What is the lateral border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Mandibular ramus
What is the anterior border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Posterior aspect of maxilla
What is the superior border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Inferior surface of the greater wing of the Sphenoid bine
What is the posterior border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Tympanic plate, mastoid process, & styloid process of temporal bone
What is the inferior border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Medial pterygoid muscle attachment at the angle of the mandible
What is the medial border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Lateral pterygoid plate
What are the contents of the Infratemporal fossa?
Temporalis muscle
Lateral & medial pterygoid muscles
Mandibular nerve & its inferior alveolar, lingual, & buccal branches
Otic ganglion
Chorda tympani (CN VII branch)
Maxillary artery & majority of its branches
Pterygoid venous plexus
What are the muscles of mastication?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
What innervates the muscles of mastication?
Motor root of the mandibular nerve (CN V3)
What muscles of mastication are outside the Infratemporal fossa?
Temporalis (majority) & masseter
What muscle of mastication elevates (closes) & retracts mandible?
What muscle of mastication elevates (closes) & protracts mandible?
What muscle of mastication protracts & depresses (open) mandible & contributes to the chewing motion?
Lateral pterygoid
What muscle of mastication elevates (closes) & protracts mandible & contributes to the chewing motion?
Medial pterygoid
What is the classification of the TMJ?
Ginglymoarthrodial synovial joint (hinge & plane joints) + diarthrosis
What are articulating sturctures of the TMJ?
Mandibular fossa of temporal bone
Articular tubercle of temporal bone
Head of mandibular condyle
Articular disc
What is the arterial supply to the TMJ?
Superficial temporal artery
Deep auricular artery
WhatAnterior tympanic artery
What is the innervation of the TMJ?
Auriculotemporal nerve (posterior division of CN V3)
Posterior deep temporal nerve (anterior division of CN V3)
Masseteric nerve (anterior division of CN V3)
What depresses the TMJ?
Lateral pterygoid (prime mover)
Suprahyoid & infrahyoid
What elevates the TMJ?
Temporalis (prime mover)
Masseter (prime mover)
Medial pterygoid (prime mover)
What protrudes the TMJ?
Lateral pterygoid (prime mover)
Medial pterygoid (prime mover)
What retrudes the TMJ?
Posterior fibers of Temporalis muscle (prime mover)
What laterally deviates the TMJ ipsilaterally?
Posterior fibers of Temporalis muscle
What laterally deviates the TMJ contralaterally?
Lateral pterygoid (prime mover)
Medial pterygoid (prime mover)
Middle fibers of Temporalis muscle
What is structure 1?
Anterior tympanic artery
What is structure 2?
Deep auricular artery
What is structure 3?
Lateral pterygoid muscle
What is structure 4?
Superficial temporal artery
What provides motor innervation to the tongue?
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) except palatoglossus which is the Vagus nerve (X)
What provides sensory innervation to the tongue?
Lingual nerve & chorda tympani
Where does the Frontal sinus drain?
Middle meatus of the nasal cavity
Where does the Sphenoid sinus drain?
Sphenoid-ethmoidal recess
Where does the Ethmoidal sinus drain?
Anterior & middle - middle meatus
Posterior - superior meatus
Where does the Maxillary sinus drain?
Inferior meatus of the nasal cavity
What cranial nerves mediate gestation within the tongue?
Facial nerve & glossopharyngeal nerve (CN VII & CN IX)
What cranial nerves mediate speech & sound production + mastication & swallowing within the tongue?
Vagus nerve & hypoglossal nerve (CN X & CN XII)
What cranial nerves mediate touch within the tongue?
Lingual nerve & glossopharyngeal nerve (branch of CN V3 & CN IX)
What is the superiorly attached to the Hyoid bone?
Oral cavity
What is the inferiorly attached to the Hyoid bone?
What is the posteriorly attached to the Hyoid bone?
What is the Superficial cervical fascia & what does it contain?
Layer between the dermis & deep cervical fascia:
Neurovascular supplies
Superficial veins
Superficial lymph nodes
Platysma muscle
What is the Deep cervical fascia & what are its layers?
Layer deep to the superficial fascia & patysma muscle:
Carotid sheath
What fascia surrounds the Cervical vertebral column & the scalene muscles, prevertebral muscles, & the deep muscles of the back?
Prevertebral layer of the Deep cervical fascia
What neurovascular bundles of the neck does the Carotid sheath enclose?
Common carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
Accompanying cervical lymph node
What are the Superficial muscles of the neck?
Sternocleidomastoid (sternal & clavicular heads)
What Superficial muscles of the neck are innervated by the Spinal accesseory nerve (CN XI) & ventral rami of C2-C4?
Sternocleidomastoid (sternal & clavicular heads)
What is the Platysma innervated by?q
Cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
What is the unilateral function of the Sternocleidomastoid?
Lateral flexion of neck toward the ipsilateral shoulder & simutaneously rotates head so the face is turned superiorly toward contralateral side
What is the bilateral function of the Sternocleidomastoid?
Flexes head & cervical vertebrae of neck
What is different between the Sternocleidomastoid sternal head & clavicular head?
Origin - upper part of anterior surface of manubrium & upper part & anterior surface of medial 1/3 of clavicle
What is the function of the Platysma?
Depress angle of mouth & draw skin of the neck superiorly to prod. expressions of sadness, anxiety, or fright
What is the function of the Trapezius?
Unilateral does lateral flexion to ipsilateral shoulder & bilateral extends neck
Retracts & depresses scapula, descending & ascending fibers superiorly rotate scapula
What are the Suprahyoid muscles of the neck?
