Psych 351 Exam 3

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The formal term meaning the link between children and their primary caregiver is known as __________.

  • Commitment

  • Birth order

  • attachment

  • accomodation

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The formal term meaning the link between children and their primary caregiver is known as __________.

  • Commitment

  • Birth order

  • attachment

  • accomodation


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Which of the following are considered to be the three primary attachment styles?

  • Depresses, anxious, avoidant

  • abnormal. normal, unhealthy

  • avoidant, abnormal, healthy

  • secure, anxious, avoidant

secure, anxious, avoidant

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Children's attachment styles were originally studied using a paradigm called the __________.

Attachment Personality Test

Attachment Assessor

Strange Situation

Visual Cliff

stange situation

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Jose, age 34, measures high for anxiety and tends to have a negative view of himself, but he generally has a high regard for other people. Jose would likely be considered to have what type of adult attachment?






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Which type of attachment style is associated with high anxiety and high avoidance?






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-Which combination of the Big Five traits result in the most satisfying relationships?

low agreeableness, high conscientious, and high neuroticism

high agreeableness, low conscientious, and high neuroticism

high agreeableness, high conscientious, and low neuroticism

high agreeableness, low conscientious, and low neuroticism

high agreeableness, high conscientious, and low neuroticism

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-Cal finds relationships challenging because he tends to be anxious about how the relationship is going. His anxiety then creates problems because he needs constant reassurance from his partner. Cal likely measures high for which Big Five trait?



openness to experience



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-Someone high in openness to experience who gravitates towards relationships with individuals from different cultures is likely motivated by ___________.

secure attachment





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-Research has found that when it comes to __________, being similar to your partner is associated with longer lasting relationships.


attachment styles




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-Which statement best describes the pattern that researchers have found between personality and relationship longevity?

Attitude matching is not helpful, but personality matching is.

Personality matching in relationships is not always helpful.

Personality and attitude matching is always helpful.

Personality matching is helpful, but attitude matching is not

personality matching in relationships is not always helpful

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-Empathy, compassion, and self-control are considered to be three __________.

new personality types

forces of extraversion

forces of self-expansion

positive forces in a relationship

positive forces in a relationship

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-Keandra often senses when people are hurting and is inclined to try to help that person with whatever it is they're going through. Keandra could likely be described as being __________.






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-What is the primary difference between empathy and compassion?

Empathy is a general feeling of annoyance towards someone who is suffering; compassion is feeling concern specifically toward people who are suffering.

Empathy is a general feeling of concern for someone you know; compassion is feeling concern specifically toward people you don't know.

Empathy is feeling concern specifically toward people who are suffering; compassion is a general feeling and concern for someone, whether they are doing well or not.

Empathy is a general feeling of understanding for someone, whether they are doing well or not; compassion is feeling concern specifically toward people who are suffering.

-Empathy is a general feeling of understanding for someone, whether they are doing well or not; compassion is feeling concern specifically toward people who are suffering.

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-Judy is very good at __________, seeing the world from another person's view.


role playing




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-People high in self-control tend to be more __________.






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-Which characteristics form what's known as the dark triad?

pride, Machiavellianism, and narcissism

psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism

psychopathy, anger, and narcissism

greed, Machiavellianism, and narcissism

-psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism

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-Jade seems to lack empathy for others and often displays impulsive behaviors. Jade shows signs of which characteristic?






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-Which of the following statements about those who display dark triad characteristics and mate poaching is true?

Dark triad people tend to steal other people's mates and also claim to have their mates poached by others.

Dark triad people tend not to steal other people's mates, but claim to have their mates poached by others.

Dark triad people tend to steal other people's mates, but rarely claim to have their mates poached by others.

Dark triad people tend not to steal other people's mates and also claim not to have their mates poached by others.

-Dark triad people tend to steal other people's mates and also claim to have their mates poached by others.

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-__________ individuals are often unemotional and ignore conventional morality.






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-Elizabeth's relationship with Brady started off so great she thought things were perfect. Within a short time, however, he was making her miserable in the relationship. This is an example of the __________.

chocolate vs broccoli perspective

chocolate cake model

personality crash model

broccoli soup model

chocolate cake model

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-Which of the following statements about some personality matching and online dating sites is true?

Dating sites match people by complementary personalities.

