APUSH Chapter 21: The Furnace of the Civil War

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Wilderness Campaign

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Wilderness Campaign

________ (1864): Grant launches a series of brutal and fatal attacks in VA, leading to public outcry against "Grant the Butcher ..

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Peninsula Campaign

________ (1862): Lincoln orders Union General George McClellan to seize Richmond, and he decides to attack by water.

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Congressional Committee

________ on the Conduct of the War: made up of radical Republicans who disliked the immense power given to the President but agitated Lincoln to advocate for emancipation.

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Battle of Gettysburg

________ (1863): happened in Pennsylvania, marks another Union victory.

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________: Grant hopes to build up on his victory from Fort Henry, and wins this battle at the Tennessee- Mississippi border despite a strong Confederate counter attack.

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________ (1862): a bloody conflict on both sides, it ends in a draw, but shows the prowess of the Union army.

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________: Northern Democrats who obstructed the war effort by criticizing Lincoln, the draft, and emancipation.

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Reform Bill

________ of 1867: Britain becomes an established political democracy, which shows how the domestic success of the liberty had international impacts.

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Emancipation Proclamation

________ (1863): liberated slaves in Confederate states lany state in rebellion, which meant the border states could still keep their slaves.

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Fort Henry

________ and Fort Donelson (1862): battle in Tennessee where Union General Ulysses Grant demands the unconditional surrender of the Confederate army → this Union victory allowed them to also secure Kentucky.

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Union General William Sherman

Sherman's March (1864): ________, who was in charge of seizing Georgia, employed a "total war "tactic as he burned down the area, destroying infrastructure and civilian property → diminished Southern morale and destroyed potential Confederate supplies.

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Peninsula Campaign (1862)

Lincoln orders Union General George McClellan to seize Richmond, and he decides to attack by water

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Antietam (1862)

a bloody conflict on both sides, it ends in a draw, but shows the prowess of the Union army

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Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

liberated slaves in Confederate states lany state in rebellion, which meant the border states could still keep their slaves

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13th amendment (1865)

prohibited slavery/ involuntary servitude (more on this and other Reconstruction amendments later)

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Battle of Gettysburg (1863)

happened in Pennsylvania, marks another Union victory

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Gettysburg Address (1863)

Lincoln's speech at a cemetary for Gettysburg soldiers where he frames the war as a means of upholding liberty

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Fort Henry and Fort Donelson (1862)

battle in Tennessee where Union General Ulysses Grant demands the unconditional surrender of the Confederate army → this Union victory allowed them to also secure Kentucky

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Grant hopes to build up on his victory from Fort Henry, and wins this battle at the Tennessee-Mississippi border despite a strong Confederate counter attack

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Siege of Vicksburg (1862)

2 month long siege of a Confederate fort that housed vital supplies like cattle and munitions

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Sherman's March (1864)

Union General William Sherman, who was in charge of seizing Georgia, employed a "total war" tactic as he burned down the area, destroying infrastructure and civilian property → diminished Southern morale and destroyed potential Confederate supplies

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Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War

made up of radical Republicans who disliked the immense power given to the President but agitated Lincoln to advocate for emancipation

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Northern Democrats who obstructed the war effort by criticizing Lincoln, the draft, and emancipation

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Union Party

the Republican Party combined with the pro-war Democrats to run Abraham Lincoln as a candidate, with Andrew Johnson being his VP

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At first, Lincoln's chances of re-election were slim

some accused him of being too ready to compromise, lacking force and generally losing the war

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Wilderness Campaign (1864)

Grant launches a series of brutal and fatal attacks in VA, leading to public outcry against "Grant the Butcher."

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Appomattox Courthouse (1865)

following the capture of Richmond, Lee's troops are forced to surrender hereofficial end to the Civil War, as Richmond is burned down

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Reform Bill of 1867

Britain becomes an established political democracy, which shows how the domestic success of the liberty had international impacts

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