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genetic code
the relationship between the sequence of bases in DNA and the sequence of amino acids in proteins
three nucleotides that encode an amino acid
which part of the cell has a distinct set of tRNAs that allow for different coding than the rest of the cell?
simple hypothesis
hypothesis model that suggests that only one anticodon can recognize only one codon in tRNA codon recognition
wobble hypothesis
hypothesis model that suggests that there is flexibility in tRNA recognition due to the fact that on tRNA can recognize multiple codons
maximizes the number of codons that can be read by a particular tRNA molecule
errors in translation are one error in _____ amino acids
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
enzyme that activates amino acids into their active form to be attached to a tRNA
the active form of amino acids that can be attached to tRNAs
an aminoacyl-AMP attached to tRNA forms _____
how many amino acids are consumed in the synthesis of each aminoacyl-tRNA?
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
what are the actual translators of the genetic code?
molecular machines that coordinate the interplay between aminoacyl-tRNA, mRNA, and proteins that result in protein synthesis
what is the large ribosome subunit?
what is the small ribosome subunit?
what is the whole ribosome referred to as?
proteins and RNA
what are ribosomes made up of?
what are the catalytic sites in ribosomes completely composed of?
a group of ribosomes bound to an mRNA
AUG (methionine)
what is the start codon that begins the polypeptide chain?
shine-delgarno sequences
upstream nucleotides that facilitate mRNA binding and are untranslated regions (UTRs)
initiation factors
what initiate translation and start assembling the ribosome subunits to eventually get 70S?
A and E
which sites are empty when the elongation phase starts?
what delivers the aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site, protects it from hydrolysis, and contributes to the accuracy of protein synthesis?
EF-Tu induces a conformational change that places the aminoacyl-tRNA at the P and A sites to promote peptide bond formation
what induces the release of GDP from EF-Tu and resets the cycle for the next aminoacyl-tRNA?
N terminus to C terminus (amino- to carboxyl-terminal)
what direction does synthesis occur?
release factors (RF)
termination of synthesis occurs via _____ that read the stop codons
secretory pathway
where proteins are translated in the endoplasmic reticulum