The data shows personality matching has proven to be an ineffective way to bring people together.

Dating sites match people with individuals who have opposite personalities to them.

Personality matching has not been used with online dating sites.

-Dating sites match people by complementary personalities.

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-What characteristic tends to be a strong predictor of liking someone on your initial date?




physical attractiveness

physical attractiveness

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-Which of the following statements regarding personality and social networking sites is true?

Social networking sites are causing people to become more narcissistic.

People who tend to self-enhance in real life do not tend to do so online.

The only Big Five trait that someone has in real life that appears accurately online is conscientiousness.

Initial liking based on first impressions of Facebook profiles is very similar to initial liking after meeting in real life.

-Initial liking based on first impressions of Facebook profiles is very similar to initial liking after meeting in real life.

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-Roberta embellishes her profile on a popular data site to seem more active and financially well-off than she really is. Given what we know about people's self-enhancement tendencies, what can we expect about how she presents herself offline?

Roberta likely embellishes her lifestyle offline as well.

Roberta will rarely embellish her lifestyle in an offline setting.

Roberta will present herself offline in a completely opposite manner than her online display.

Roberta will go overboard to downplay her lifestyle in an offline setting

-Roberta likely embellishes her lifestyle offline as well.

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-Which two of the Big Five traits are associated with posting selfies online?

extraversion and conscientiousness

extraversion and narcissism

conscientiousness and neuroticism

narcissism and openness to experience

-extraversion and narcissism

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-A child whose caregiver serves as a secure base is likely to __________.

avoid contact with the caregiver and rush to strangers

explore independently and rarely return to the caregiver

cry immediately and often when not in the presence of the caregiver

explore the environment independently, but always return to the caregiver for comfort

-explore the environment independently, but always return to the caregiver for comfort

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-According to attachment theory, internalizing attachment experiences means that the child's attachment experiences __________.

are all negatively impacting the child and causing depression

have been repressed and the child will have no recollection of the attachment experience

are likely to be expunged by adolescence

have become part of the child's personality

have became part of the child’s personality

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-When a caregiver is variably negligent and abuses drugs, the child is likely to develop __________ attachment.






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-Clarice tends to form close relationships that are generally positive. Clarice likely measures high in __________.



openness to experience



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-Johnny is very good about being on time for dates. In fact, he tends to show up a few minutes early to make sure there are seats at the restaurant or the lines for the movies are not too long. Johnny likely measures high for __________.






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-"Birds of a feather flock together" is a phrase that describes what research into __________ and relationship success suggests.




career focus


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-Your friend tells you that the three positive forces in a relationship are lust, sex, and greed. You correct your friend by listing the correct traits, which are __________.

empathy, compassion, and self-control

pride, compassion, and humility

humility, neuroticism, and self-control

empathy, pride, and dignity

-empathy, compassion and self-control

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-Whenever Cray and his girlfriend get into an argument, he is always able to see her perspective, which typically helps them resolve whatever problem they were having. The most accurate way to describe Cray's ability to see his girlfriend's point of view is to say he is __________.






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-__________ is the process of acting in a constructive way, rather than a destructive way, in response to a partner's behavior.






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-in the context of relationships, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism are known as __________.

make-or-break forces

subfacets of selfish love

game-playing tools

the dark triad

the dark triad

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-Jerod enjoys the "thrill of the hunt" in dating. He typically tells girls what they want to hear in order to get what he wants. He then has no problem cutting off contact with them when he's bored. Jerod is illustrating __________.






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-It's believed that the dark triad characteristics are so prevalent and have persisted for so long because __________.

women tend not to respect "nice" guys, which has reinforced "bad boy" behavior in men

people are competitive by nature and these traits allow for game-playing and manipulation

they are useful for forming sexual relationships.

at our core, humans are callous, selfish individuals and civilization has not been able to change that reality

they are useful for forming sexual relationships

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-What are the three key benefits to online dating?

access to a large pool of potential mates, the ability to communicate with them, and personality matching

access to a large pool of potential mates, the ability to self-enhance, and attitude matching

access to a large pool of potential mates, the ability to try on different personalities, and attitude matching

the ability to play games more frequently, the ability to communicate with partners, and personality matching

-access to a large pool of potential mates, the ability to communicate with them, and personality matching

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-Nicole likes to be the center of attention, dresses provocatively, and tends to have shallow relationships. Which of the following statements about Nicole is likely to be true?

