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psychological disorder
Thoughts feeelings or behaviors that are significantly distressing in terms of social functioning, work or other parts of life
abnormality: atypicality
1. degree of which they’re uncommon
abnormality: dysfunction
degree to which they interfere with daily life and relationships
degree to which thoughts feelings and behaviors cause a person to be upset and or uncomfortable
abnormality: deviance
: degree to which they are outside standards of society
: process of determining which disorders a person has
multiple illnesses
how do mental health professionals in the US diagnose psychological disorders
biopsychosocial approach + DSM5
what causes a disorder?
Multiple pathways can lead to the same outcome
The same processes can lead to different outcomes.
Panic Disorder
Reaccurent, unexpected panic attacks and fear that can cause significant chagnes in behavior
Symptoms: sudden extreme unexpected fear/discomfort, fight or flight
contributors: irregularities in amygdala, hypothalamus, classical conditioning
Specific Phobia
Fear and anxiety directed towards a specific object.
Possible contributors: classical conditioning, negative reinforcement, observational learnign
Social Anxiety Disorder
Fear directed towards social interaction
Possible contributers: classical conditionign, negative reinforcemnet, observational learning
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive worries and anxiety about family, helath school and other areas of life
contributers: larger amygdala, smaller hippocampus (memory formation), childhood adversity, overprotective parents
Obsession: a thought, urge, image that arises in the mind occurs repatidly, inrsuvei and unwelcome, usually causes distress
compusion: a behavior or mental activity that is repeated over adn over directed at reducing distress
contributers: genes, neurotrasmitters serotinin/dopamine, basal ganglia-dopamine rich enlarged, negative reinforcemnt.
Major Depressive Disorder
At least one depressive episode that lasted for two weeks
Feelings of guild, sleep changes nad eating changes, more or less of it
Possible causes: genes, seretonin, epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol and estrogen Cognatie distortins