to recognize promoter region
—stage completed when DNA strands separatenear promoter to form open complex
stage 2 of elongation
-RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA
—template DNA strand used for RNA synthesis
—opposite DNA strand is not used
RNA sequence
-complementary to template DNA
-antiparallel to template DNA
-uracil substituted for thymine
stage 3 of transcription
-RNA polymerase reaches termination sequence
-causes both the polymerase and newly-made RNA transcript to dissociate from DNA
in bacteria, the _____________________ stops transcription at the end of the terminator
t-he mRNA can be translated without further modification
RNA polymerase II
________________ requires 5 general transcription factors to initiate transcription
RNA polymerase II
transcribes mRNA
RNA polymerase I and III
transcribes nonstructural genes for rRNA and tRNA
____________________ cells do not use sigma factors in transcription
mature mRNA
in eukaryotic cells, mRNAs are made in a longer pre-mRNA form that requires processing into _____________________
nuclear enzymes
modify pre-m R N A before the genetic messages are transported to the cytoplasm
guanosine (G) 5'cap
the 5' end receives a modified _____________________
poly-A tail
The 3' end gets a _______________ (many As added)
regions that are usually translated into amino acid sequences (and found in the mature mRNA)
regions that are not translated (not in the protein)
RNA splicing
In __________________, the introns are removed and the exons are joined together
RNA splicing is carried out by ____________________
-consist of proteins and small nuclear RNA's
_______________________ are RNA molecules that function as enzymes
alternative RNA splicing
splicing can occur more than one way to produce different products
-many genes can give rise to two or more different polypeptides, depending on which segments are used as exons
triplet code
information flow from gene to protein is based on a _______________: a series of non-overlapping, three-nucleotide bases
genetic code
sequence of bases in an mRNA molecule
groups of three nucleotide bases are ___________
-most specify a particular amino acid
there are _____ codons
_____ codons code for amino acids
____ codons are "stop" signals to end translation
more than one codon can specify the same amino acid
codons are not ___________________: no codon specifies more than one amino acid
genetic code
the __________________ is nearly universal
-shared by the simplest bacteria and the most complex plants and animals
-genes from one species can be transcribed and translated after being transplanted to another
5' to 3'
during translation, the mRNA codons are read in the _______________ direction
-codons must be read in the correct reading frame (correct order) to produce the specified polypeptide
-codons are read one at a time in a nonoverlapping fashion
tRNAs are roughly _______________
one end of the L contains the ________________ that base-pairs with an mRNA codon
a nucleotide triplet that can base-pair with the complementary codon on mRNA
aminoacyl-t RNA synthetase
first, a correct match between a tRNA and an amino acid, done by the enzyme ______________________________
flexible pairing at the third base of a codon allows some tRNAs to bind to more than one codon
transfer RNA (tRNA)
a cell translates an mRNA message into protein with the help of ____________________
_______________ transfer amino acids to the growing polypeptide in a ribosome
_________________ facilitate specific coupling of tRNA anticodons with mRNA codons during protein synthesis
cytosolic ribosomes
composed of small and large subunits
-the large and small subunits join to form a ribosome only when attached to an mRNA molecule
ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs)
The large and small ribosomal subunits are made of proteins and _________________________
P site
peptidyl site
E site
exit site
initiation, elongation, and termination
the three stages of translation for RNA are...
mRNA, first tRNA and ribosomal subunits assemble
synthesis from start codon to stop codon
complex disassembles at stop codon releasing the completed polypeptide
the energy for the three stages of translation is provided by hydrolysis of _______
reading frame
the start codon in initiation is important because it establishes the _____________________ for the mRNA
guanosine cap
instead of a ribosomal-binding sequence, mRNAs have ____________________ at 5' end
-recognized by cap-binding proteins
step 1 of elongation
-aminoacyl tRNA brings a new amino acid to the A site
-binding occurs due to codon / anticodon recognition
—elongation factors hydrolzye GTP to provide energy to bind tRNA to A site
—peptidyl tRNA is in the P site
-aminoacyl tRNA is in the A site
step 2 of elongation
-peptide bond is formed between the amino acid at the A site and the growing polypeptide chain
-the polypeptide is removed from the tRNA in the P site and transferred to the amino acid at the A site
—called the peptidyl transfer reaction
—rRNA catalyzes peptide bond formation (the ribosome is a ribozyme)
peptidyl transfer reaction
the polypeptide is removed from the tRNA in the P site and transferred to the amino acid at the A site
step 3 of elongation
-movement or translocation of the ribosome toward the 3' end of the mRNA by one codon
—shifts tRNAs at the P and A sites to the E and P sites
—the next codon is now at the A spot
—uncharged tRNA exits from E spot
-when a stop codon is found in the A site, translation ends
—3 stop codons - UAA, UAG, UGA
—recognized by release factors
-completed polypeptide is attached to a tRNA in the P site and stop codon in the A site
—release factor binds to stop codon at the A site
—bond between polypeptide and tRNA hydrolyzed to release polypeptide
—ribosomal subunits and release factors disassociate
bacteria and eukaryotes
in ________________________________________, multiple ribosomes translate an m R N A at the same time
-once a ribosome is far enough past the start codon, another ribosome can attach to the m R N A
strings of ribosomes called _______________________ (or polysomes) can be seen with an electron microscope
in ________________, the transcription and translation can take place simultaneously
bacterial ribosomes
structural differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes are exploited by antibiotics to inhibit _______________________ only
-antibiotics that inhibit bacterial translation can treat bacterial infections