Anesth Quiz 3 Textbook Questions

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Consider the following scenario: You are performing a procedure on a canine patient that you feel is at an ap- propriate anesthetic depth. Which of the following set- tings would be most appropriate if using sevoflurane in this patient?

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Consider the following scenario: You are performing a procedure on a canine patient that you feel is at an ap- propriate anesthetic depth. Which of the following set- tings would be most appropriate if using sevoflurane in this patient?


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Which of the following statements about how to induce anesthesia in a young healthy patient using an IV agent such as alfaxalone or propofol is least accurate?

if, after giving the initial amount, the patient is not adequately anesthetized to allow intubation, give the rest of the calculated dose.

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Which of the following statements regarding IV induc- tion agents is least accurate?

Propofol is generally given intravenously but can be given intramuscularly in uncooperative patients.

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Which of the following barbiturates can be used to main- tain anesthesia without prolonging recovery?


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Which of the following statements about alfaxalone is least accurate?

It causes minimal cardiovascular depression

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Which of the following statements concerning endotra- cheal intubation is false?

Choosing a tube that is too short may cause increased mechanical dead space.

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Which of the following is an indicator that the endotra- cheal tube has been placed in the esophagus instead of the trachea?

The unidirectional valves don't move.

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The term atelectasis refers to:

collapsed alveoli

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After an anesthetic procedure, when is it best to extubate a dog?

When the animal begins to swallow

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Hypostatic congestion may be present at the end of the anesthetic protocol. This term refers to the:

Pooling of blood in the dependent lung

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Which of the following protocols would result in the fastest induction time and the best control over anes- thetic depth?

IV induction with an ultrashort-acting agent, and maintenance with an inhalant

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Mask inductions in small animal patients are:

Possible only with use of inhalant agents with a low solubility coefficient

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Which of the following techniques are used most often in most general small animal practices?

General anesthesia and sedation

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An 18 kg adult dog of normal conformation would likely require a __________ endotracheal tube.

9- to 9.5-mm

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An endotracheal tube is used to:

Decrease dead space, Maintain a patent airway, Protect the patient from aspiration of vomitus, Allow the anesthetist to ventilate the patient

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Potential problems associated with endotracheal intuba- tion include:

Pressure necrosis of the tracheal mucosa, Intubation of a bronchus, Spread of infectious disease

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During anesthetic induction and maintenance:

The patient should be supported as it loses conscious- ness, If a patient has one diseased lung, it should be positioned with the diseased side down, The anesthetist should avoid any more than a 15-degree elevation of the rear quarters

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The length of the anesthetic recovery period may be influenced by:

Body temperature, Patient condition, The length of time the patient was under, The breed of the patient

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Which of the following is/are not a normal sign(s) of re- covery?

Head-bobbing, Mydriasis, Seizures, Rapid limb paddling

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Which of the following actions is appropriate during an- esthetic recovery?

Administer oxygen at a high flow rate for 5 minutes af- ter discontinuation of the anesthetic or until extubation, Turn the patient about every 10 to 15 minutes, Use warming methods to increase the body temperature.

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True or false: With most injectable and inhalant anesthetics, there is generally a progressive depression of cardiovascular and respiratory function as the depth of anesthesia increases.


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The plane of anesthesia most suitable for surgical proce- dures occurs during:

stage II

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Breath holding, vocalization, and involuntary movement of the limbs are most likely an indication that the animal is in what stage or plane of anesthesia?

stage II

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Anatomic dead space is considered to be the:

Air within the trachea, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, and nasal passages

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The minimum acceptable heart rate for an anesthetized large breed dog is __________ bpm.

60 bpm

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True or false: If the ECG is normal, the heart is beating normally.


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In general, a respiratory rate of less than __________ breaths/min in an anesthetized dog should be reported to the veterinarian.

6 breaths per minute

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Tachypnea is:

An increase in respiratory rate

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A patient that has been anesthetized will often have a:

mild respiratory acidosis

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An animal that is in a surgical plane of anesthesia should not respond in any way to any procedure that is being done to it (e.g., pulling on viscera should not change vital signs).


