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Chapter 10 - The Age of Jackson 

  • Andrew Jackson was a strong leader and very popular to the American people during this time period. In his mind, politicians were corrupt and bad.

  • Jackson trusted the common man more than any earlier presidents.

  • The act of handing out government jobs to loyal followers is known as spoils system. Jackson replaced nearly one thousand government workers with his followers. Jackson did not listen to his cabinet, he listened to his friends instead. Those friends became known as the “Kitchen Cabinet”

  • Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. A piece of government legislature that removed 5 Indian tribes. “5 Civilized Tribes” were forced west to reservations. The Indians traveled on the Trail of Tears.

  • Seminole, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Cherokees were the 5 tribes forced west. In Worcester v Georgia*,*** John Marshall ordered Georgia to release the missionaries and told President Jackson to send troops into Georgia to remove white prospectors from Cherokee lands. Jackson ignored the Court.

  • John C. Calhoun was the US vice president and from the state South Carolina.

  • Nullification - an idea that a state can ignore, or invalidate, any federal law by saying the law is unconstitutional.

  • Industry in the north was mainly industrial with factories and ships while in the south the industry was mainly agricultural and farming.

  • Tariffs - taxes and fees paid on imports and exports

  • Law makers created tariffs to try and keep more money in America by making American products cheaper.

  • The South worried the tariffs would make foreign buyers look elsewhere to buy stuff and the South would lose money

  • South Carolina thought the federal government had violated state’s rights.

  • John Calhoun was vice-president during how many presidencies? 2

  • Calhoun believed the tariff did not help the whole country. ****

  • What did president Jackson do to South Carolina for opposing the tariffs? threaten to use force

  • President Jackson threatened war with South Carolina. The reason he did this is because South Carolina threatened Secession. The state was, basically, going to leave the U.S. and start it's own country.

  • What two issues would lead to the Civil War? ending slavery and tariffs

  • What state was the most against the Tariff and threatened to secede from the United States in 1832 until Andrew Jackson threatened military force? South Carolina

  • Two Controversial issues arose during Jackson’s presidency

    • One of the most important issues concerned the states and their rights in relation to the power of the federal government.

      • The nation began using tariffs to limit the importation of foreign goods. But this type of tariff, called a protective tariff, also raise the price of foreign goods. Encouraged the people to support the businesses in the United States.

      • The northern industries wanted to keep Americans from buying foreign goods. So they fought to keep protective tariff. They made American goods cheaper and foreign goods more expensive.

      • Because the South had remained agricultural, it needed to buy most of its manufactured goods from either the North or reign countries. The southerners depended on the profits they made from their crops to pay for those goods.

      • The high tariffs increased their costs and decreased both their profits and their trade with foreign countries. Selling cotton became more difficult as trade declined so cotton prices fell.

      • John C. Calhoun, Jackson’s vice president, became the leading defender of state’s rights. According to the theory of nullification. Senator Daniel Webster of ****Massachusetts ****said that a state did not have the right to disobey federal law.

      • Calhoun reigned the vice-presidency and became a senator of South Carolina where he fought for state’s rights. Andrew Jackson argued it was illegal to defy federal law.

    • The other issues was the future of the National Bank

  1. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” for his toughness

  2. Major General during the War of 1812.

  3. Wins major victories in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend & The Battle of New Orleans

  4. Leads campaign against Seminole & Creek Indians.

President Jackson

  1. Becomes the 7th president

  2. Strengthens the power of the presidency

  3. Takes on many opponents

Jackson Vs. Bureaucracy

  1. Distrusts DC bureaucrats

  2. Fires hundreds and replaces with his supporters

  3. Rewards his campaign supporters with jobs – The Spoils System

Jackson Vs. Native Americans

  1. Passes the Indian Removal Act of 1830

  2. 5 Civilized Tribes” forced west to reservations

  3. The Trail of Tears was their route

Jackson Vs. The National Bank

  1. Thinks bank is the tool of the wealthy

  2. Vetoes its charter in 1832

  3. Places Federal money in state banks

  4. Causes Panic of 1837

Chapter 10 - The Age of Jackson 

  • Andrew Jackson was a strong leader and very popular to the American people during this time period. In his mind, politicians were corrupt and bad.

