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Short generally known sentences that contain wisdom truths morals and traditional views in a metaphorical fixed and memoizable form and that are handed down orally generation to generation.
Sentence with certain features
Sympathetic magic
Mechanism of superstition
Contagious Magic
Objects formerly in contact with each other will have some kind of invisible/magical connection
Homeopathic magic
Objects that are similar (in shape or sound) can affect each other
Contagious magic examples
Magic of touch/Law of contact
Lucky clothing, etc.
Homeopathic magic examples
Magic of likeness/Law of Similarity
Ex: Kit kat and Kitto Katsu
Verbal folklore major genres
myth, legend, narrative
Verbal folklore minor genres
graffiti latrinalia proverbs tongue twisters mnemonic devices, etc.
Common Proverbs Features
Bird in the hand is worth in the bush
Easy to remember
Fixed phrase (word and word order dont change much)
Parallel Structure
Structure of proverbs
Topic comment structure
A=B (Boys will be boys)
A≠B (Two wrongs don’t make a right)
A > B (Two heads are better than one)
Japanese Proverbs
Exs: Even monkeys fall from trees
A wise hawk hides its talons
Myth features
Truthful and Remote
Recounted by special person in ritual or formal context
Creation myth
Ex Nihilo (creation from nothing)
Chaos (state of non-differentiation)
Differentiation in creation (Such as light and dark)
Etiological Narrative
Tales that explains the origins of things
Religions in Japan
A way of kami
Tends to believe Kami can be anywhere
Kojiki Record of Ancient matters
712 CE
Nihonshoki Chronicles of Japan (Nihongi)
What are the earliest texts in Japan
Kojiki Record of ancient matters
Nihonshoki Chronicles of Japan; also called Nihongi
How long has Japan been inhabited for?
> 100,000 years
What occurred within the Yamato Period (c. 300-710)
Kofun period (300-538)
Asuka period (538-710)
Around 4th century CE: small states became more unified
Province of Yamato is dominant
Strong political authority
Kofun culture (from 300CE)
Grave for important people (keyhole shape)
Small and large kofun
Kofun with Haniwa (grave figures for accompanying person to next world)
What happened in the mid-6th century Japan?
Buddhism introduced
Chinese writing systems
Tax and reforms
legal system based on Chinese laws
When was the Japanese coin established
when was the first permanent capital in Nara established
When was the Haian Period
Kamakura period
Who’s idea was it to write the Kojiki
Tenmu and Genmei
Why was the kojiki made
To demonstrate legitimacy of rule
Who did it?
O no Yasumaro? (MOST LIKELY)
Hiede no Are?
How is the Kojiki divided?
Myth (Kami)
Legend (human and kami interacting)
History (Mainly humans)
Kotodama (in the Kojiki)
Power contained within words/speech
Power of reciting/speaking words out loud
How is the Kojiki written
Japanese with Chinese characters
NIhon shoki (720CE)
4x longer than Kojiki
Writing more like Chinese
Explicitly linked to new state of Japan
Various accounts
Major characters of Kojiki/Nihon shoki
Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, Uzume, Susanowo, Yamato no Orochi, Ninigi
Tale of Izanagi and Izanami
Kami are born from orifices, tear, sweat, random creation
Izanagi died from giving birth to fire deity
Izanagi’s journey tells us about the reality of life and death
Amaterasu story
Hides in cave to get a mirror to find someone more beautiful than her
Susanowo/Yamato no Orochi
Place he comes across where family has to give up daughter to Yamato no Orochi, Susanowo helps in exchange for their daughter and kills Yamato no Orochi by luring him with alcohol, gets Kusanagi
What was the first written Japanese poem about?
eight-fold fence of Izumo
What does the 8 mean?
Multitudes, many, countless (like infinity sign)
Yao Yorozu no kami = Multitudes of Kami
Shape of the word (curved: /\)
Lucky number
Great grandson of Amaterasu
Descends to earth with retinue of helpers and sacred regalia
What are the sacred regalia
Mirror, Kusanagi, Magatama (curved jewels)
Establishment of imperial rule
Emperor Jimmu
Descendent of Ninigi
First emperor of Japan
Ascended throne 660 BCE
What was the Kojiki/Nihon Shoki made for
National narrative
Japan as one nation
Emperor being linked to Kami
Nara period (710-794)
Nara Capital near Kyoto
712: Kojiki
720: Nihonshoki
Fudoki (regional gazetteers with historical records, legends, folktales, etc.)
Heian Period (794-1185)
development of court life
Refinement of the capital
Tale of Genji (early 11th-century)
Buddhism taken hold (in court)
Heian (Kyoto) capital
Center of the universe
Everywhere else is considered distant (potentially dangerous)
Kamakura period
Word is modern designation
Literature that circulated from 800s-1300s (mostly Heian)
Spoken stories, short tales, anecdontes
Many from oral tradition
Multiple versions
Set in India, China, and Japan (Buddhism)
Most Buddhist, some secular
Nihon Ryoiki by who and when?