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A 20-kg dog has been anesthetized by mask induction with isoflurane and after intubation is maintained on 2% isoflurane with a flow rate of 2 L/min of oxygen. The heart rate is 80 bpm, respiratory rate is 4 breaths/min and shallow, the jaw tone is fully relaxed, and all reflexes are absent. This animal is most likely in what stage of anesthesia?

stage III- surgical

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Pulse oximetry allows accurate estimation of:

Percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen

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During anesthesia, a mean arterial blood pressure of less than 60 mmHg indicates:

Inadequate tissue perfusion

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A pulse oximeter reading of 89% indicates:

A need for supportive therapy

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An ETco2 level of 65 would commonly be caused by:

decreased tidal volume

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Regarding oxygen transport:

PaO2 is closely related to SpO2 (as one goes up, the other does also).

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Which of the following statements about body tempera- ture is/are correct?

Body temperatures of 32° C to 34° C (89.6° F to 93.2° F) cause prolonged anesthetic recovery, Dangerous CNS depression and changes in cardiac function may be seen at body temperatures less than 32° C (89.6° F), Ideally, IV fluids should be warmed to about 37.5° C (approximately 100° F) before administration to sur- gical patients.

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Which of the following statements about nystagmus as a monitoring tool is/are accurate?

Nystagmus is commonly seen in horses in very light anesthesia, Nystagmus is not a useful indicator of anesthetic depth in small animals, In a horse, a "divergent eye sign" is typically associated with an adequate plane of anesthesia for surgery, Ruminants rarely show nystagmus under anesthesia.

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Pale mucous membranes commonly indicate:

Blood loss, Anemia, Decreased perfusion

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An animal under surgical, stage III anesthesia would exhibit which of the following signs?

Regular respiration and Moderate skeletal muscle tone

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When the oxygen tank is half full, the tank pressure gauge will read approximately:

1100 psi

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Nitrous oxide is present in the tank as a:

liquid and gas

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The amount of oxygen an animal is receiving is indicated by the:

flow meter

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Flowmeters that have a ball for reading the gauge should be read from the __________ of the ball.


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Which of the following oxygen flow rates are within the safe recommended ranges for a 15 kg dog on a semiclosed rebreathing system when you wish to increase anesthetic depth and when you wish to maintain the current anes- thetic depth, respectively?

4L/min; 2L/min

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The minimum size for the reservoir bag can be calcu- lated as:

50 ml/kg

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The one-way valves on an anesthetic machine help to:

Control the direction of movement of gases

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The pop-off valve is part of the anesthetic machine and helps to:

Prevent excess gas pressure from building up within the breathing circuit

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In small animal anesthesia, when the patient is bagged, the pressure manometer reading should not exceed:

20 cm H20

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True or false: Rebreathing systems, when used with standard small animal corrugated breathing tubes, are best reserved for animals weighing more than 7 kg.


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Rebreathing of expired gases is determined primarily by the:

fresh gas flow

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Non-rebreathing systems should have maintenance flow rates that are:

Very high (at least 100 to 200 mL/kg/min)

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The negative pressure relief valve is particularly important when:

There is a failure of oxygen flow through the system

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The tidal volume of an anesthetized animal is considered to be _________ mL/kg of body weight.


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A scavenging system is generally attached to:

the pop off valve

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A reservoir bag that is not moving well may indicate that:

-The endotracheal tube is not in the trachea -The animal has a decreased tidal volume -There is a leak around the endotracheal tube

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The anesthetist will know when the granules in the car- bon dioxide absorber have been depleted because the:

-Granules will be brittle -Granules may change color -Granules may be hard

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An increase in the depth of anesthesia can be achieved quickly by:

-Having high oxygen flow rates -Having high vaporizer settings

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The concentration of anesthetic delivered from a non- precision vaporizer may depend on the:

-Temperature of the liquid anesthetic -Flow of the carrier gas through the vaporizer -Back pressure -Type of anesthetic in the vaporizer

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When an anesthetic machine is operating correctly, the pressures in the machine are always:

-40 to 50 psi between the pressure-reducing valve and the flowmeters -15 psi between the flowmeters and the breathing circuit -15 psi entering a VOC vaporizer

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