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Define gene

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Define gene

a sequence of DNA that codes for a polypeptide and which occupies a specific locus on a chromosome

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Define allele

a variant nucleotide sequence for a particular gene at a given locus on a chromosome

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Define dominant allele

allele that is expressed in homozygote or heterozygote → always expressed if present

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Define recessive allele

allele that is only expressed in the homozygote

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Define locus

the specific site on a chromosome occupied by a gene

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Define phenotype

physical appearance or characteristic

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Define genotype

the alleles contained in an individual

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Define monohybrid

the inheritance of a single gene

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Define homozygous

genotype with 2 alleles the same for a particular gene

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Define heterozygous

individual with 2 different alleles for a particular gene

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Define codominance

when both alleles contribute to the phenotype

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Define F1

First filial generation → offspring from 1st cross in question

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Define F2

Second filial generation → offspring from 2nd cross in question

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Define autosome

Pairs of chromosomes that carry identical genes but can have different alleles

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Define sex chromosome

pair of chromosomes of different lengths that carry different genes and control gender

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Define linkage

Description of genes that are on the same chromosome and therefore do not separate independently at meiosis

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Define carrier

a phenotypically normal female with one normal, dominant allele and one mutant recessive allele

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Define sex linkage

a gene carries by a sex chromosome so that a characteristic it encodes is seen predominantly in one sex

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Define mutation

a change in the amount, arrangement or structure of DNA (or RNA)

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Define gene (point) mutation

a change in the nucleotide sequence in DNA

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Define chromosome mutation

a change in the chromosome structure or number

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Define mutagen

an environmental factor that increases the mutation rate

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Define somatic cells

body cells, non-reproductive cells (not gametes)

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Define S phase

Stage of cell cycle when DNA is replicated → therefore mutation may occur here

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Define carcinogen

an agent/factor that causes cancer

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Define euploidy

cells with complete sets of chromosomes

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Define aneuploidy

cells with too few or too many chromosomes

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Define trisomy

the presence of an additional copy of one chromosome

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Define polyploidy

Having more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

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Define silent mutation

a point mutation that alters the bases of mRNA code but does not alter the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide

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Define disjunction

the separation/segregation of homologous chromosomes during Anaphase I in meiosis

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Define non-disjunction

a faulty cell division in meiosis following which one of the daughter cells receives 2 copies of a chromosome and the other receives none → causes trisomy or triploidy

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Define proto-oncogene

a DNA sequence that codes for a protein that contributes to cell division

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Define oncogene

a mutated proto-oncogene that leads to uncontrolled mitosis and results in cancer

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Define tumour suppressor gene

a DNA sequence that regulates the rate of mitosis → prevents rapid cell division

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What was Gregor Mendel’s experiment investigating and what did he use to show this? Why did he use this?

  • investigated monohybrid inheritance in garden peas

  • used peas because they were:

    • easy to grow

    • flowers self-fertilised and cross-fertilise

    • make flowers and fruit in the same year

    • makes large number of seeds from each cross → when phenotypes of next generation counted, numbers make them statistically meaningful

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What is a test cross, back cross and why is it used?

  • cross between an individual with the phenotype of the dominant characteristic, but unknown genotype, with an individual that is homozygous recessive for the gene in question

  • used to determine whether an individual with a dominant phenotype is heterozygous or homozygous dominant

    • if homozygous dominant → all offspring will display dominant phenotype

    • if heterozygous → 50% will display dominant phenotype and 50% will display recessive phenotype

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What is incomplete dominance? Give an example

  • when neither of the alleles are completely dominant so an intermediate between the 2 alleles is expressed in the heterozygous phenotype

  • e.g. red carnations + white carnations = red, white and pink carnations

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What was Mendel’s first law of inheritance?

the characteristics of an organism are determined by factors (alleles) which occur in pairs. Only one pair is present in each gamete

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What is dihybrid inheritance?

  • the simultaneous inheritance of 2 unlinked genes (i.e. genes on different chromosomes)

  • e.g. RrYy

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What is Mendel’s 2nd law of inheritance and what is it based on?

  • each member of a pair of alleles may combine randomly with either of another pair of alleles on a different chromosome

  • based on dihybrid ratio

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What is the dihybrid phenotype ratio?


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How is dihybrid inheritance tested for?

cross the genotype being tested with an individual that’s homozygous recessive for both genes

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What are recombinant and parental genotypes? Use parents with DE and de chromosomes to explain

  • recombinant: when crossing over of chromosomes causes genes that were previously linked to be separated (e.g. De and dE)

  • parental: when the genotypes produced are the same as the parental genotypes (DE and de)

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Why are recombinant genotypes less likely to be seen than parental?

crossing over is a rare event → recombinant types only seen when crossing over occurs

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What causes an increase in recombinant genotypes and why?

the distance between the 2 genes on a chromosome → the further apart 2 genes are, the more opportunity for crossing over to occur

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What would be assumed if ratios of genotypes in offspring are not Mendelian?

genes are linked

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What is the monohybrid phenotype ratio?


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How many chromosomes do humans have?


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Which gamete is homogametic sex cell and what does this mean?

  • female gamete

  • gametes are identical with respect to the sex chromosomes

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Which gamete is heterogametic sex cell and what does this mean?

