Enigma code
an element of mystery within a text.
the concept that media texts can
have multiple meanings and interpretations.
widespread oversimplifications of
people and groups / a preconceived idea of
what a person is like, based on a range of
different, usually traditional factors.
modern, socially reform-minded, forward thinking and open minded, making positive change.
small minded, traditional, old fashioned views on society
Establishing shot
shows the setting to establish the
location, provides insight and further detail for
Long shot
shows the subject in full, gives the
audience a full look at the person / object.
Mid shot
shows half of a subject – normally from the waist
up of a person. Focuses the audience attention onto their
body language and mode of address
Direct mode of address / Indirect mode of address
Making eye contact with the camera or not
High-key lighting
bright, makes things vibrant and easily visible for the audience.
Low-key lighting
dark, shadowy, establishes a particular mood,
a sense of realism created through familiarity
to support or back-up something.
to challenge or go against something