A crime scene investigation begins with the ____ to a scene.
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Securing and protecting
_____ the scene are important steps in a crime scene investigation and this task is usually carried out by the first responding officer arriving on the scene.
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A _____ survey should be carried out to evaluate potential evidence.
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The _____ of evidence plays a critical role in solving or prosecuting crimes.
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Corpus Delicti
Refers to the principle that in order for an individual to be convicted, it is necessary to prove the occurrence of the crime.
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Higher priority
____ should also be attached to evidence that can establish connections such as victim-to-perpetrator linkage.
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Locard Exchange Principle
Theorizes that the cross-transfer of evidence occurs when a perpetrator has any physical contact with an object or another person.
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Trace evidence
_____,__ such as hairs and fibers, may be transferred from a perpetrator to a victim or vice versa. This explains why it is important to ensure that perpetrators and their belongings are thoroughly searched for *_______*
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____ belonging to a perpetrator or a victim found at a crime scene can establish such a linkage.
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Reciprocal transfers
_____ of trace evidence from crime scenes can be used to link a suspect or a victim to a crime scene.
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Modus Operandi
Refers to a particular pattern of characteristics and the manner in which a crime is committed.
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Alternate Light Source
Either produces a single specific wavelength of light or a desired wavelength by using specific filters.
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electrostatic dust print lifting device
A device that can be utilized for processing impression evidence such as footprints and tire tracks.
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high-intensity light-emitting diode (LED)
A device for locating evidence at a crime scene is particularly effective in highlighting trace evidence such as hairs, fibers, and shoe prints.
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Ground-Penetrating Radar
Uses electromagnetic waves emitted from a transmitter, which are detected by a receiver to locate clandestine burials and buried objects such as weapons embedded in soils.
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tracking dog
A ______ can potentially follow the scent from items left at the scene to locate a suspect nearby.
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Enhancement reagents
Reagents such as luminol and fluorescein, which emit chemiluminant and fluorescent light upon reacting with certain biological materials, respectively, can be used.
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Rapid DNA technology
This technology can enable law enforcement agents to rapidly determine whether the crimes were isolated incidents or part of serial crimes committed by the same offender. It can also be used in the identification of human remains in mass disasters.
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Used to accurately depict the sizes of items such as bloodstains or bite marks.
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Log Sheet
Used to record the chronological order of crime scene photographs and to note filming conditions and any additional relevant information.
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Custody information
This information should be recorded at each event when evidence is handled or transferred by authorized personnel.
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chain of custody
An incomplete _____ may lead to an inference of possible tampering or contamination of evidence.