APUSH unit 4

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  • Federalists

Created in 1790s - Hamilton is leader. Supported strong federal government, they had a loose interpretation of constitution. Supported by upperclassmen, bankers

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  • Democratic-Republicans

Created also in 1790s - led by Jefferson . Supported weak federal government, strict interpretation. And strong state gov. Supported by te average citizen

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  • Election of 1800 (Revolution of 1800)

Jefferson beats John Adams - first peaceful transfer of power

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Hartford Convention, 1814

A meeting of Federalist Party.

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Anti war / threatened to leave and form a new nation - they were viewed as a threat which killed the Federalist Party

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Essex Junto

A group of Federalists from Massachusetts who were against the war with Great Britain

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  • era of good feelings, 1816 - 1824

A political era characterized by nationalism and one-party control of the nation. The Era of Good Feelings is associated with the presidency of James Monroe

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  • democrats

Party that brought Andrew Jackson into office (1829). Supported Jeffersonian ideas' limited government supported by common citizen

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  • Whig party

1834 - anti Jackson . Todays republicans

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  • Andrew Jackson

Leader of the Democrats who became the seventh president of the US (1829-1837)

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  • Henry Clay

Leader of the Whig Party who proposed an "American System" to make the United States economically self-sufficient, mostly through protective tariffs; worked to keep the Union together through political compromise

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South Carolina nullification crisis

South Carolina declares federal tariff invalid. Jackson -force bill to use military action against South Carolina. Crisis ends with compromise to lower tariffs.

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Daniel Webster

Massachusetts political leader, advocates a strong union, thought doctrine of nulllification was a threat to the union

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John C. Calhoun

South Carolina política leader. Defended slavery as a good thing, he advocated the doctrine of nullification

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Midnight Judges

Federalist judges appointed by John Adams between the time he lost the election of 1800 and the time he left office in March 1801

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John Marshall

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by John Adams in 1801 until 1835. Gave Supreme Court more power (federalist). Protected private property and strengthened federal gov.

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Marbury v. Madison, 1803

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

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Judiciary review

Gave Supreme Court power to review the constitutionality of laws passed by congress

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McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819

Decision that upholds constitutionality of the bank and strengthens federal government

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Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824

Decision that stayed that the authority of congress is absolute in the matters of interstate commerence

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  • market economy

Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market (supply and demand)

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  • Albert Gallatin

Secretary of Treasury to Jefferson who reduced the national debt and balanced the budget, favored limited government

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  • embargo act, 1807

Issued by Jefferson, a trade law that cut off all international trade - economy tanks

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  • American system, 1815

Henry Clay's economic plan for America. Government adopted tariffs and national bank, but rejected call for internal improvements (said it was unconstitutional)

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Panic of 1819

Bank tightens credit and recalls all of its government bans

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Panic of 1837

When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result.

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  • Debates over the tariff and internal improvements

Northerners generally favored higher tariffs and internal improvements at federal expense while Southerners generally opposed higher tariffs and internal improvements at federal expense

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Second Bank of the United States, 1816

A recharter of the first bank. Had a 20 year charter. President Jackson hated this bank - he got rid of it which tanked the economy

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Tariff of 1816

First protective tariff in American history, protected U.S businesses - encouraged Americans to buy U.S products

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Tariff of Abominations, 1828

Contributed to the civil war. Tariff that was extremely high, northerners and south eres argued over it (regional tensions) South Carolina threatened to secede.

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Destruction of the Second Bank of the United States 1833

President Jackson believed i only served the wealthy and exploited common people, he pulled the money out and put it in privately owned state banks.

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Lowell System

Method of factory management that evolved in the textile mills of Lowell, MA. Owned by Boston manufacturing system

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Samuel Slater

"Father of the American Factory System" brought British textile technology to America with a few modifications fit for America.

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Cyrus McCormick

Irish-American inventor that developed the mechanical reaper. Made farming more efficient, allowed for corporate farming, helped agricultural growth

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John Deere

founder of john deere and company the biggest manufacture of agricultural equipment in the world. he was an american blacksmith and invented the steel plow.

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Baldwin Locomotive Works

An American builder of railroad (railway) locomotives. It was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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anthracite coal mining

Coal mines in Pennsylvania produced anthracite, which became the most popular fuel for heating homes in the northern United States until the 1950s when it was replaced by oil and gas burning heating systems.

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interchangeable parts

parts of a machine that are identical and which could be substituted with another. Developed by Eli Whitney for manufacturing of muskets

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National Trades' Union, 1834

The first national association of trade unions. (A trade union was a worker's organization in which members worked in a specific trade or craft.)

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  • cotton belt

The south, where cotton is the most grown

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Mason-Dixon Line

Boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland that divided the Middle Colonies from the Southern Colonies.

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Above lines - no slaves

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Below lines - slaves

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  • Second Great Awakening

An upsurge in religious activity that began around 1800 and was characterized by emotional revival meetings; led to several reform movements (temperance, abolition) designed to perfect society with religious morals

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Charles Finney

Presbyterian minister who is credited and is known as the "Father of modern Revivalism"; advocated the abolition of slavery and equal education for women and African Americans

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Dorothea Dix

Pioneer in the moment for special treatment for the mentally ill

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Horace Mann

Massachusetts educator who called for publicly funded education for all children; called the "Father of Public Education in America"

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Utopian Communities

Idealistic and impractical communities.