She will still seek attention, but her online relationships will, ironically, be more "real" and have more depth.

She will tend to be much more reserved online.

Her personality online will come across as more fun-loving and extraverted, which will win over more friends and dates.

Her personality is likely to be the same online.

Her personality is likely to be the same online

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-One recent meta-analysis found that __________ had the strongest links to social media use.

narcissism and neuroticism

narcissism and openness

conscientiousness and openness

extraversion and openness

Extraversion and Openness

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-How do personality disorders differ from other mental disorders?

Personality disorders are different from other mental disorders because they are considered to be abnormal in the person's culture whereas people with mental disorders experience something that is considered to be normal in their culture.

Personality disorders are different from other mental disorders because they affect people's behaviors whereas people with mental disorders only experience effects in their thinking.

Personality disorders are different from other mental disorders because they are often considered a part of a person's personality or character rather than a disease that exists outside the personality.

Personality disorders are different from other mental disorders because they cause someone to experience distress whereas people with mental disorders do not experience distress.

-Personality disorders are different from other mental disorders because they are often considered a part of a person's personality or character rather than a disease that exists outside the personality.

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-Personality disorders are arranged in which of the following three clusters?

(A) irrational or illogical, (B) dramatic or emotional, and (C) anxious or fearful

(A) angry or violent, (B) dramatic or emotional, and (C) anxious or fearful

(A) odd or eccentric, (B) melancholic or sad, and (C) anxious or fearful

(A) odd or eccentric, (B) dramatic or emotional, and (C) anxious or fearfu

-(A) odd or eccentric, (B) dramatic or emotional, and (C) anxious or fearfu

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-Gia has recently been diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder. Gia likely is __________.

low in neuroticism and low in conscientiousness

low in extraversion and high in conscientiousness

high in neuroticism and low in agreeableness

low in openness and low in conscientiousness

-high in neuroticism and low in agreeableness

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-With which personality disorder do people tend to score somewhat higher than average on agreeableness but also high in neuroticism?






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-Which of the following statements regarding personality disorders is true?

The elderly are most susceptible to developing personality disorders.

Personality disorders and their severity tend to decline with age and maturity.

The prevalence of personality disorders appears to be higher in non–Western countries.

Personality disorders and their severity tend to increase with age.

-Personality disorders and their severity tend to decline with age and maturity.

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-Which of the following people is most likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder?

Kate, who has been depressed and rarely able to leave the house for over a month

Moses, who feels alienated from his family lately since returning from college

Usha, who has been feeling anxious lately due to troubles at work

Clyde, who couldn't get out of bed for a week after he broke up with his girlfriend

-Kate, who has been depressed and rarely able to leave the house for over a month

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-Theo is completely stressed with finals, work, and trouble at home. He's had trouble dealing with everything lately. On his way to class, he feels paralyzed with fear and a severe tightness in his chest, almost like he's having a heart attack. Which anxiety disorder is Theo showing symptoms of?

panic disorder


social phobia

generalized anxiety disorder

panic disorder

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-The disorder characterized by manic episodes of high energy followed by a crash into depression is called __________.

generalized anxiety disorder

bipolar disorder

panic disorder

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Bipolar disorder

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-What is a common personality profile of someone diagnosed with schizophrenia?

low agreeableness, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

high agreeableness, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

high agreeableness, low extraversion, and high conscientiousness

low agreeableness, low extraversion, and high conscientiousness

-low agreeableness, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

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-Melissa has a distorted view of herself. She believes she's overweight even though she's severely underweight. Her distorted perception of self is driving her to eat less and less. Melissa likely is suffering from __________.


anorexia nervosa

bulimia nervosa

obsessive-compulsive disorder

anorexia nervosa

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-Marlena isn't feeling like herself lately. She's feeling distant from her boyfriend, she's not into her classes, and she can't even seem to have fun with her friends. So she starts buying self-help books to see if she can get herself out of the rut she's in. This is called __________.



pharmacological therapy

cognitive-behavioral therapy


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-__________ is a form of therapy that emphasizes changing your thoughts and behaviors.

Behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Immersion therapy

Pharmacological therapy

cognitive behavioral therapy

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-Which of the following statements regarding antidepressants is true?

