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difficulty swallowing
a nutrient is
substance that is ingested, digested, absorbed, and used by the body
processes involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and the use of food and fluids by the body
nutrient that provides energy and fiber
nutrient that adds flavor to food
vitamin A
vitamin that is needed for vision
vitamins B1, B12, B3, D
vitamin that is needed for nerve function
vitamin K
vitamin needed for blood clotting
mineral needed for the formation of teeth and bones
mineral allows red blood cells to carry oxygen
mineral needed for fluid balance
mineral needed for heart function
percent daily value
food labels contain what information?
changes from aging affect appetite and the foods eaten
relating to eating and nutrition…
follow the care plan, consider allergies
you have been assigned to buy groceries for a person receiving home care. You need to:
appetite decreases
with aging, changes occur in the gastro-intestinal system. Which is correct?
no dietary limits or restrictions
a resident gets the house diet. which is correct?
liquid at room temperature
a person is on a full-liquid diet. foods on this diet are
pudding and plain cake
a person is on a mechanical soft diet. the person can have which of the following?
after blood loss, for women during reproductive years
high-iron diets are ordered:
meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, poultry; breads, cereals; leafy greens
a person is on a high-protein diet. which foods are high in protein?
have fruits and vegetables
a person on a sodium-controlled diet can:
the doctor ordered a sodium-controlled diet for a patient. the average amount of sodium in the daily diet for this person would be:
avoids food that needs chewing, tires during meal, food spill out of mouth, eats slowly, coughs/chokes before/during'/after swallowing
sign/symptom of dysphagia
you are feeding a patient, you need to serve foods with a
“nothing by mouth”
a patient is NPO. this means that the person is
the resident has the following items on her meal tray. which is counted as fluid intake?
urinal/specimen pad/bedpan
a male resident is on I&O. when urinating, he needs to use
when water mug is empty; during each shift
when do patients and residents need fresh drinking water?
enteral nutrition
giving nutrients in the gastro-intestinal tract through a feeding tube
gastrostomy tube
feeding tube inserted through a surgically created opening in the stomach
naso-enteral tube
a feeding tube inserted through the nose and into the small bowel is
parenteral nutrition
giving nutrients through a catheter inserted into the vein is
backflow of stomach contents into the mouth
percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG)
a doctor inserts this type of feeding tube with an endoscope
delayed stomach emptying and over feeding
the risk of regurgitation is greatest with:
call for the nurse
a person is receiving hyperalimentation through an IV. The alarm sounds on the pump. what should you do?
you are never responsible for hyperalimentation
a person is receiving hyperalimentation. which is correct?
away from the center of the body-back of hand
a peripheral IV site
count the number of drops per minute
to check the IV flow rate you must:
the MyPlate food guidance system encourages smart and healthy food choices and weekly activity
the dietary guidelines for americans 2010 is for persons 2 yrs of age and older
older persons need fewer calories than younger people
keep vegetables and fruits separate from raw meat, poultry, and seafood while shopping, preparing and storing food
the amount of fluid taken in (intake) and the amount of fluid lost (output) must be equal
excess fluid losses quickly cause death in an infant or child
tube feeding formula is given cold to prevent microbes from growing in the formula
a feeding pump is used for a continuous tube feeding
the nurse asks you to check an iv flow rate. you need to tell the nurse at once if no fluid is dripping or if the fluid rate is too slow.