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Examine the leaves on display and note, they’re various forms for each leaf determine whether is simple or compound if it is compound, whether is palmately or pinnately compound.
determine if the leaves on display are sessil, or with petiole
All petiole
Determine type of venation: pinnate palmate or parallel
What is the function of the reinforced mid rib?
He leaves upright, straight and flat. This helps with photosynthesis.
How does this position of the xylene and flow relate to that of a vascular bundle in the stem
Relates, because when Xylon is above the flow, it allows water to move upward. This allows for the transport of water, and other nutrients that occur both stem and leaf.
Are marsh Amada present in the upper or lower epidermidis
Label the tissues or structures indicated
Considering the functions of the leaf, what is the significance of the intercellular spaces?
More air will help the plant float seen in water plants such as water lily
Which of all the structures or tissues, possessed chloroplast, and hence carryout photosynthesis
Both palisade, mesophyll cells and spongy mesophyll cells
As much as air currents increase water loss from the interior of the leaf, how do the Crypts and (hair) both serve us adaptations to a xeric environment
Reduce water loss, because stomata is tucked away from wind
Label transfer section of a portion of oleander
The nymphaea lead, Which floats on the surface of the water has stomata in the upper epidermis only how might you explain this?
Better gas exchange because it’s not underwater and more sunlight hitting it
The most surfaces of a hydrophyte leaves, usually lack stomata. How do you suppose gas enter and exit such leaves
Through stoma on top
What is the function of the increased internal air volume?
how might you explain this
Help the leaf float
The vascular bundles are reduced because you have plenty of water surrounding you
Label, the tissues and structures indicated in a transverse section of a portion of a water lily
The endodermis surrounding the transfusion tissue often exhibits very prominent Casparian strips. You should not pass up this opportunity to see Casparian strips at their best. The transfusion tissue consist of two types of cells, Parenchyma cells and tracheids . How can you distinguish between these two cell types?
By their structure, Parenchyma will have thin cell walls and tracheids have thick cell walls and tapered ends
The abscission zone is located at the base of the petiole and it’s differentiated into two layers. 1) a separation layer along which the break occurs and 2) a protective layer whose walls are supervised. the protective layer forms of leaf scar on the surface of the stem after leaf is abs why are both layers important?
The separation layer allows the leaf to break off where the protective layer prevents infections and bacteria
What tissue of the leaf is especially adapted for photosynthesis
mesophyll tissue, because the palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll take part in photosynthesis and contain chloroplast
Distinguish between each of the following:
Simple leaves, and compound leaves
Netted Venetian, and parallel nation
Collateral vascular bundles, and bilateral vascular bundles
Substomatal chamber and stomayalcrypt
Subsidiary cell and bullifoem cell
simple leaves have undivided blade where compound leaves have multiple leaflets
Netted has a branching/network of veins with parallel is straight up and down
Collateral has phloem and xylene on same side where bicollateral has phloem on either side of xylem
Sub is below stomata and allowed diffusion of gas where stom crypt is the cavity around stomata for protection
subsid cells assist in the stomata function, (guard cell) where Bulliform cells are large and help with the flexibility/movement in leaf on surface