Antidepressants are especially effective in treating mild depression.

Antidepressants have proven to be much more effective than psychotherapy in treating mood disorders.

Antidepressants show no effectiveness for lowering neuroticism.

Antidepressant drugs are effective for treating a wide array of mood, anxiety, and depressive disorders.

-Antidepressant drugs are effective for treating a wide array of mood, anxiety, and depressive disorders.

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-Which of the following have studies shown to be an effective way of increasing happiness?

doing 50 jumping jacks each day

engaging in downward social comparisons

trying to be more optimistic and showing gratitude

practicing detachment

Trying to be more optimistic and showing gratitude

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-Which character trait has proven to be associated with many behavioral problems?

low conscientiousness

low neuroticism

high extraversion

high openness to experience

low conscientiousness

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-Which of the following effectively sums up the criteria for being diagnosed with a personality disorder?

A personality disorder must cause occasional problems, be pervasive, and must be caused by something else.

A personality disorder must cause problems, be pervasive, and not be caused by something else.

A personality disorder must be self-reported, occur only in specific situations, and not be caused by something else.

A personality disorder must cause problems, be pervasive, and must be caused by something else.

-A personality disorder must cause problems, be pervasive, and not be caused by something else.

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-Approximately how many people suffer from a personality disorder?

1 in 100 people

1 in 1,000,000 people

1 in 1,000 people

1 in 10 people


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-What is a common trait combination for those diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

high neuroticism and low openness

low conscientiousness and high neuroticism

low agreeableness and low conscientiousness

low agreeableness and low neuroticism

-low agreeableness and low conscientiousness

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-Carly has a tendency to be very affectionate with her partner, then becomes angry, and then begs him not to leave. Carly is showing a pattern associated with which personality disorder?

narcissistic personality disorder

antisocial personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

histrionic personality disorder

-borderline personality disorder

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-People with personality disorders usually, but not always, display which of the following traits?

low extraversion and low neuroticism

high neuroticism and low agreeableness

low openness to experience and low extraversion

high agreeableness and low extraversion

-high neuroticism and low agreeableness

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-The PID-5 is basically an extreme, negative version of the Big Five. It consists of what five traits?

positivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, violence, psychoticism

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism

negative affectivity, detachment, dependency, disinhibition, psychoticism

-negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism

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-Which of the following is an example of someone who has a mood disorder?

Ricardo, who has generalized anxiety disorder

Kyle, who has major depressive disorder

Salim, who has a social phobia

Rosemary, who has panic attacks

-Kyle, who has major depressive disorder

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-A diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder requires which of the following?

high levels of anxiety over a period of 6 months or more

a person self-reporting feeling of sadness multiple times in the same month

a person having trouble adjusting to a new environment for 2 months or more

severe depression with thoughts of suicide that is reoccurring over the course of 2 years

-high levels of anxiety over a period of 6 months or more

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-Eli has had anxiety attacks, so he started avoiding the places that triggered them. He eventually spent most of his time in his apartment. Eli suffers from __________.


obsessive-compulsive disorder

borderline personality disorder



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-Anxiety disorders are linked to which combination of personality traits?

high neuroticism, high extraversion, and high conscientiousness

low neuroticism, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

high neuroticism, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

low neuroticism, high extraversion, and low conscientiousness

-high neuroticism, low extraversion, and low conscientiousness

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-The typical personality profile for someone with an eating disorder is __________.

low neuroticism and low extraversion, with some evidence of high conscientiousness and high agreeableness

low neuroticism and high extraversion, with some evidence of low conscientiousness and low agreeableness

high neuroticism and high extraversion, with some evidence of low conscientiousness and low agreeableness

high neuroticism and low extraversion, with some evidence of low conscientiousness and low agreeableness

-high neuroticism and low extraversion, with some evidence of low conscientiousness and low agreeableness

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-Peyton used to go out and have a few drinks with his friends on the weekend. Over time, he needed more and more drinks to have the same effect. Eventually his drinking begins to cause problems with his school work and his relationship with his girlfriend and close friends. Peyton is suffering from a substance-related disorder, which means his personality is characterized by likely __________.

low agreeableness and low extraversion

low conscientiousness and low neuroticism

high extraversion and high openness to experience

low conscientiousness and low agreeableness

-low agreeableness and low extraversion

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-Adrina is anxious and often down on herself. She is going to therapy that helps her change her way of thinking so that she can hopefully begin to feel differently about life and herself. Adrina is engaging in what type of therapy?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

psychodynamic therapy

pharmacological therapy

behavioral therapy

-cognitive-behavioral therapy

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-Which of the following statements regarding happiness is true?

