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specific goal or aim of the behavior
'hardwired' or 'programmed in' bits of behavior that:
- do not require learning
- occur in response to environmental triggers (such as herding in animals or nest building in birds)
- similar to reflexes
- elicited by sensory stimuli
- occur blindly the first time, but subsequent behaviour may change through experience
- Two principles explaining variability in instincts
--- Learning can inhibit an instinct
--- Some instincts are transitory (appear only at certain times)
primary drivers of all human behavior composed of cognitive, affective, and conative (striving toward or away from the object)
- lack of agreement on types and number of instincts
- nominal fallacy (naming does not explain)
- circular reasoning
- insufficient recognition of learning's role (lack of clear differentiation between instinct & learning)
- variation (individual differences in traits)
- heredity (variation passed down to offspring)
- differential fitness (unequal survival and reproduction).
- 'baby-like' features (big eyes, small chin, large forehead) are sign stimuli that trigger caregiving motivation.
- adults perceived as warmer, more naïve, and weaker (Feel pity and protective)
- This response evolved to ensure infants receive care and protection.
- defense against predators
- competition for resources (survival selection)
- competition for mates (intrasexual selection)
- attracting mates (intersexual selection)
Men are more likely to engage in physical aggression than women.
- this arises from male competition for mates
- supported by research showing mating motivation increases aggression in men when given the opportunity
- suggests social norms encourage male aggression.
- differences emerge early in life (parents interpreting infant reactions differently based on gender)
place high value on social reputation, feel strong obligation to defend their honour, often through aggressive means (More likely to respond with anger and aggression to insult & More accepting of violence in the defense of one's honour) - more prevalent in regions with a history of herding economies where protecting resources was crucial (to maintain status and prevent theft)
What research evidence supports this idea (culture of honor)?
Studies show
- Southerners in the U.S. respond more aggressively to insults
- employers in the South react more positively to honor-related violence in job applications
- due to socialization!
Nervous system aims to maintain low energy state; these inevitable urges disrupt this ideal state
o Energy build-ups create psychological discomfort (anxiety)
1. Drive for life, survival, reproduction, & pleasure • Food, water, sleep, sex, nurturance, affiliation
2. Drive for rest, inactivity, return to inanimate state ▪ Often expressed through aggression, destruction, and self-harm
Drive's Source
Drive's Impetus
Drive's Object
Drive's Aim
Behaviour is motivated by drive reduction
▪ "Drive is an energizer not a guide" • Habit, rather than drive, directs behaviour
▪ Habits derive from learning • Relief following drive reduction reinforces habit
▪ "Drive, cue, response, reward" • Drive energizes behavioural search for a stimulus (cue) that, when attained (by response) reinforces (rewards) that behavioural response
incentive motivation
- Value of stimulus (quantity or quality)
- strength of behaviour is a function of: drive (biological motivation like hunger)
- habit (probability of the motivated behaviour acquired through learning)
- and incentive (environmental motivation—reward)
does not account for motivations unrelated to physiological deficits
- human motivation emphasize psychological needs (e.g., need for affiliation, for achievement)
- underemphasizes external and environmental factors.