Chapter 16 and 17 World War 1, and 2

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Triple Alliance

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Triple Alliance

An alliance between three nations
Originally included Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
This treaty happened in 1914 and later included the Ottoman empire and Bulgaria, most were known as central powers in world war 1.

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Triple Entente

An alliance between three nations opposing the triple alliance
Originally included Britain, France, and Russia.
Other nations such as Japan later joined this alliance, these allies were called allied powers in world war 1.

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Western Front

Trenches that spanded miles in Europe. Included Britain, and France fighting the German soldiers.
German armies struck through Belgium and invaded France.
There was no movement from 1915 to 1917.Soldiers were most often killed by disease, machine gun's, rifles and artillery fire. The living conditions were not very good, especially for Britain and France.

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Eastern Front

Trenches of the eastern Europe
The central powers won many victories.
The forces of Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria defeated Serbia and occupied that country in 1915, that year the Ottoman Turks stopped a British attempt to capture to capture passage between the Mediterranean and black sea,

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Unrestricted Submarine

German submarines that didn't follow the rule of having to make sure that the ship was not of a neutral country.
Caused the US to join in the war.
These submarines were very effective however not if the enemy knew that you were there. However the rule was that a submarine was supposed to come out of the U Boat and make sure that it was an enemy ship. However this wouldn't work if it was the enemy because then they would just blow the ship up. So Germany didn't do this which caused them to sink many US boats.

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Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Treaty that took Russia out of ww1
Treaty between Germany and Russia
Made by VI Venin an order to give the Russian people the food that they needed.

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Zimmerman Note

A note from Germany to Mexico asking them to help Germany if the US went to war.
The US is told about this information by the British.
The note from Germany to Mexico more specifically said that if Mexico were to help Germany if the US joined the war then they would help Mexico conquer Texas, Arizona and New Mexico states from the US.

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Treaty of Versailles

The treaty that ended the war.
Was very unfair towards Germany
Forced Germany to surrender and to give money to allied nations and were forced to give up land to France, Poland, and Japan. The peace agreements ultimately did nothing to solve the problems that had caused world war 1.

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Money for damage done during the war
Went from being 5 billions to 32.5 billions owed.
These reparations were from Germany to allied nations, they got this money from borrowing it from the US, which caused the great depression because Germany never paid them back.

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Woodrow Wilson

US president during world war 1.
Wanted peace without victory.
Wanted from the treaty: reduction of weapons, no secret treaties and freedom of the seas for all nations. He ended up getting none of these.

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Fourteen Points

Called for peace without victory
Written by Woodrow Wilson
Points called for; an end to secret treaties, reduction of weapons, and freedom of the seas for all nations.

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March Revolution

Revolution that ended the rule of czars
Drove Nicholas II out of the throne
Caused immediate hardships brought on by world war 1. The control went to Prince George Lvov and Alexander Kerensky, who tried to take Russia out of world war 1 but failed.

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November Revolution

A second revolution led by VI Lenin in Russia
Promised peace, food and land.
He and his party, the Bolsheviks (later called communist's), took over and took Russia out of ww1 by signing the treaty of Brest-Litovsk

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VI Lenin

Led the november revolution in Russia
Was a Bolshevik which was basically an early communist
Promised the Russian people peace, food, and land. He also signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany that pulled Russia out of world war 1 in 1918

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Took over the Soviet Union when Lenin died.
Raised the standard of living, killed millions that disagreed with him.
Forced peasants to give up their land and work on collective parts, this caused millions of intentional deaths of peasants from starvation, he also emphasized heavy industry and military goods at the expense of consumer goods.

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Five Year Plans

Soviet industry plans
built up by joseph Stalin
Forced peasants to give up their land and work on collective parts, emphasized heavy industry and military goods at the expense of consumer goods. This raised the standard of living

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Believed in nationalism and militarism
Founded by Benito Mussolini
Was mainly composed of unemployed soldiers, and were determined to replace the democratic government of Italy with a dictatorship.

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Dictator of Italy
Founder of Fascism
Remade Italy into a fascist dictatorship, censored all other opinions, taught to serve the state and nation, strengthened industry and agriculture, people were paid less for more hours, had less freedoms and paid more in taxes.