Happiness is a fairly static condition that can't really be changed.

It appears possible to make oneself happier.

Research concludes that active attempts to increase happiness often have the opposite effect.

Trying to be more optimistic is not an effective way to make oneself happier.

-It appears possible to make oneself happier.

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-Which of the following statements about increasing social confidence is true?

Relaxation techniques help in lowering anxiety.

Putting people in social situations even if they are uncomfortable will not help them to overcome the fear.

Teaching people to introduce themselves and make small talk decreases social confidence.

Trying to think about other people as less competent helps relieve stress in social environments.

-Relaxation techniques help in lowering anxiety.

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-Which of the Big Five traits appears to be most related to living longer?






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-Which of the following traits is linked to a host of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity?

high neuroticism

high extraversion

high openness to experience

high agreeableness

high neuroctism

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-Which two characteristics are typical of Type D personality?

high neuroticism and high social inhibition

narcissism and high neuroticism

narcissism and low social inhibition

low social inhibition and low openness to experience

-high neuroticism and high social inhibition

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-DeAndre periodically suffers from depression. Lately he has been thinking about all the things that could go wrong during his public speaking project. He's constantly worried about his teammates, his own performance, and all the technical problems that could occur with the lighting and sound system. This thought process is best described as __________.

negative mind set





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-Which of the following most accurately defines Type A and Type B personalities?

Type A personality is laid back. Type B personality is uptight and neurotic.

Type A personality is hardworking, scheduled, and impatient. Type B personality is laid-back and less scheduled.

Type A personality is outgoing and positive. Type B personality is shy and nervous.

Type A personality is lazy and temperamental. Type B personality is hardworking and affiliative.

-Type A personality is hardworking, scheduled, and impatient. Type B personality is laid-back and less scheduled.

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-Toby is always trying to take over situations. His friends consider him bossy, and his girlfriend has almost broken up with him a number of times for being too controlling. Which of the following is the best way to describe Toby's personality?

He is low in conscientiousness.

He is too high in affiliation.

He is high in power motive.

He is high in extraversion

he is high in power motive

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-Toby is known for his micro-management leadership style. Many of his employees have left the company or have found ways to go around him thereby thwarting his power, both of which frustrate him greatly. If this continues, Toby is most likely to develop which of the following conditions?

sleep disorder with elevated progesterone


borderline personality disorder

high blood pressure and possible immune system problems

-high blood pressure and possible immune system problems

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-Which of the following statements regarding personality and physical health is true?

People high in extraversion tend to have high blood pressure.

People high in affiliation motive tend to have better immune system function.

People high in power motive tend to have better immune system function.

People low in affiliation motive tend to live longer lives

-People high in affiliation motive tend to have better immune system function.

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-Which of the following hormones is associated with feelings of closeness to others?






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-What is the difference between optimistic explanatory style and pessimistic explanatory style?

Optimistic explanatory style involves seeing good events as external while pessimistic explanatory style involves seeing good events as internal.

Optimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as transient and external while pessimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as stable and global.

Optimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as internal while pessimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as external.

Optimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as stable while pessimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as transient.

-Optimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as transient and external while pessimistic explanatory style involves seeing bad events as stable and global.

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-Which of the following statements regarding Lewis Terman's study is true?

It collected intelligence data on different children from around the United States over a five-year period.

It compared school performance of children in the late 1800s with children born 50 years later.

It collected personality data on children, teens, and adults who were identical twins separated at birth.

It collected data on habits, personalities, and behaviors in the longest-running longitudinal study ever conducted.

-It collected data on habits, personalities, and behaviors in the longest-running longitudinal study ever conducted.

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-Haley wants to stop eating so many sweets. What do we know about strengthening one's self-control that can help her accomplish her goal?

Self-control is completely determined by situation so sometimes people have it and sometimes they don't, making it very difficult for Haley to achieve her goal.

Self-control is an all-or-nothing concept, so Haley should simply stop eating sweets if that's her goal.