  • male gamete

  • gametes are of different types with respect to the sex chromosomes → sperm could have contain an X or a Y chromsome

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Why are carriers of sex linked diseases always females?

  • females have 2 X chromosomes and therefore can be heterozygous with the recessive gene not being expressed

  • males only have 1 X chromosome so whichever gene is present will be expressed whether recessive or dominant

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What are the characteristics of mutations?

  • spontaneous → may happen without apparent cause

  • random → happen with equal probability anywhere in the genome of diploid organisms

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Which factors can increase mutation rates?

  • ionising radiation → gamma rays, X-rays and UV light

    • radiation joins adjacent pyramidine bases in a DNA strand → during replication, DNA polymerase may insert incorrect nucleotide

  • mutagenic chemicals → polycyclic hydrocarbons (cigarette smoke), methanal (formaldehyde) and mustard gas

    • some chemicals have flat molecules → slide between base pairs in double helix

    • prevent DNA polymerase inserting correct nucleotide

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What are the different kinds of point mutations?

  • addition → base added. if occurs in 3 places, extra amino acid added

  • duplication → same base incorporated twice

  • subtraction → base is deleted. if occurs in 3 places, 1 less amino acid when translated

  • inversion → adjacent bases on same DNA exchange

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What are the ways in which a point mutation might affect the polypeptide produced?

  • new codon may code for same amino acid → silent mutation

  • if amino acid has similar chemical nature as one substituted, effect may be small

  • if mutation is at significant site, may make significant difference to activity of protein

    • if protein were an enzyme → active site could be destroyed

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What causes sickle cell anaemia?

  • substitution point mutation in gene that produces beta polypeptide of haemoglobin

    • CTC (codes for glutamate) becomes CAC (codes for valine)

    • glutamate side chain is large and hydrophilic whereas valine side chain is small and hydrophobic → when oxygen tension low, affected haemoglobin in red blood cell aggregate

    • cell membrane collapses → red blood cell becomes sickle shaped

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What are the symbols used to represent normal haemoglobin and sickle cell haemoglobin?

  • HbA (allele: Hbá´¬) → normal

  • HbS (allele: Hbˢ) → sickle cell

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What type of inheritance is used in sickle cell anaemia? What does this mean?

  • co-dominance

  • when both Hbá´¬ and Hbˢ present, both HbA and HbS haemoglobin produced

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What causes down’s syndrome?

  • individual with 3 copies of chromosome 21 → trisomy 21

  • 47 chromosomes in total

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What is translocation down’s?

  • when a fragment of chromosome 21 attaches to chromosome 14 in a gamete

  • when fertilised, 2 normal copies of chromosome 21 with an additional one attached to chromosome 14 → have normal number of chromosomes (46)

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Why might polyploidy occur?

  • defect in spindle at meiosis → all chromosomes at anaphase I or chromatids at anaphase II move to same pole of cell

    • results in diploid gamete

    • when fertilised by normal gamete, a triploid zygote is formed → may survive but won’t be able to reproduce as can’t make homologous pairs at meiosis

  • if 2 diploid gametes fuse → tetraploid (4n)

  • endomitosis (replication not followed by cytokinesis) happens in early embryo → 4 sets of chromosomes produced and continue to produce tetraploid cells in mitosis

    • infertile triploids undergo endomitosis and make fertile hexaploids (fertile bc can make homologous pairs)

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Why is polyploid more common in plants than in animals?

  • can reproduce asexually

  • hermaphrodite and don’t use chromosomes to determine sex

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What are the possible reasons for mutation of a proto-oncogene to an oncogene?

  • mutation causes chromosomes to rearrange and places proto-oncogene next to DNA sequence that permanently activates it

  • there is an extra copy of proto-oncogene → results in too much of its product being made = excessive mitosis

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Define epigenetics

the control of gene expression by modifying DNA or histones, but not by affecting the DNA nucleotide sequence

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What is DNA methylation?

  • addition of methyl or hydroxymethyl group to cytosine

  • methylated cytosine can still pair with guanine at transcription

    • but if heavily methylated → less likely to be transcribed

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What is histone modification?

  • occurs after translation → acetyl group attaches to lysine (amino acid); methyl group attaches to lysine; arginine or phosphate group attaches to serine and threonine

  • changes alter histone-DNA interaction

    • unmodified histone packs tightly → less available = reduced transcription

    • modified histone, relaxed coiling → RNA polymerase has more access to DNA = increased transcription

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<p>Identify the structures in this diagram and explain what has happened</p>

Identify the structures in this diagram and explain what has happened

  • histone (blue cylinder) and nucleosome (coiled structure)

  • histone modification → coiling more relaxed so transcribed genes previously unavailable

<ul><li><p>histone (blue cylinder) and nucleosome (coiled structure)</p></li><li><p>histone modification → coiling more relaxed so transcribed genes previously unavailable</p></li></ul>
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What are the consequences of epigenetic changes?

  • genomic imprinting → gene permanently switched off due to methylation in parent may be passed on to next generation

  • X inactivation → epigenetic changes can switch off whole chromosomes. female mammals only use one X chromosome

    • tortoiseshell cats show random inactivation of either X chromosome → alternative X chromosomes activated in adjacent groups of cells

  • implicated in autoimmune conditions, mental illness, diabetes and cancers

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