  • Jackson trusted the common man more than any earlier presidents.

  • The act of handing out government jobs to loyal followers is known as spoils system. Jackson replaced nearly one thousand government workers with his followers. Jackson did not listen to his cabinet, he listened to his friends instead. Those friends became known as the “Kitchen Cabinet”

  • Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. A piece of government legislature that removed 5 Indian tribes. “5 Civilized Tribes” were forced west to reservations. The Indians traveled on the Trail of Tears.

  • Seminole, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Cherokees were the 5 tribes forced west. In Worcester v Georgia*,*** John Marshall ordered Georgia to release the missionaries and told President Jackson to send troops into Georgia to remove white prospectors from Cherokee lands. Jackson ignored the Court.

  • John C. Calhoun was the US vice president and from the state South Carolina.

  • Nullification - an idea that a state can ignore, or invalidate, any federal law by saying the law is unconstitutional.

  • Industry in the north was mainly industrial with factories and ships while in the south the industry was mainly agricultural and farming.

  • Tariffs - taxes and fees paid on imports and exports

  • Law makers created tariffs to try and keep more money in America by making American products cheaper.

  • The South worried the tariffs would make foreign buyers look elsewhere to buy stuff and the South would lose money

  • South Carolina thought the federal government had violated state’s rights.

  • John Calhoun was vice-president during how many presidencies? 2

  • Calhoun believed the tariff did not help the whole country. ****

  • What did president Jackson do to South Carolina for opposing the tariffs? threaten to use force

  • President Jackson threatened war with South Carolina. The reason he did this is because South Carolina threatened Secession. The state was, basically, going to leave the U.S. and start it's own country.

  • What two issues would lead to the Civil War? ending slavery and tariffs

  • What state was the most against the Tariff and threatened to secede from the United States in 1832 until Andrew Jackson threatened military force? South Carolina

  • Two Controversial issues arose during Jackson’s presidency

    • One of the most important issues concerned the states and their rights in relation to the power of the federal government.

      • The nation began using tariffs to limit the importation of foreign goods. But this type of tariff, called a protective tariff, also raise the price of foreign goods. Encouraged the people to support the businesses in the United States.

      • The northern industries wanted to keep Americans from buying foreign goods. So they fought to keep protective tariff. They made American goods cheaper and foreign goods more expensive.

      • Because the South had remained agricultural, it needed to buy most of its manufactured goods from either the North or reign countries. The southerners depended on the profits they made from their crops to pay for those goods.

      • The high tariffs increased their costs and decreased both their profits and their trade with foreign countries. Selling cotton became more difficult as trade declined so cotton prices fell.

      • John C. Calhoun, Jackson’s vice president, became the leading defender of state’s rights. According to the theory of nullification. Senator Daniel Webster of ****Massachusetts ****said that a state did not have the right to disobey federal law.

      • Calhoun reigned the vice-presidency and became a senator of South Carolina where he fought for state’s rights. Andrew Jackson argued it was illegal to defy federal law.

    • The other issues was the future of the National Bank

  1. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” for his toughness

  2. Major General during the War of 1812.

  3. Wins major victories in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend & The Battle of New Orleans

  4. Leads campaign against Seminole & Creek Indians.

President Jackson

  1. Becomes the 7th president

  2. Strengthens the power of the presidency

  3. Takes on many opponents

Jackson Vs. Bureaucracy

  1. Distrusts DC bureaucrats

  2. Fires hundreds and replaces with his supporters

  3. Rewards his campaign supporters with jobs – The Spoils System

Jackson Vs. Native Americans

  1. Passes the Indian Removal Act of 1830

  2. 5 Civilized Tribes” forced west to reservations

  3. The Trail of Tears was their route

Jackson Vs. The National Bank

  1. Thinks bank is the tool of the wealthy

  2. Vetoes its charter in 1832

  3. Places Federal money in state banks

  4. Causes Panic of 1837