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Weimar Republic

Democratic government in Germany
Signed the treaty of Versailles
Many blamed the government for high unemployment and, rising prices, people who opposed to it as well as communism turned to the Nazi party.

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Chancellor and Nazi of Germany, dictator and Fuhrer (leader)
Fought for Germany in ww1 but was sent after being wounded
We was a very skilled politician and leader of the Nazi party saying that they were the superior race and that Germany was destined to rule the world, assured that there defeat in ww1 was not there fault but the blame was to go to the Jews.

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A region of northeast china
Later renamed Manchukuo
Gained independence in 1932 after Japan seized it in 1931 however, was actually still controlled by the Japanese government.

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Spanish Civil War

A civil war between the Spanish that attempted to change the government from a monarchy to a republic
Francisco Franco revolted against the republic
Franco promised to defend Spain against communism and socialism. Franco and his army received aid from Hitler and Mussolini. Franco and his army later defeated the republicans and became dictator of Spain as well as his Fascist party until 1975 when he died.

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The policy of giving in to the order of dictators in order to avoid war
This didn't prevent world war 2
This policy merely confirmed to the dictators that democratic government was weak to stop them. After Hitler broke his promise to not invade any more of Europe this policy was abandoned.

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Munich Conference

A conference held in Munich that decided what would happen to Sudetenland
Sudetenland was given to Germany as a result
Hitler threatened to invade Sudetenland but was not given to Germany, Since Sudetenland was given to Germany Hitler promised not to invade anymore territory of Europe. He later broke it

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Hitler's lightning war tactics
Speed and mobility were the main theme of the tactics
Troops and artillery in motorized vehicles quickly overran the enemy. Aided by planes and tanks, they crushed opposing forces and moved on.

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Vichy Government

The north part of France that was controlled by Germany
Leader of the government was Marshal Henri Petain
Was and antidemocratic country that repressed the opposition with the malice, many French leaders escaped and started the organization "Free French," in Britain

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Battle of Britain

The invasion of Britain by Germany
Started with mass bombings August of 1940
Fierce air battles were fought over Britain for ten, Britain's Royal Air Force destroyed mass amount of German planes, then the air raids eased up in June

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Non-aggression Pact

A pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to not attack eachother
Hilter later broke this pact
Germany took advantage of this by attempting to take over the rest of Europe, while the Soviet Union tried to attacked; Poland, Latvia, and Estonia.

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Nuremberg Laws

laws that took away the citizenship rights of German Jews
Happened on 1935
This led to many Jews fleeing the country and and later Nazi leader officially deciding to murder all Jews.

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The genocide of Jews in Europe
Created by the Nazi Party
The murder of over 12 millions Jews across Europe.

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Neutrality Acts

The United States declaring neutrality in 1939
Passed at the Request of Theodore Roosevelt
America stayed neutral while giving aid to Britain until 1941 after Pearl Harbor, in which Japan attacked the US because the US cut them off in trade, and oil.

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Pearl Harbor

The bombing of a naval base in Hawaii by Japan
The US declared war on Japan the next day
Most of the US pacific fleet was destroyed, and severely damaged as were most of the planes on the base.

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Seaborne invasion of German troops by the US
Launched under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, was launched on June 6th 1944. The Germans broke through December 1944. In March 1945 the allies moved into Germany. On may 7th German Leaders surrendered.
Allied troops crossed the English channel and landed in Normandy, France. They relentlessly pushed the German forces out of France, Belgium, and Holland. The Germans then broke through the allied lines, then the allied forces counterattacked and thrust the Germans back into Germany. The allies moved into Germany, as the Russians entered berlin Hitler committed suicide. The German leaders then surrendered, the end of the war in Europe was officially declared.

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Island Hopping

A strategic term that the allies followed
Would choose from islands in the pacific.
Places such as Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal and Kwajalein became popular places where battles were fought in the fall of 1944 US troops landed in the Philippines and with the US navy destroyed the main strength of the Japanese navy in the battle of Leyte Gulf.

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Satellite Nation

A country dominated by another, more power country
Most of Eastern Europe became communist
These eastern European countries followed soviet leadership in economical and political matters.

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