810-823 by Monk Kyokai
Konjaku monogatari shu ca. 1120 how many tales
Shaseiki shu by who and when
Muju Ichien (1226-1312)
Uji Shui How many tales and when
194 tales, early 13th C
Opening and closing of many tales
Ima wa mukashi (now it is long ago/in a time long past)
To namu Katari tsutaetaru to ya (so it has been passed down and so it is told)
Process of being collected
Narration: telling the story (oral)
Recording: Writing down the story
Editing: Organizing written stories in a particular order
Introduced to Japan in mid-6th century
Various dates such as 552/538 (unreliable)
Possibly from Korea (kingdom of Baekjie)
Enlightened one
Siddhartha Gautama (5th-4th BCE; India)
Born in what is modern-day Nepal
Shakyamuni Buddha (Japanese: Shaka Nyorai)
Cycle of mundane existence: birth→death→rebirth repeat
No beginning no end
liberation from samsara
Law of cause and effect; in Hinduism and Buddhism
Effect of one’s actions have a consequence in this life or the next
Lotus Sutra
All beings have the potential to become Buddhas
Recitation/copying of the sutra can be beneficial
Namu-Myoho-renge-kyo - Praise of the lotus sutra
Chanting or uttering of the name of Amida Buddha
Amitabha (principal Buddha of pure land Buddhism)
Namu Amida Butsu
Bodhisattva (Bosatsu)
A person who has the ability to reach Nirvana but chooses to remain an earthly presence out of compassion for others (to help other sentient beings achieve enlightenment)
Avalokitesvara (Sanskrit)
Guanyin (Chinese)
One who sees all
Goddess of mercy/Lord of compassion
Meaningful hand gestures/positions
Vitarka Mudra
mudra of discussion; gesture of discussion and transmission of Buddhist teaching
Fear not Mudra
Bestowing fearlessness
Welcome mudra
from blessing or granting of wishes
Amalgamation of 2 religions
Original substance, manifest traces
Buddhism and local beliefs?
Idea that kami are the manifest traces of the original substance of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas
Example of syncretism
Amaterasu is considered the manifestation of Dainichi Nyorai (Great sun Buddha)
What kind of narratives are most of setsuwa?
Common elements in setsuwa
Centered around an (often extraordinary) event
Often have moral (added on)
Focus on a famous person
Appearance vs reality
Setsubun (feb)
Around feb 3
Day before beginning of Spring in the lunar calendar
People throw beans at oni
Picture scroll = emaki
Liminal times and spaces
Liminal: of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition
In between/transitional
Zone of uncertainty
Examples of Liminal times and spaces
Spaces: bridges, tunnels, borders, forests, mountains
Times: dawn, dusk, twilight
Epics of War
Gunki monogatari
Military narratives
Warrior tales
Most famous is the tale of the heike
Details what happened during Genpei war 1180-85
When was the rise of stable aristocracy in Kyoto
Heian period
What were the two big clans in the Genpei war
Taira (Heike)
Minamoto (Genji)
1156 Hogen Rebellion
Go-Shirakawa comes to power
Warriors established as independent force
1160 Heiji Rebellion
Taira no Kiyomori becomes very powerful
Spares the children of his enemy (Minamoto no Yoshitomo)
Heike - Taira family
Taira no
Genji - Minamoto family
Minamoto no
Who won the Genpei war
The Genji
Tale of heike
Long episodic tale
Historically orally recited
Never told 1 setting
Why was the tale of heike told
Recording deeds of warriors
War ethic
Teleological ideological reasons
Narration of the past to explain situations of the present
Versions of the tale of Heike
Dozens of vers.
Two main lineages
Read Lineage (Yomihon)
Glorified victors and tried to give them religious authority, etc.
Most famous: enkyo bon; 1307
Recited lineage (Kataribon)
Kakuichi bon; 1371 (set down by kakuichi)
performative ritual text (losers tale?; more sympathetic to the Heike)
Gion Shoja
Sound of the gion shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things
Color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline
The proud do not endure they are like a dream on a spring night
The mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the win
Idea that life is fleeting
Like cherry blossoms
Taira no Kiyomori
Minamoto no Yoritomo
Minamoto no Yoshitsune
How do the biwa hoshi remember everything
Oral formulaic theory
Oral composition as opposed to oral reaction
Composed anew with each performance
An expression that is regularly used, under the same metri al conditions, to express a particular essential idea - Milman Parry
Descriptions of clothing
Immanent tradition
Audience knows what is going to happen but still wants to hear it
Like greatest hits or singing a cover
Placatory power/pacification of the dead
Drowning of the former emperor
Emperor Antoku (1178-1185)
Imperial regalia (Kusanagi never recovered)