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Social Psychology
The study of how individuals think, feel, and behave in social contexts.
Fundamental Attribution Error
The tendency to overemphasize personal characteristics and ignore situational factors when judging others' behavior.
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
The tendency to agree to a small request first, making it more likely to agree to a larger request later.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
The discomfort experienced when holding conflicting attitudes or beliefs, leading to changes in attitudes to reduce discomfort.
Adjusting one's behavior or beliefs to match those of others or social norms.
Milgram's Study on Obedience
An experiment showing that people are likely to obey authority figures even when it involves causing harm to others.
Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment
A study demonstrating how people can adopt abusive behaviors when placed in positions of power and control.
Asch's Study on Conformity
Research showing that people often conform to group opinions even when they are clearly incorrect.
Social Loafing
The tendency for individuals to exert less effort when working in a group compared to working alone.
The loss of self-awareness and individual accountability in group situations, often leading to behavior that is out of character.
Group Polarization
The tendency for group discussions to lead to more extreme positions than individuals initially held.
Preconceived opinions or attitudes about individuals based on their group membership.
Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people.
Unfair treatment of individuals based on their group membership.
Scapegoat Theory
Blaming an out-group for problems or frustrations to deflect responsibility from oneself.
Bystander Effect
The phenomenon where individuals are less likely to help in an emergency when others are present.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
When a belief or expectation about someone leads to behavior that confirms that belief.
Selfless concern for the well-being of others without expecting personal gain.
The tendency for group members to prioritize consensus over critical thinking, leading to poor decision-making.
Other-Race Effect
The difficulty in recognizing faces of races different from one's own.
Social Exchange Theory
The idea that social behavior is a result of an exchange process where people seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs.
Social-Responsibility Norm
The expectation that people will help others who are in need without expecting anything in return.
Normative Social Influence
Conforming to be accepted or liked by others.
A social group to which a person feels they belong.
Attribution Theory
The theory that explains how people determine the causes of others' behavior, either attributing it to internal or external factors.
Behavior intended to harm or intimidate others.
Social Facilitation
The tendency for people to perform better on simple tasks in the presence of others.
Frustration-Aggression Principle
The idea that frustration often leads to aggressive behavior.
Just-World Phenomenon
The belief that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
A predisposition to respond in a particular way towards people, objects, or situations.
Ingroup Bias
The tendency to favor and give preferential treatment to members of one's own group.
Mere Exposure Effect
The tendency to develop a preference for things we are exposed to repeatedly.
Central Route Persuasion
Uses facts and logic for persuasion.
Peripheral Route Persuasion
Uses emotions and superficial cues for persuasion.
Companionate Love
Deep friendship and commitment in love relationships.
Passionate Love
Intense physical attraction in love relationships.
Consummate Love
Combines passion, intimacy, and commitment in love relationships.