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What are the years of the Civil War?
What was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
~ It ended the Mexican War
~ The US received California and half of the Mexican territory
~ The US paid Mexico $15 million
~ Rio Grande was established as a border
What event caused the Republican Party to be founded?
Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas
What part of the Compromise of 1850 led to conflict?
~ The fugitive slave act
~ The strict enforcement angered many Northeners
~ Increased support for the abolitionist movement
~ Heightened sectional tensions
Why was James Buchanan called a Doughboy?
~ Northern politician who was sympathetic to Southern pro-slavery interests
~ Sided with southern democrats
Who was the President during the Mexican War?
President Polk
List 2 advantages the North had in the Civil War.
~ Northern population of 22 million versus 9 milllion Southerners
~ 75% nation's wealth
~ 75% nation's railroads
~ Control of the seas
~ Superior weaponry
~ Ideal of “union forever”
List 2 advantages the South had in the Civil War.
~ Defensive warfare
~ Only needed a stalemate to win
~ Superior generals
~ Strong cavalry/infantry
~ Farmers
Who is the Team of Rivals?
Lincoln's cabinet which was made from people with opposing views
What is Wilmot Proviso?
~ Slavery should never exist in any territory gained from Mexico
~ It twice passed the House but not the Senate
~ Southerners resented the North's attempts to stop slavery
What was Lee’s Masterpiece?
~ The Battle of Chancellorsville
~ He was outnumbered but still managed a risky aggressive strategy that led to a significant Confederate victory
~ Stonewall Jackson died
Why was Chancellorsville a turning point for the South?
~ Killed Stonewall Jackson who was a great aide to the Confederate army and Lee's most trusted commander
~ Lee stayed on the offensive even when the defense was needed in Gettysburg
What was the impact of John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry?
~ John brown was killed
~ Intensified the divisions between the North and South
~ He was now a martyr for abolitionism
~ South saw it as evidence of northern conspiracy to incite slave rebellions
Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe write Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
~ To expose the moral injustice and inhumanity of slaves
~ Galvanized anti-slavery sentiment
Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
~ Stephen Douglas because
~ Wanted an organized territory and a train route connecting Illinois
What happened to Charles Sumner?
~ Canned on the Senate floor
~ Gave a speech about pro-slavery legislators
~ Criticized Kansas and Nebraska Acrt
What did Joshua Chamberlain do?
~ Saved the union
~ Hero at Gettysburg
Who is John C. Breckenridge?
~ Buchanan’s Vice President
~ Southern Democrat candidate for 1860 Election
~ Wanted slavery in territories
What was the Republican platform?
~ Non-extension of slavery
~ Protective Tariffs
~ No loss of rights for mmigrants
~ Pacific Railroad
~ Internal Improvements for the West
~ Free homestead from the public domain
What did Lincoln do that could be considered bad leadership during the Civil War?
~ Overstepped his power
~ Interfered with military power
~ Did whatever he wanted even if Congress said no
~ Arresting people
What did Lincoln do that showed political expertise during the Civil War?
~ Issuing the emancipation proclamation
~ Aimed to weaken the confederacy's war effort
~ Aimed to stop British intervention
~ Aimed to redefine the war purpose
~ Very successful
What did Jeb Stuart not do?
~ Show up on time to tell Lee the union's whereabouts
~ He was “joyriding“
What did the Emancipation Proclamation say?
All slaves in rebellious states are free
Name the border states.
Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland
What was the key message in Lincoln’s first inaugural speech?
~ Emphasized the preservation of the union
~ Reassured the southern states that he had no intention to interfere with slavery
~ Appealed to unity
~ Warned against succession (said it would lead to anarchy)
What was the key message in Lincoln’s second inaugural speech?
~ Focused on the causes of the war and desire for healing and reconciliation
~ Malice towards none and charity for all and work towards peace
~ No revenge
Who was Lincoln’s vice president in his second term?
Andrew Johnson
What made Johnson an unusual choice for Lincoln’s VP?
~ Small slave owner from Tennessee
~ Loyal Democrat
~ Lincoln and him agreed that Lincoln should win and states should not secceed
What happened as a result of Antietam?
Emancipation proclamation
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
South Carolina
Name the 11 states of the Confederacy.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia
Why were the Lincoln-Douglas debates important?
~ Focused on the expansion of slavery into new territories
~ Lincoln's against spread
~ Douglas's wanting popular sovereignty
~ Raised Lincoln'ss national profile
~ Important in future arguments
What was the Lecompton Constitution?
~ Proposed a pro-slavery constitution for Kansas
~ Supported by Buchannon
~ Not reflective of the population of Kansas
~ After bleeding Kansas
What did Buchanan believe about secession?
~ Illegal but also the federal government had no authority to force states to stay in the union
~ It worsened the succession
Who are the “forty-niners”?
Gold seekers who went to California to mine gold in 1849
What is the Anaconda Plan?
~ Winfield Scott's (northener) idea to surround the southern states to blockade their access to the coast
~ They got control of the Mississippi River and destroyed Richmond
What happened at Bull Run?
~ It was the start of the war
~ North realized that this wouldn't be a fast/easy war
What is Bleeding Kansas?
~ A mini civil war fought in Kansas
~ Pro-slavery abolitionists flooded into Kansas to sway the free or slave state decision
~ Invalidates concept of popular sovereignty
~ South wins elections and created puppet governments
~ Free soilers ignore it and make their own government in Topeka
Who is Sherman?
~ Union general known for his march to the sea
~ Led the campaign for total war
~ Destroyed Confederate infrastructure and resources to weaken the South's ability to continue fighting
~ He led the Atlanta campaign
What happened to Wilmer McLean?
~ The war started in his kitchen and ended in his parlor
~ He was involved in the First Battle of Bull Run and moved to escape
~ Lee surrendered to Grant in McLean's house in Appomattox
Who was the President of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
Why was the death of Zachary Taylor important in delaying the Civil War?
~ He opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories
~ His death led to the presidency of Fillmore (supported Compromise of 1850)
What is the Freeport Doctrine?
Territories could determine whether to allow slavery or not based on popular sovereignty
Who is George McClellan?
~ Democratic presidential candidate during Lincoln's second election
~ He has control of an army but never uses it
~ Seems to get in Lincoln's way
What experience did Lincoln have going into the Presidency? Very little?
He was temporarily in congress
What are Grant’s two nicknames?
~ “Unconditional Surrender Grant” - strict terms for Confederate surrenders
~ “The Butcher” - willingness to sustain heavy casualties to achieve victory
According to Shelby Foote, the North fought the Civil War with…
~ One hand behind its back
~ Union had more resources
~ Union could have fought more aggressively if they wanted to
Why did the South claim the moral high ground in the Civil War?
~ They were fighting to protect the state's rights
~ Right to self-governance and slavery
What is the Union party?
~ Republicans, war democrats, and border states
~ Want to maintain the union/anti-secession and support Lincoln's re-election.
Who was elected President in 1852?
Franklin Pierce