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Who served in 1789-1797
George Washington
What party was Washington
no party
Who was the president when the Judiciary Act (1789) was passed
George Washington
Who was the first president
George Washington
Who was the president when the Bank of the United States was passed
George Washington
Who was the president when the Bill of Rights was passed
George Washington
Who was the president when the Whiskey Rebellion (1794) occured
George Washington
Who was the president when Jay's Treaty: Stabilized northwestern frontier happened
George Washington
Who was the president when Pinckney's Treaty: Stabilized southwestern frontier (1795) was made
George Washington
What party was John Addams
Who was president when the XYZ Affair (1798) went down
John Adams
Who was president when the Alien and Sedition acts (1798) were passed
John Adams
Who was president when the Midnight Appointees: John Marshall as Chief Justice (1801)
John Adams
Who was president when the Second Great Awakening begins (1800)
John Adams
Who was the president when the Qusai war with France took place
John Adams
Who was president during the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
John Adams
Who was president when during the Judiciary Act (1801)
John Adams
What Party was Thomas Jefferson
Democratic Republican
Who was president during the Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson
Who was president when Marbury v. Madison (1803) occurred
Thomas Jefferson
Who was president when the Embargo Act was created
Thomas Jefferson
Who was president when the Non-Intercourse Act occurred
Thomas Jefferson
Who was president during the Hartford Convention
James Madison
Who was president during the Battle of New Orleans (1815)
James Madison
Who was president during the Second Bank of the U.S. (1816)
James Madison
Who was president during the Tariff of 1816—first protective tariff
James Madison
Who was president during the War of 1812
James Madison
What party was James Madison
Democratic Republican
Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe
Who was president during the Panic of 1819
James Monroe
Who was president during the Missouri Compromise (1820)
James Monroe
Who was president during the Monroe Doctrine (1823)
James Monroe
Who was president when Mexico opens Texas to American settlers
James Monroe
Who was president when Andrew Jackson invades Florida--Florida ceded to U.S. —Adams Onis treaty
James Monroe
Who was president during all the court cases
James Monroe
What party was James Monroe
Democratic Republican
Who was president during the Tariff of Abominations: Nullification (1828)
John Quincy Adams
Who was president during the Completion of Erie Canal (1825)
John Quincy Adams
Who was president during the creation of the American System
John Quincy Adams
Who was president during the corrupt Bargain
John Quincy Adams
What Party was John Quincy Adams
Democratic Republican
Who was president during the Jacksonian Democracy
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Indian Removal Act (1830)
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Secession and nullification
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Vetoe of the Bank of U.S. re-charter
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Black Hawk War (1832)
Andrew Jackson
Who was president when the Whig Party was created
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Texas revolution/independence
Andrew Jackson
What president was nicknamed Old Hickory
Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the creation of the Spoils System
Andrew Jackson
What party was Andrew Jackson
Who was president during the Interchangeable parts
Martin Van Buren
Who was president during the Independent Treasury System
Martin Van Buren
Who was president during the Panic of 1837 (through 1843)
Martin Van Buren
What party was Martin Van Buren
Who was president during 1841 for 4 weeks
William Henry Harrison
What party was William Henry Harrison
Who was president during the Log Cabin campaign
William Henry Harrison
Who was president when Texas was admitted to the Union
John Tyler
Who was president during the Tariff Bill
John Tyler
What challenge did John Tyler face from the whig party relating to the BUS
Rejection of Whig program for national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements lead to president's expulsion from party and attempted impeachmen
What party was John Tyler
Who was president during Manifest Destiny
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Wilmot Proviso
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Mass Irish Immigration due to potato famine
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Oregon Territory "54, 40 or fight" compromise for 49th parallel
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Mexican War (1846-1848)
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
James K. Polk
Who was president when the Anti-Slavery Whigs & Democrats form Free Soil Party organized
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Seneca Falls Convention
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in California (1948)
James K. Polk
Who was president during the Mexican American War
James K. Polk
What Party was James K. Polk
Who was president during the Gold Rush
Zachary Taylor
Who was president during the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Zachary Taylor
Who was president during the Introduction of the Compromise (1850)
Zachary Taylor
Who was president during the Omnibus Bill-Henry Clay
Zachary Taylor
What party was Zachary Taylor
What party was Millard Fillmore apart of
Who was president during the Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore
Who was president when the Strict Fugitive Slave Act was passed.
Millard Fillmore
What party was Franklin Pierce apart of
Who was president when the Underground Railroad began
Franklin Pierce
Who was president during the Gadsden Purchase
Franklin Pierce
Who was president during Bleeding Kansas and the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce
Who was president when the Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks clash took place
Franklin Pierce
What party was James Buchanan apart of
Who was president during the Dred Scott Decision
James Buchanan
Who was president during the Lecompton Compromise
James Buchanan
Who was president when Harpers Ferry happened
James Buchanan.
Who was president when South Carolina seceded
James Buchanan
What party was Abraham Lincoln
Who was president during the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
Who was president during the Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln
Who pocket vetoed the Wade Davis Bill
Abraham Lincoln
Who was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
Abraham Lincoln
Who was president during the Morrill Land Grant, Homestead, and Pacific Railway Acts.
Abraham Lincoln
What president greatly expanded the presidential powers
Abraham Lincoln
Who was the 16th president
Abraham Lincoln