The vast majority of American law enforcement agencies are —
The basic concepts of American law enforcement and criminal justice originated in —
Education is a key ingredient in professionalizing policing
Which of the following is one of the principles advocated by August Vollmer to professionalize American policing?
Community policing called for a shift from incident-based crime fighting to a problem-oriented approach.
Which of the following statements about community policing are true?
The U.S. Marshals
Who were the first federal law enforcement agents in the United States?
Manage and dispose of seized and forfeited property
Which of the following is a service provided by the U.S. Marshals?
To combat counterfeiting
Why was the U.S. Secret Service created?
Land Fraud
When the Federal Bureau of Investigation was created, it was originally limited to investigating only a few types of crimes, including which of the following crimes?
The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping
Which of the following events likely made the federal Bureau of Investigation a major factor in policing?
Protecting the U.S. from terrorist threats
Which of the following is included in the new mission of the FBI?
Richard Nixon
Which of the following U.S. Presidents created the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)?
Harrison Act
The federal law that began the War on Drugs in the U.S. was the —
Local police agencies
The majority of public law enforcement agencies are considered to be —
Order maintenance
Breaking up a fight, holding back a crowd at a sporting event, or intervening in a domestic dispute before it gets violent are examples of the police duty of —
Taking people to the hospital, escorting funeral processions, delivering mail for city officials, or chasing bats out of a caller’s house are examples of police duty of
Elected by the voters of the county
Most County sheriffs are (how are they put into office?)
In this model, officers focus primarily on traffic-related issues, particularly on state highways
Which of the following best describes the department of public safety model of state law enforcement?
The only state in the U.S. that does NOT have a state policing agency is
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Which of the following federal law enforcement agencies employs the largest number of personnel?
The Department of Homeland Security
According to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which of the following agencies or organizations has the “primary responsibility for investigating and prosecuting acts of terrorism”?
The department of Homeland Security
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center is part of which federal agency?