3.3 demographic changes

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trends in births and fertility
* number of births is generally decreasing (1.1 million in 1901 → around 800,000 in 2012)
* **economic factors:** children used to be seen as an economic asset for wc, now seen as financial burden as financially dependent for longer
* **women's opportunities:** have options other than marriage/childrearing
* **changing social attitudes:** until the end of 20th century, big families were desirable, but families with up to three children are now the social norm
* **individualisation:** individuals are more able to construct their own lifestyle and no longer tied to social norms. people also want to avoid risk e.g. children/marriage
* **contraception** more socially acceptable and widely accessible and **abortion** legalised in england and wales in 1968
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fluctuations in birth rates
* number of births fell during both world wars, then saw a baby boom
* baby booms tend to occur every 25 years and coincide with periods of economic prosperity
* number of births and tfr increasing since 2001:
* children from last baby boom in 1980s starting families
* many women delayed having children until 2000s
* immigration level has risen recently. immigrants tend to be younger than uk population so more fertile
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family size
* family size decreasing - avg. 1.71 dependent children (2012)
* women remaining childless, e.g. focusing on career/education, ensuring financial stability etc.
* black/asian ethnic groups have larger families
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births outside marriage
* births outside marriage increasing - 8% in 1971 → around 1/2 in 2012
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changes in the age of marriage and childbearing
* age of marriage increasing
* more cohabitation before marriage
* less social pressure to marry young
* extension of education
* cost of weddings increasing
* age of childbearing increasing
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causes of ageing population
* lower birth rates
* increased life expectancy
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problems of ageing population
* **increasing age dependency ratio:** ratio of dependents (
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positives of an ageing population
* **volunteers:** retired people have time to contribute unpaid work, e.g. volunteering for charities
* **older people as consumers:** the spending of older people has increased while that of younger generations has declined in recent years
* **grandparents:** grandparents make huge contribution to family life, e.g. childcare. half of lone-parent families depend on grandparents for childcare. they also make financial contributions to families, e.g. setting up trust funds
* **beanpole families:** extended families of three, four or five generations, that may live close together and see each other regularly