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explain how person-centred therapy developed?
Founder was Carl Rogers
His contributions:
therapists list with sensitivity and w/o judgment
optimistic view and self actualisation
from pathology to seeking help
therapist’s personal characteristics and therapeutic alliance
3 stages in the development:
1) criticised psychodynamic and behavioural; non directive counselling (clients gain insight through reflection and empathic listening)
2) therapist gives empathy, congruence and unconditional +ve regard (hallmarks); renamed client centered therapy
additional thing: created encounter groups (self actualisation groups)
3) person centered therapy because concerned with humanity
what are the key concepts?
there are 4
human potential and actualisation
conditions of worth
organismic valuing process
the fully functioning person
explain human potential and actualisation
by abraham maslow
innate need for growth and desire to achieve fullest potential
self actualised are self aware, autonomous, creative and balance time
self actualisation efforts are different
driving force
people require right conditions to evolve which is given by therapy
explain conditions of worth
conditions of worth=only lovable if you act a certain way
environment is overprotective, dominating and intimidating
get conditional positive regard (praised only when meet expectations)
internalise criticism and think they’re unworthy and act incongruently; become timid, inhibited and conformist or angry as adults
unconditional +ve= self actualising and fully functioning adult
therapy gives them climate of acceptance to promote self acceptace, agency and to rewrite one’s story
what are the personality dimensions of a fully functioning person?
there are seven
sense of meaning
trust and congruence in self
unconditional +ve regard and regard for others
internal locus of evaluation
fully aware
live creatively
what are the six conditions that facilitate constructive personality change for clients during therapy?
psychological contact of two people
clients are incongruent
therapist is congruent (genuine)
therapist has unconditional +ve regard
three hallmarks must be perceived by client
what are the therapeutic goals?
faciliate trust and help client be in present moment
develop congruence
promote self awareness, empowerment, responsibility and autonomy
clients create own goals
they accept their own feelings without criticism
develop courage
name the therapeutic techniques
there are two types: facilitative conditions and nondirectiveness
Facilitative conditions:
1) congruence
2) unconditional +ve regard
3) empathy
explain congruence as a therapeutic technique
therapist who is genuine and self aware
do not put up a professional facade
have genuineness to promote trust, openness and modeling
use deliberate self disclosure
they use present moment awareness (countertransference) and state if therapy is not productive
3 types of self disclosure:
1) share personal identity and experience
2) share emotional responses
3) professional
normalises and demystifies therapy
drawbacks (-ve provocation, violate boundaries, fear of intimacy)