Stylohyoid - CN VII & pulls hyoid up
Digastric (ant.) - CN V3 & opens mouth/lowers mandible + raises hyoid bone
Digastric (post.) - CN VII & pulls hyoid up & back
Mylohyoid - CN V3 & elevate floor of mouth & hyoid
Geniohyoid - CN XII & pulls hyoid forward & mandible down/inward
What are the Infrahyoid muscles of the neck?
Omohyoid & sterno__hyoid__ (superficial)
Sterno__thyroid__ & thyrohyoid
Where does the Brachial plexus & subclavian artery pass between & what is this important for?
Anterior & middle scalene muscles for interscalene blocks
What is located posterior to the Anterior scalene muscle?
Subclavian artery
What elevates the 1st & 2nd ribs to increase intrathoracic volume?
Scalene muscles
This muscle originates on posterior tubercles of CIV to CVI, inserts on surface rib II, is innervated by ant. rami of C5 to C7, & elevates rib II:
Posterior scalene
This muscle originates on posterior tubercles of CII to CVII, inserts on upper surface of rib I post. to groove for subclavian, is innervated by ant. rami of C3 to C7, & elevates rib I:
Middle scalene
This muscle originates on anterior tubercles of CIII to CVI, inserts on scalene tubercle & upper surface of rib I, is innervated by ant. rami of C4 to C7, & elevates rib I:
Anterior scalene
What is the superior border of the Anterior triangle?
Inferior border of mandible
What is the lateral border of the Anterior triangle?
Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
What is the medial border of the Anterior triangle?
Sagittal line down the midline of the neck
What muscles are in the Anterior triangle?
Suprahyoid & infrahyoid muscles
What vessels are in the Anterior triangle?
Common carotid artery → ECA & ICA
Internal jugular vein
What nerves are in the Anterior triangle?
CN VII (facial nerve)
CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)
CN X (vagus nerve)
CN XI (accessory nerve)
CN XII (hypoglossal nerves)
What are the contents of the Carotid triangle?
Common carotid artery
Internal jugular nerve
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
What is the superior border of the Carotid triangle?
Posterior belly of the digastric muscle
What is the lateral border of the Carotid triangle?
Medial border of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle
What is the inferior border of the Carotid triangle?
Superior belly of the Omohyoid muscle
What is the anterior border of the Posterior triangle?
Posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoid
What is the posterior border of the Posterior triangle?
Anterior border of the Trapezius
What is the inferior border of the Posterior triangle?
Middle 1/3 of the Clavicle
What is the roof border of the Posterior triangle?
Investing layer of fascia
What is the floor border of the Posterior triangle?
Prevertebral fascia
What are the muscles of the Posterior triangle?
Omohyoid muscle
Splenius capitis
Levator scapulae
What are the veins of the Posterior triangle?
External jugular vein
Subclavian vein
Transverse cervical vein
Suprascapular vein
What is the blood supply of the Posterior triangle?
Subclavian vein
Transverse cervical
Suprascapular veins
What are the nerves of the Posterior triangle?
Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Cervical plexus
Brachial plexus
The _ enters into the Subclavian vein once it pierces the deep fascia of the clavicular head of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle:
External jugular vein
What forms the Brachiocephalic vein?
Internal jugular vein + subclavian vein
What is the Retromandibular vein formed by?
Superficial temporal vein + maxillary vein with the parotid gland
What does the anterior division of the Retromandibular vein divide into?
Facial vein & common facial vein
What does the posterior division of the Retromandibular vein divide into?
External jugular vein
What are the direct branches of the ECA?
Superior thyroid artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Lingual artery
Facial nerve
Occipital artery
Posterior auricular artery
What are the terminal branches of the ECA?
Maxillary artery
Superficial temporal artery
What is the structure 1 & its function?
Superficial temporal artery, terminating branch of ECA, & supplies the Temporal region
What is the structure 2 & its function?
Transverse facial artery, branch of the Superficial temporal artery, & supplies the cheek & parotid gland
What is the structure 3 & its function?
Facial artery, branch of ECA, & supplies the face
What is the structure 4 & its function?
Lingual artery, branch of ECA, & supplies the tongue
What is the structure 5 & its function?
Superior thyroid artery, branch of ECA, & supplies the larynx & thyroid gland
What is the structure 6 & its function?
External carotid artery
What is the structure 7 & 10 its function?
Maxillary artery, terminating branch of ECA, & supplies deep structures of the face like the infratemporal fossa
What is the structure 8 & its function?
Occipital artery, branch of ECA, & supplies occipital region of the scalp
What is the structure 9 & its function?
Ascending pharyngeal artery, branch of ECA, & supplies pharynx & palatine tonsils
What is the function of the Posterior auricular artery?
Supplies scalp posterior to the ear
What are the branches of the 1st (mandibular) part of Maxillary artery
Deep auricular artery
Anterior tympanic artery
Middle meningeal artery
Accessory meningeal artery
Inferior alveolar artery
What are the branches of the 2nd (pterygoid) part of Maxillary artery?
Masseteric artery
Pterygoid artery
Deep temporal artery
Buccal artery
What are the branches of the 3rd (pterygopalatine) part of Maxillary artery?
Descending palatine
Posterior superior alveolar
Infraorbital artery
Pharyngeal artery of Pterygoid canal
Sphenopalatine artery
What provides most of the blood supply to the head & neck?
Subclavian & common carotid arteries