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Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri as a slave state; Maine as free.
Henry Clay
Proposed the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850.
Wilmot Proviso
1846 proposal to ban slavery in new territories.
Free Soil Movement
Opposed slavery in territories; supported free labor.
Free Soil Party
Coalition opposing slavery in Mexican Cession territories.
Compromise of 1850
Admitted California free; allowed popular sovereignty.
Fugitive Slave Law
Required return of escaped slaves to owners.
Underground Railroad
Network aiding escaped slaves to reach freedom.
Harriet Tubman
Famous conductor of the Underground Railroad.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Novel highlighting the cruelty of slavery.
Impending Crisis of the South
Argued slavery harmed Southern economy with statistics.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Allowed settlers to decide on slavery in territories.
Bleeding Kansas
Violence between proslavery and antislavery factions.
Caning of Senator Sumner
Sumner attacked for anti-slavery speech; nearly killed.
Republican Party
Formed to oppose the spread of slavery.
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Supreme Court ruled African Americans not citizens.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Debates focused on slavery's moral implications.
John Brown's Raid
Attempted slave uprising; captured at Harpers Ferry.
Election of 1860
Lincoln won without Southern electoral votes.
Secession of the Deep South
Southern states seceded after Lincoln's election.
Confederate States of America
Government formed by seceding Southern states.
Crittenden Compromise
Proposed amendments to protect slavery in territories.
Popular Sovereignty
Settlers decide on slavery in new territories.
Fugitive Slave Cases
Handled exclusively by federal authorities.
Vigilance Committees
Groups protecting fugitive slaves from capture.
Southern Reaction to Uncle Tom's Cabin
Condemned novel as Northern prejudice against South.
Statistics in Impending Crisis
Used to argue against slavery's economic viability.
Transcontinental Railroad
Project influencing the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Slaveholder Migration
Proslavery settlers moved to Kansas for control.