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sex/sex category
biological characteristics that classify people as male or females. It is what we are when we are born.
social and cultural constructions of women and men’s roles, behavior and relationships, What we do (when interacting with others), Sociocultural, performance, Femininity, masculinity.
Gender is based on sex categories, but it is socially and culturally ocnstructed.
individual identity based on the sexual orientation and preferenes.
a way to refer to someonw whose gender identity does correspond with the one they were born with.
people who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
a person who believes that particular jobs and activities are suitable only for women and others are suitable only for men
grammatical gender
When words are assigned a gender that does not have anything to do with the word.
what makes heterosexuality seem coherent, natural and privileged
the deficit model (w.r.t. gender)
he deficit view of women’s a language use suggests that the way women talk is deficient or inadequate when compared to the male standard.
dominance approach to women’s and men’s language use
Gender differences reflect unjust power relations. It addreses power relations between men and women in society.
Social norms influence and are reproduced in women and men interaction and conversations.
difference approach to women’s and men’s language use
Gender differences are compared to cultural differences. Women and men belong to two different cultures. Society expects different behavior/roles for men and women.
the notion that aspects of identity such as gender, ethnicity, etc. are not independent of each other.
Gender expression
how we communicate gender identity → through the way we speak, dress, walk, act, interact