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But I ___
was well
Upon my ____ before it ___
way to sleep, fell
and ____
I could tell
what form ___ was ____
my dreaming, about to take
_____ apples _____
magnified, appear and reappear
____ and ____
stem end, blossom end
and _____ showing clear
every fleck of russet
my ____ not only ____
instep arch, keeps the ache
it keeps the ____
pressure of a ladder round
and i keep _____
hearing from the cellar bin
the rumbling sound
if _____ coming in (STOP)
load on load
one ___ what will ____
can see, trouble
this ____ whatever ___
sleep of mine, sleep it is
we’re ____ gone
he not
the _____ could say _____
woodchuck, whether it’s like his
____ as i _____ coming on
long sleep, describe its
or just some ____ (STOP)
human sleep