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Extrinsic Motivation
"Within this view, students are motivated to complete a task by the desire to obtain an externally provided reinforcer" Week 3 lecture
Intrinsic motivation
Person shows intrinsic desire to understand a subject that persists over time and is based on preexisting knowledge, personal experience, and emotion" (Personal interest) "Interest in a subject is more temporary and based on unusualness of information or personal relevance" (situational interest)
What affects motivation?
Perception of capabilities, Interest in task, approval from important people, likelihood that their actions will affect the quality of the outcome (Slide3)
The beliefs people have about how capable they think they are at organizing and carrying out a specific course of action
Motivation is influenced by fulfilling different levels of need.
Maslow's theory
is grounded in the humanistic view, which emphasizes the whole person and his/her physical, emotional, interpersonal, intellectual needs.
The non evaluative picture people have of themselves
The global evaluative judgments we make of ourselves
The evaluative judgments people make of their competence in specific areas or domains and their associated feelings of self-worth
The search for mental balance between cognitive schemas and information from the environment (Piaget)
Attribution Theory
Motivation is influenced by the factors a person invokes to explain his/ her successes and failures
Personal Interest
Person shows intrinsic desire to understand a subject that persists over time and is based on preexisting knowledge, personal experience, and emotion
Situational Interest
Interests in a subject is more temporary and based on unusualness of information or personal relevance
Deficiency needs
(e.g., physiological, safety) must be met in order for a student to be motivated to learn and fulfill his/her potential (self-actualization).
What are part of theory of growth motivation/ hierarchy of needs?
Growth needs, Self-actualization, and peak experience