95 Theses
Luther’s complaints against the Catholic Church; not written as a desire to break away from the church, but rather as a plea for the Church to change its ways
Age of Exploration
Time where Europe decided to go West in efforts to find a trade route to India
Printing Press
Improved by Johannes Gutenberg; had moveable type; allowed people to create books much faster and spread ideas faster as well
Paying money to reduce your time and/or a family members time in purgatory
Roman Catholic doctrine- a place inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven; not hell; individuals will eventually make it to heaven
Council of Trent
Unified the Catholic Church under the pope; reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings, got rid of indulgences and rejected Protestant beliefs
Middle Passage
Part of the Atlantic System; journey from Africa to the Americas where many slaves died
Spanish conquerors of the Americas who were known for being ruthless and greedy-Examples Cortes, Pizarro
Columbian Trade/Exchange
The exchange of goods, ideas, diseases, and cultures between the “Old World” Europe and the “New World” Americas
A rebirth of ideas-typically of ancient Roman and Greek thought
The first successful BRITISH colony in the Americas; created for economic reasons
The idea that the wealth/success of a nation depends on having a great deal of silver, gold, and colonies to provide raw materials to the mother country
Social system in medieval Europe
Nobility held lands from the king in exchange for military service
Vassals were tenants of the nobles
Peasants were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him labor and a share of the produce in exchange for military protection.
Worldly knowledgeable, enjoyed material goods, questioned Catholic Church, BUT still religious
Language spoken in everyday life; not Latin
English, Spanish, Italian, etc
The Prince
Example of vernacular; Written by Machiavelli; said that rulers should do whatever it takes to stay in power; the end justifies the means
Intellectual movement that placed an emphasis on individual achievement
Martin Luther
Leader of the Protestant Reformation-wrote the 95 Theses
Protestant Reformation
Religious movement that divided the western Church into Catholic and Protestant groups
“Renaissance Man”
To be good at many things; focus on secular ideas, but usually still religious
Elite soldiers of the Ottoman Empire; Were originally kidnaped Christian boys
King especially of a Muslim state.
Building used for public worship by Muslims
Examples: Haiga Sofia and Al Haram
High executive officer of the Ottoman Empire; advisor to the sultan
Women in a Muslim household, including the mother, sisters, wives, concubines, daughters, and servants; had some freedoms, but could not leave
Tributary System
Payment of raw materials and manufactured goods for protection
Terrace Farming
Mayan farming tactic used to make the most out of the mountainous terrain
Floating gardens used to feed the large population of Aztecs
Corvee Labor
Bound to work on the land to pay taxes
Encomienda System
Spanish colonists given large plots of land and the natives who lived there. Natives were then forced to work the land for the colonists
Praying towns
In the British colonies of North America. British settlers would force conversion of the Natives to Christianity.