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Experiment for utopian societies - new harmony, indiana, brook farm, Massachusetts,and Oneida community (NY)

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Revival in architecture and art in late 17000's and early. 1800's that was inspired by Greek and Roman modes

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Hudson River School, 1825-175

The first native school of painting in the U.S

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Attracted artists who were rebelling against neoclassicism

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Painted primarily landscapes

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a philosophical and literary movement of the 1800s that believed god existed within human beings and nature.

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Believe intuition was highest source of knowledge

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Philosopher, writer, and poet who became a central figure in the Transcendalist movement

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Henry David Thoreau

Writer and naturalist; with Ralph Waldo Emerson, he was one of America's best known transcendentalists

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John James Audubon

Naturalist and painter who became well-known for his attempt to document all types of American birds

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Slave music

Music created by slaves for the purpose of religion, work and recreation - became the foundation for later styles of music known as gospel, jazz, and blues

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Cult of domesticity

Similar to republican motherhood

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1800s (19th century)

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Idea that women's job was to be traditional

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  • Seneca Falls Convention, 1848

First women's rights convention in American History. Issued "Declaration of Sentiments"-declared "all men and women are created equal" and listed women's grievances against laws and customs that discriminated against them.

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In New York - 100 people signed 32 were men

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James Forten

African American businessman from Philadelphia who advocated racial integration and equal rights during the Jeffersonian era

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American Colonization Society, 1817

Organization established to end slavery gradually by helping individual slave owners liberate their slaves and then transport the freed slaves to Africa

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American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison - abolitionist group

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William Lloyd Garrison

Radical abolitionist in Massachusetts who published the liberator, an antislavery newspaper ("the liberator)

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Sojourner Truth

former slave who became an abolitionist and women's rights activist

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"Ain't i a woman?"speech

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Liberty party, 1840

First antislavery political party in the United States.

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Elijah Lovejoy

Abolitionist leader who was killed in Alton, Illinois, by a proslavery mob attacking his newspaper press to keep him from publishing.

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Richard Allen

African American minister who established the first independent African American denomination in the US, the African Methodist Episcopalian Church

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David Walker

African American who wanted slaves to rebel against their own masters. Walker relied on sailors and ship's officers sympathetic to the abolitionist cause to transfer his message to southern ports.

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Frederick Douglass

A former slave who was an abolitionist, gifted with eloquent speech and self-educated.

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Eire Canal, 1817-1825

A 350-mile canal built by the state of New York that stretched from Buffalo to Albany. The canal revolutionized shipping in New York.

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road on which tolls are collected

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National Road (Cumberland Road), 1811

First significant road built in the U.S. at the expense of the federal government. The road stretched from the Potomac River to the Ohio River.

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Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1828

First steam railroad commissioned in the US

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  • Lousiana Purchase, 1803

The U.S. purchased the land from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains from Napoleon for $15 million. The Constitution did not give the federal government the power to buy land, so Jefferson used loose construction to justify the purchase which is contrary to his politics. Explored by Lewis & Clark.

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Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

Jefferson sent Merriwether Lewis and William Clark to investigate the resources the U.S. had acquired with the Louisiana Purchase

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War Hawks

members of Congress from the South and west elected in 1810. Wanted war with Britain in hopes of annexing new territory in hopes of ending British trade with Indians of the northwest

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War of 1812, 1812-185

Against Great Britain because they were not respecting neutrality, stopping ships on sea. Ended with status quo ante

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Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

Treaty between the U.S. and Spain that ceded Florida to the U.S

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  • Monroe Doctrine, 1823

President Monroe's deceleration that the americas would be closed off to further European colonization and that the U.S would no longer allow European influence in affairs of the Western Hemisphere

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Shawnee leader who attempted to establish an Indian confederacy among tribes from around the continent that he hoped would be a barrier to white expansion; defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 by U.S. forces led by General William Henry Harrison

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Indian Removal Act of 1830

Law that provided for the removal of all Indian tribes east of the Mississippi and the purchase of Indian lands for white resettlement

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Black hawk

Sauk leader who brought his people back to their land in Illinois after their removal. Black Hawk was captured in 1832 after U.S. troops massacred his followers.

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Worcester v. Georgia,1832

A Supreme Court ruling that declared a state did not have the power to enforce laws on lands that were not under state jurisdiction; John Marshall wrote that the state of Georgia did not have the power to remove Indians; this ruling was largely ignored by President Andrew Jackson

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Trail of Tears, 1838

Forced march of the Cherokee people from Georgia to Indian Territory in the winter; a large percentage of Cherokee died on the journey

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Seminole Wars, 1814-1819, 1835-1842

The Seminole of Florida opposed removal and resisted US troops

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Talmadge Amendment, 1819

Statehood bill for Missouri. Would have banned slavery from Missouri; created deadlock in congress (could not decide). Led to Missouri compromise

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  • Missouri Compromise, 1820

Law proposed by Henry Clay admitting Missouri to the U.S. as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Bans slavery in Louisiana territory. North of latitude 30-36

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