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Drug that increase Hgb content of blood
Example of hematinics
Iron, B12, Folic acid, erythropoietic co factors, anabolic steroids
Necessary for the maturation of RBCs and deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia.
Required for the maturation of RBCs.
Folic acid
Erythropoietic co factors
Cobalt and Copper, which help the bone marrow produce RBCs faster.
Used by individuals to build muscles.
Anabolic steroids
Drugs that control or stop bleeding.
Drugs that stop bleeding from small or superficial blood vessels, such as incisions or abrasions.
Topical hemostatics examples
Oxidized cellulose, epinephrine, styptics
A gauze-like pad placed on top of bleeding to absorb it and close the blood vessel.
Oxidized cellulose/Gelatin sponge
Used for epistaxis (nosebleeds).
Powders, liquids, or sprays used on wounds to stop bleeding, including iodine, methylene blue, silver nitrate, and gentian violet.
Drugs that stop bleeding from large and deep internal blood vessels or in cases of severe injury.
Systemic hemostatics example
Blood transfusion, VITK, Protamine sulfate
Performed when a significant amount of blood has been lost.
Blood transfusion
Given during surgery when a large blood vessel is cut to help the liver produce clotting factors.
Vitamin K
A protein found in the sperm of some fishes that can be used as an anticoagulant.
Protamine sulfate
Categories of anti-hemostatics
anti-coagulant, fibrinolytic, antithrombotic
Drugs that interfere with the clotting cascade, used in laboratory tests (in vitro) and blood transfusions (in vivo).
Example of anticoagulants
Heparin, Calcium, EDTA, Calcium, oxalate, Sodium oxalate, Sodium citrate, Acid citrate dextrose
Drugs that increase the activity of plasma or fibrinolysin, which dissolves clots.
Example of fibrinolytics
Streptokinase, Streptodornase
Drugs that affect platelet activity and prevent clot formation, such as aspirin and other NSAIDs, dipyridamole.
Antithrombotic example
Aspirin and other NSAID, Dipyrimadole
Drugs that increase the strength of heart muscle contraction.
Example of inotropes
cardiac glycoside, phosphodietrase inhibitors, B-ardenergic agonist,
Derived from plants, such as digitalis, that inhibit the membrane-bound N-K-AT base pump in the heart.
Cardiac glycoside
Common cardiac glycosides used (Digitalis)
Digoxin, Digitoxin
Drugs that inhibit phosphodiesterase
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors or non-glycoside, non-catecholamine
Examples of phosphodiestrase inhibitors
1. Theophylline
2. Aminophylline
3. Amrinone
4. Milrinone
5. Sildenafil
Drugs that stimulate B-adrenergic receptors
B-adrenergic agonist
B adrenergic agonist examples
1. Dopamine
2. Dobutamine
3. Epinephrine
4. Isoproterenol
5. Glucagon
Drugs that treat irregular heartbeat or arrhythmias.
Type of anti-arrhythmic that Block sodium channels to restore normal heartbeat
Class I anti-arrhythmics
Class I anti-arrhythmics example
Quinidine, procainamide, and lidocaine.
Type of anti-arrhythmic that act as B-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs
Class II anti-arrhythmics
Class II anti-arrhythmics example
propranolol, timolol, nadolol, alprenolol, and metoprolol.
Type of anti-arrhythmic that prolong the cardiac action potential and refractory period
Class III anti-arrhythmics
Class III anti-arrhythmics example
beryllium, amiodarone, and sotalol.
Type of anti-arrhythmic that block calcium channels
Class IV anti-arrhythmics
Class IV anti-arrhythmics example
verapamil, erapamil, and diltiazem.
Drugs that cause dilation of blood vessels.
Vasoactive drugs
Vasoactive drugs categories
arterial dilators and venous dilators
Reduce afterload
Arterial dilators
Arterial dilator example
Reduce preload
Venous dilators
Venous dilator example
nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, and prazosin.
Drugs that increase appetite
Appetite stimulant
appetite stimulant example
B vitamins, steroids(glucocorticoids& anabolic steroids), minerals (zinc), benzodiazepines(diazepam), and cycloheptadiene.
Drugs that prevent obesity by suppressing the hunger and satiety centers of the brain
Appetite suppressant
Appetite suppressant example
Drugs that increase the volume and fluidity of saliva. TX hypoptyalism & xerostomia
Sialagogues example
alkaloids from plants and cholinergic drugs.
Drugs that decrease the flow and fluidity of saliva
Anti-sialagogues example
atropine and glycopyrrolate.
