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Architecture, Sculpting, Engraving, Music, Literature, Theater, Visual Art
7 lowland christian art
Plaza Complex
It was designed as the town center and consisted of the municipio or local government office and church
Cruciform Churches
Following the shape of the Latin cross churches were built
Baroque Style
Characterized by grandeur, drama, elaborate details that purposely appealed to the emotions
Colonial Baroque or Philippine or Tropical Baroque
Fusion of both native and European elements
From Western model to Chinese features and techniques with Greek and Roman classical influence
Greek and Roman classical influence is seen in the proportion and formality of expression of a santo and baroque style in the expressive and emotional characteristics of the santo.
Integrates architecture and sculpture and is often embellisehed with rosettes, scrolls, pediments and solomonic columns which may be gilded or polychromed
Via Crucis
series of 14 paintings or relief structures depicting Christ's crucifixion resurrection
Trompe l'oeil
a French word meaning "fooling the eye" it refers to painting that give a heightened illusion of three-dimensionality
Carved figurative protusions
organic designs of hammered silver
Pipe organ violin guitar piano
5 Western Musical Instruments
Catholic Lithurgical Music
Introduced in 1742 by the then Archbishop of Manila Juan Rodriguez Angel
Catholic Lithurgical Music is introduced in _________
The Santo Domingo and San Agustin
the ______ and ______ convents taught choral music to young boys including Filipino composers like Marcelo Ardonay (1848-1928)
Pasyon or Pabasa
Biblical narration of Christ's passion chanted in improvised melody
Awit and Corrido
Musical forms were chanted stories based on European Literature and history
Sentimental love songs
usually spoke of resignation and fatalism became a vehicle for resistance
Kundiman ni Abdon
a kundiman which became a feature of protests actions against Martial Law and Bayan Ko
Ticao Leyte
Where was a huge stone discovered that contained baybayin writing believed to be an invocation for a safe journey by sea.
Among Mangyans of Mindoro bamboo poles are turn into smaller nodes and are etched with ________ used to compose short poems of courtship and emotional concerns
Earliest forms of theater were replaced by the pomp and pageantry of religious --- complete with embellished carrozas containing religious tableaus of Catholic saints and scenes from the Bible
A popular form of musical theater from Spain imported during the 19th century it is an opera which feautes singing and dancing interspersed with prose dialogue which allowed the story to be carried out in song
Written in 1704 by Gaspar Aquino de Belen its narrative was culled entirely from the Biblical account of Christ's passion and death on the cross adapted into verse form and translated into local language.
in 1704 by Gaspar Aquino de Belen
Senakulo Written is written in year ____ by _____
Depicts the conflict between the Muslims and Christians
Secular Komedya
ex: -Moro-moro
Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas
The first scientific map of the Philippines
in this year, the Jesuit Priest Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde collaboarated with artists Francisco Suarez and engraver Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay to make Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas they were the first to acknowledge their role as artist
Flora de Filipinas
an extensive compilation of Philippine plants by Augustinian botanist Fr. Manuel Blanco
Heaven, Earth, and Hell (1850)
a mural by Jose Dans in Paete Church Laguna
Suez Canal in 1869
The opening of Manila to international trade and the _______ in year _____ gained economic benefits for the native elites
development inside the church through Marcelo Adonay and his compositions based on the Western tradition.
a bell shaped glass where santos are placed
a humble domestic version of retablo often attributed to the artists of Visayan region
Miniaturist Style
meticulous details that signify the wealth and refinement of the sitter
Letras y Figuras
combining names of individuals and vignettes of everyday life
Academic Paintings
championed European academic styles
1821 Damian Domingo
In year ________, HE established the first art school in the country right at his studio in Binondo Manila,Academia de Dibujo, which eventually became absorbed by Real Sociedad Economica Filipina de Amigos del Pais where he serve as director
Juan Luna won gold for Spoliarium and Felix Hidalgo won silver for Virgenes Christianas Expuestas Al Populacho
Who won the gold and silver in Madrid Exposition
Spoliarium by Juan Luna
may be viewed at the National Art Gallery of the Philippines
Lopez Museum
Where is España y Filipinas located?
Genre Paintings
Painting of scenes from everyday life, of ordinary people in work or recreation, depicted in a generally realistic manner