Definition of race
Social construct that groups people based on perceived physical characteristics
Biological concept and socially constructed concept
Ethnicity definition
group of people who share a common cultural background including language, transitions, and ancestry
Cultural concept
Ethnocentrism definition
the evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture
Prejudice definition
opinion/belief/feeling about a person or group
2 Theories of prejudice
Scapegoat theories: one group blames another for its own problems
Conflict theories: prejudice is used to maintain positions at the top
Authoritarian personality theory- the F scale
embracing mainstream values
authoritarian submission
follow directions from leader in group
authoritarian aggression
get really angry with people who violate conventional norms
dislikes subjectivity and imagination
superstition and strategy
belief in individual faith
power and toughness
submission and domination
destructiveness and cynicism
distrust and lack of faith in people
project unconscious impulses; perception that the world is dangerous
Institutional discrimination
the unfair treatment of a group or individuals by institutions, which can be intentional or unintentional
ex: company refusing to hire people of a certain ethnicity
can occur in the form of policies laws, or traditions that deny resources and opportunities for certain groups
what are the 3 models of outcomes of racial and ethnic relations
elimination, accommodation, and assimilation
Elimination and its types
dominate group gets rid of subordinate group
Genocide: the attempted killing of an entire category of people based on race and ethnicity
Expulsion: chasing subordinate group out
Accommodation and its types
dominate and subordinate groups live in the same society and maintain group distinctiveness
Segregation: restricted contact; Jim Crow South (1875-1960)
Cultural pluralism: racial and ethnic identity maintained in private spaces; racial and ethnic groups conform in dominant group in public spaces
Assimilation and its types
blending of groups and everyone becomes one
Anglo-conformity: adopting language and practices (WASPS)
Melting pot: dominate and subordinate groups come together, surrender their uniqueness, and become alike
WASPS- white Anglo-Saxon protestant
very dominant and privileged
used to be dominant group until 1930s/40s
dominant group today is whites