Drugs that coat, lubricate, and protect irritated or abraded mucous membranes.
Alimentary demulcent
Alimentary demulcent examples
syrup, gum, glycerol, and starch., egg, mineral oil
Drugs that cleanse and decrease bacterial growth in the oral cavity. TX of halitosis
Buccopharyngeal antiseptic
Buccopharyngeal antiseptic examples
Mouthwash (pinole, bactidol, hexidine, chlorhexidine), lozenges (dequadin, dequalinium, strepsils)
Drugs that induce vomiting
Peripherally acting emetics example
§ Warm water is saturated with: CuSo4 or ZnSO4
§ Ipecac (production of toxic emetine)
§ Mustard seed
centrally acting emetics example
§ Apomorphine (don’t use in cats)
§ Xylazine (less effective in dogs)
§ Ipecac
Drugs that control vomiting
Peripherally acting anti-emetic example
glycopyrrolate, propantheline, methscopolamine, isopropamide, metoclopramide, and domperidone
anti-emetic most used in vet practice
Locally acting anti-emetic
antacids, kaolin, pectin, bismith subsalicylate
centrally acting anti-emetic
o Metoclopramide – sedative (barbiturate)
§ Metoclopramide is advocated for the control of persistent vomiting caused parvoviral infection.
o Labyninthine – anxiolytics (diazepam)
o Meclizine (teratogenic)
o Dimenhydramine
o Diphenhydramine
o Cyclizine (teratogenic)
o Promethazine
Drugs that promote the function and activity of the stomach by increasing motility and secretion
Example of stomachic
bethanechol, neostigmine, bicarbonate, pentagastrin, betazole, and histamine acid phosphate.
Drugs that decrease gastric motility. Also known as gastric sedatives
anti-stomachic example
atropine and glycopyrrolate.
Drugs that reduce excess acid in the stomach
Substances that bind with Alkaline drugs to neutralize HCl
Sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate
Drug used to treat wounds caused by excessive hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
H2 Blocker (antacid)
H 2 blocker example
§ Cimetidine
§ Ranitidine
§ Famotidine
§ Nizatidine
Drug used to treat ulcers and relieve pain caused by excessive acid in the stomach.
Proton Pump Inhibitor (antacid)
Proton pump inhibitor example
§ Dexlansoprazole
§ Esomeprazole magnesium
§ Lansoprazole
§ Omeprazole - most commonly used
· Omeprazole magnesium
· Omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate
§ Pantoprazole sodium
§ Rabeprazole sodium
Drugs that promote the expulsion of gas from the stomach.
Carminative examples
Alcohol ether, Chloroform, Ginger oil, Peppermint oil, Anise oil, and Eucalyptus oil
Drugs that depress ruminal fermentation and treat bloat in ruminants.
Antizymotic exm
Turpentine oil, Formalin, and Poloxalene
drugs affecting intestinal function
Laxative and purgatives
GIT protectant and absorbent
Drugs that induce defecation by promoting the elimination of soft, formed feces.
Drugs that induce defecation by promoting the elimination of watery feces.
Laxative and purgative example
Lubricant (mineral oil, Docusate sodium, polaxazol)
Simple bulk laxative (methylcellulose, agar, plantago seeds, wheat bran, prunes, cilium
osmotic cathartics (magnesium sulfate, mg hydroxide, sodium sulfate, sodium phosphate, lactulose)
irritant cathartics(indirect: castor oil, linseed oil, olive oil direct: bisacodyl, phenolphthalein
neuromuscular purgatives (neostiigmine, physostigmine, bethanechol, and carbachol
Solution or suppository introduced into the rectum to initiate defecation.
Enema example
soapy water, Glycerol, Sorbitol, Isotonic saline, Mineral oil, Vegetable oil, Docusate sodium
Drugs that decrease peristaltic movement and reduce the chance of having diarrhea.
spasmolytic examples
Opioid analgesic and anticholinergics
Drugs that protect the gastrointestinal tract and adsorb toxins.
GIT Protectant and Adsorbent
git protectant & adsorbent
activated charcoal, attapulgite, kaolin, pectin, bismuth salt
Drugs that increase the digestion of nutrients.
digestants example
acidifier, enzyme, probiotic, prebiotic
Drugs given when there is insufficient hydrochloric acid to aid in protein digestion.
acidifier example
formic acid, butyric acid, propionic acid
Substances that aid in the digestion of specific nutrients.
enzyme example
lipase, protease, amylase
Good bacteria that aid in digestion.
probiotic example
lactobacillus, bacillus, saccharomyces
Nutrients that support the growth of good bacteria.