Self-control is an illusion; the only real way for Haley to reach her goal is to completely change her environment to avoid sweets altogether.

Self-control is like a muscle that needs to be exercised incrementally over time for the best results, so Haley should consider practicing her self-control in another area first.

-Self-control is like a muscle that needs to be exercised incrementally over time for the best results, so Haley should consider practicing her self-control in another area first.

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-Negative emotions turned inward result in __________; negative emotions turned outward result in __________.

anxiety; anger

high blood pressure; low blood pressure

frustration; fear

positive health outcomes; negative health outcomes

-anxiety; anger

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-Which term best describes a Type D personality?






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-Jacob is always busy. He keeps a daily calendar of his responsibilities. Any time he gets delayed or has to wait, he gets impatient and a little hostile—even angry. Which best describes Jacob's personality?

Type T

Type B

Type A

Type D

type A

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-Why might Type A personalities have an increased risk of heart attacks?

Hostile people have elevated red blood cell counts, which lead people to exert more energy than they need to.

Hostile people have elevated white blood cell counts, which can lead to inflammation of bodily tissue.

Hostile people tend to be lower in conscientiousness, and so eat poorly and drink too much.

Hostile people become ensnared in just-world syndrome, where they get what they deserve.

-Hostile people have elevated white blood cell counts, which can lead to inflammation of bodily tissue.

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-Which activity is a Type T person most likely to enjoy?

reading a book alone in the library

seeing the doctor about a bad feeling

bungee jumping off a high bridge

trying to control everything that goes on at a party

-bungee jumping off a high bridge

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-What is the most likely outcome of being high in agreeableness?

being more likely to develop high blood pressure

having a strong social support system of friends and loved ones

being less likely to be manipulated and controlled

maintaining a good diet

-having a strong social support system of friends and loved ones

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-Which of the Big Five has the weakest association with health outcomes?

openness to experience




openness to experience

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-Why do people high in extraversion run a somewhat greater risk of dying earlier?

They have higher white blood cell counts.

They are more likely to abuse drugs and die in accidents.

People high in extraversion also tend to be high in neuroticism, which is the real source of increased risk.

They are too open and honest and so get hurt more frequently.

-They are more likely to abuse drugs and die in accidents.

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-What is the best explanation for why being high in power motive can be detrimental to your health?

Thwarted attempts for power can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Thwarted attempts for power can lead to stress and chronic high blood pressure, which can then lead to immune system problems.

People high in power motive often eventually get betrayed by those who they lead.

People high in power motive become stressed about maintaining power, which often leads to unhealthy dieting and substance abuse

-Thwarted attempts for power can lead to stress and chronic high blood pressure, which can then lead to immune system problems.

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-What might be one reason that women are less likely than men to have heart attacks?

Women have less testosterone than men, and testosterone causes heart attacks.

The "women are wonderful" concept applies to heart disease.

They are more likely to have a "tend and befriend" style in dealing with stress, which is thought to be better for the immune system.

Women take fewer risks, and those risks often induce heart attacks in men.

-They are more likely to have a "tend and befriend" style in dealing with stress, which is thought to be better for the immune system.

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-Thinking that even small negative events are major problems is known as __________.






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-Chris just got a laid off at work. He figured that he lost his job because there were too many qualified people in his role and that the company had to let someone go, not because his performance was poor. This is an example of a(n) __________.

pessimistic explanatory style

optimistic explanatory style

internal explanatory style

practical realism style

-optimistic explanatory style

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-Dominque broke her leg right before she was to go on spring break with her friends. "It figures," she says. "Things like this always happen to me exactly when they shouldn't. That's just the way it is." This is an example of a(n) __________.

pessimistic explanatory style

practical realism style

optimistic explanatory style

truth-telling style

-pessimistic explanatory style

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Negative Affectivity is

extreme neuroticism

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Detachment is

low extraversion

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Antagonism is

low agreeableness

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disinhibition is

low conciousness

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flashcards Flashcard36 terms
studied byStudied by 13 people
Updated ... ago
4.7 Stars(3)
flashcards Flashcard26 terms
studied byStudied by 3 people
Updated ... ago
5.0 Stars(1)
flashcards Flashcard21 terms
studied byStudied by 16 people
Updated ... ago
5.0 Stars(1)