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saturated hydrocarbons
general formula: CnH2n+2
where n = number of carbon atoms
contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms
have only C-C and C-H single bonds and thus contain the maximum possible number of hydrogens per carbon
straight-chain alkanes, or normal (n) alkanes
carbons are connected in a row
branched-chain alkanes
compounds with branched carbon chains
alkyl group
the partial structure that remains if hydrogen is removed from an alkane
replacing the -ane with -yl
natural gas and petroleum deposits
the major sources of alkanes are the world’s _ and _
natural gas
consists chiefly of methane but also contains ethane, propane, and butane
a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that must be separated into fractions and then further refined before it can be used
alkanes show regular _ in both boiling point and melting point as molecular weight increases.
boiling point
branching lowers an alkane’s _
fractional distillation
separates crude mixtures of alkanes based on differences in boiling point.
boiling point range below 20 °C
gasoline (naphthas)
boiling point range: 20 - 200 °C
boiling point range: 175 - 275 °C
fuel oil
boiling point range: 250 - 400 °C
lubricating oil
boiling point range: above 400 °C
crude oil and vapor
are preheated
alkanes are sometimes referred to as _ a word derived from the Latin parum affinis, meaning “slightly affinity”
(alkanes) little chemical affinity for other substances and are _ to most laboratory reagents
oxygen and chlorine
(alkanes) react under appropriate conditions with _, _, and a few other substances
the reaction of an alkane with O2 occurs during combustion in an engine or furnace when the alkane is used as a _
reaction of an alkane with Cl2 (Halogenation)
when a mixture of the two is irradiated with ultraviolet light (denoted hv)
sequential replacement